The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Im in the midlands me self and theres been a shit load of raids in the two of the towns! I got a bit paranoid ended up choping everything, fucking shit buzz!


Well-Known Member
I know and only one was even near ready got bout half ounce off hopefully! I was doing a small indoor if they were outside i wouldnt have gave a fuck, but you cant say you dont own something when its got in your gaf! Your the lad doing the attic grow arnt ya looks good man you pay much for your veg lights?

irish farmer

Active Member
Wel lads hows trix. Another bitch of a day whats every 1 at I just smoked a fat 1 and i'm baked. What are ye smoking at the mo. Anyone smoke that sandy pollen its expensive but a nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
Whats up farmer my mate was saying there was some nice pollen floating around dublin whats the lumps like? Im smoking a bit of uncured LR2 at the moment!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Whats up farmer my mate was saying there was some nice pollen floating around dublin whats the lumps like? Im smoking a bit of uncured LR2 at the moment!

Yea theres a bit of it floatin around alright, its o.k. A mate got a 8gram lump for 50 quid, still a rip off but its nicer than the soap. Theres some of that sandy shit goin around , havnt smoked any of it but i hear its nice. Some squidgy black floatin about aswell, its top class, tenner a gram tho.

irish farmer

Active Member
Its a dam nice smoke dan. I think its goin for 10euro a gram I got a quart from a mate he owed it. Uncured lr sounds harsh dude.


Well-Known Member
Ah its harsh alright but so are the times!haha! Yea i may do some talking to him see if he'll bring me down a bit, fucking ticks around its always either shit soapbar or weed thats been draged thru a beach!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Ha Richie hows trix man Hows your outdoor doin. I moved mine indoors to flower what about you

Yea there doin grand, both flowering as we speak...YaY! The weather is fuckin shit tho, went out to check them this morning and wasnt my power flower all batterd and blown over, I going to have to put some white bin liners over them when its raining, there getting kicked around. How far are yours along? Mine are just starting, the power flower is a little ahead of the skunk, why i dont know lol

irish farmer

Active Member
I got them indoor at the weekend. They seem to be fine I put them straight in at 12/12 so they should bust into flower. The white bin liner sounds like a good idea except air could be a prob.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I got them indoor at the weekend. They seem to be fine I put them straight in at 12/12 so they should bust into flower. The white bin liner sounds like a good idea except air could be a prob.

I was thinkin that, i wonder if you just put them on when its raining to keep them dry would it be o.k, i know for a fact if this rain keeps up im going to have the moldyist weed in ireland

irish farmer

Active Member
The plants will swet with the bags on not sure how much they will swet it might be as bad as being out in the rain. Could you just put a frame around them and use a bin liner like a flat roof.


Well-Known Member
Hey lads there a good while ago a mate of mine was saying two of the auld lads in the town had thing like that done some where they just builded a frame and stuck polythene on top for shelte, i reckon it'd work cause them always had smoke!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I dont know lads, the skunk is the height of the wall and building anything over it would just attract nabourly attention. I going to have to sort somthing out tho.

Im throwin a few pic's up now.


Well-Known Member
How far into flower is the skunk richie you might wana think about giving it a bit of a super cropping the next day we get a bit of sun!

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
How far into flower is the skunk richie you might wana think about giving it a bit of a super cropping the next day we get a bit of sun!

Id say its around a week, not much action just the usual pistils stickin out from the top, not as much as the power flower tho. Whats super cropping? Iv pinched higher top of the skunk there 2 weeks ago.

Id say if i didnt top the skunk it would proberly be pushing 10 foot ha ha


Lads hows things listin im a 1st time grower and iv grown 3 plants of the bubblegum strain and there 2weeks old today:lol: and iv just noticed in the last 2 days that there getting all pail spots on the leaves and the ends of the leaves are dryin , iv givin them feed twice and im woundering if that has anything to do with it. the rooms at around 80 - 90, got a 200w standard house light on it and a fan ,can anyone help ? cant let the girls die!