The BubbleHead Gang


Active Member
]so ur saying
Dual Spectrum 65 Lights i have a big bulb that says for flowering frm sh
looks like my veg bulb just its does not have blue look it look yellow red i never used it just tested it to see difference
thought it was for flower i will buy the 2700s b4 i flower and 42 watts 2700s?


New Member
Best to have 60% 6500k (Cool White bulbs) and 40% 2700K ( warm White bulbs) for veg and 60% -2700k and 40% - 6500k for flower. You can go 70-30 or 80-20 if you want but lean to the side that the plant prefers according the the growth cycle. No exact science on this. Just general guildlines.

Personally I will veg with 2-105w 6500's and 1-105w 2700. I also have the option to go with 4 - 6500k 42 watts and 2 - 2700k 42 watts or any other combo I would like. It's more mix and match than you think.


Elite Rolling Society
I and Purp and MC need ideas and suggestions for a BubbleHead Contest. We have a decent PRIZE to give away.


Active Member
i like that idea of a prize
we should get u guys a prize
you got a noob growing a monster 1st time trying
as far a contest
ill be back w/ thoughts


Elite Rolling Society
We need ideas for a BubbleHead Contest!

We need a contest that anyone can win, and does not take over a week to compete in. Like maybe a written submission contest on a certain subject or topic???? like PH Control, or Temps, or Germination, etc

Or a photo contest, like who has the prettiest back of the head, longest hair, ugliest dog, etc

Or a joke contest, like the funniest way to get rid of an Ostrich or something like that???

Or a VOTE FOR contest.

But you got to display the BubbleHead logo and be an active member.

I have a $50 Gift Certificate to give away if the contest is good.

Any Ideas? Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Photo contest for best plant recovery? Must have before and after pics. Not a real good one, but trying to get the ball rolling without the same how to contest.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I maybe could have won that. My lady's were looking shady, but are doing awesome now....I don't wanna add the logo untill after I harvest at least once in this system, then I would feel I could lend somewhat good advice,


Well-Known Member
my only concern is people going home and overfeeding their plants, and turning on the heat in and dropping their 100w down so its touching the canopy, just to win a prize. (jk I dont see it being an actual problem)


Well-Known Member
If you go with this, I'd suggest fresh cut clones be cut from the contest, because tend to look pretty bad in the begening and usually come around quickly(too common)


Well-Known Member
another idea might be a Best rootball photo contest. Get a huge root porn contest going. Just hast to be dwc of bubbleponics.


New Member
I can never tell which root is which in the res. Keep trying! You're almost there! LOL!


What makes you think that you need to contribute before you join. It is in giving that we receive. Sometimes it's like a pop quiz to make sure I remember and get it drilled into my think head! Where would we be without those in need!