CFL Blackberry Indica/Sativa (Pics)


Active Member
First grow. This setup was going to be used to veg, but my first grow will be a harvest with manual pollination (if i get a male..hopefully I will, damn seed prices)

So, I know the benefits of supplemental side lighting when it comes to CFL, but I decided on a one level hanging fixture.

Open to comments/suggestions/criticism :)

Light Fixture:

1 week old:


12 Days Old + new cabinet and 'reflector':


More to come...

Some more specs:

foxfarm OF soil
FF nutes (grow big & tiger)
watering every other day, till run off
205w of CFL


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, you should cover the top on that light so it reflects down onto the plants



Active Member
Oh, my bad..I forgot the new cabinet picture.....

PS: forgot ventilation specs, PSU fan at the top, passive intake vent at the bottom, stays pretty cool, even with the new 'reflectors'


Well-Known Member
everything should be fine, might be a lil cold when the lights are off but she will be just fine


Well-Known Member
yea if it gets a lil cool they go purple, but mine always do that, never had any problems


Active Member
Awesome, thanks again for the fast replies...put a similar post in Plant Problems...guess it's too late, still no responses


Well-Known Member
Love the fixture design. Wish i wasn't so lazy and mine looked like that. Great start keep it up!


Active Member
Love the fixture design. Wish i wasn't so lazy and mine looked like that. Great start keep it up!

Thanks man, it wasn't too hard, only took about 30 minutes of work and $20 not including the bulbs.
$5 wood, $8 for all outlets, $6 for adapters



Active Member
The big 14 Day mark ;)
--Read SeeMoreBuds and considered going into flower on the 16th day, but my plants are not yet at 6", so I will wait until day 18-21.

All 3:

The Runt:

The middle girl (hopefully):

Aand the big 'un



Active Member
Thanks man...Also, I re-read the section in More BUD for less, and it said he started 12/12 at 4.5", not 6" I may begin tomorrow like planned :)


Well-Known Member
yea man pic 2 definitely takin off, i would give them some time before flower, maybe an extra 10 days, how much room you got to work with?