Finding the best seed banks, which will send the genetics you order.


Ok, I’m catching on how this works. Seed bank websites are popping up everywhere knowing there is a huge demand for their products. The main problem is many of them take advantage of that demand to scam buyers. They know a few things, that they can make a ton of money before they must start a new site, they can buy seed review on link sites (that get paid to send them new marks), and even provide some genuine seeds to confuse buyers.

Another thing they know is it will take months before the buyer will know that they got burned and that most buyers will not do anything in response other than try another bank and hope it doesn’t happen again. The few that do try to contact them will give up when emails are ignored for weeks, the ones that do get mailed back are tolled it is their fault some how and if that doesn’t work they can just send out more trash seeds to put them off for more months.

Another thing that seems clear is that breeders are using genetic manipulation to at least alter hormones to produce feminized seeds. What is not clear is how mutant seeds that don’t form flowers or stop growing are being produced and why they are being sent out as a genuine product.

Genetic/hormone manipulations can affect other hormones that can change the characteristics of the adult plant. I suspect that some of these manipulations go bad and may be responsible for the freak plants that don’t flower or stop growing. I have also had other mutations that showed up as leaf disorders. I don’t know for sure but I don’t think theses manipulations affect the end user other than make them mad they wasted time and money.

Knowing all this it seems the best way to know who to trust are sites like this and honest people creating their own list of banks that can be trusted. By trust I mean banks that actually send buyers what they ordered.

If anyone has info that deals with this subject or knows a better way to keep seed banks honest, please post it.

Please! Only intelligent helpful responses, no 4th grade personal insults.

Also see this post dealing with this subject.

PS. Anybody know why my animated gif avatar is not animating


Well-Known Member
"Only intelligent helpful responses, no 4th grade personal insults."

I'll do my best to keep this to at least a 5th grade level.


"Another thing that seems clear is that breeders are using genetic manipulation to at least alter hormones to produce feminized seeds."


Not always.


Most times collidal silver.

"What is not clear is how mutant seeds that don’t form flowers or stop growing are being produced and why they are being sent out as a genuine product."

1. What do you mean mutant seed? Feminized? Not a mutation, natural part of the life cycle for a late flower plant.
2. Seeds do not form flowers, the plants do and seeds grow in the flowers.
3. By stop growing do you mean stop living, stop getting bigger, stop maturing?
4. If a feminized seed is made according to industry standards and is advertised as an S1 then it is genuine.


5. Did you do any research before buying your seeds or just pick a strain you liked at a decent price? What strain/breeder has you so upset?


What do you want to know? Which seedbank is safe to order seeds from and be fairly sure of getting the advertised genetics?

- order full packs only, not single seeds.
- most European breeders have professional packaging; North Americans' send their seeds in air hose, or pieces of corrugated sign board.

These guys are good:


Check out this review site. Contains some, but not all, good banks. Avoid the banks they advise against.


Check out this thread of feminized seeds and hermies:





I can’t tell how much of what you said if any was suppose to be serious. I like the keeping it at least at 5th grade level part and the “Seeds do not form flowers, the plants do and seeds grow in the flowers.”

I guess some readers here may not know that.

The parts that seemed serious l will try to answer.
Your mention of “colloidal silver”, I am Familiar with it but not how it relates to anything in this thread. Please explain how it relates.

By mutant seeds, I mean ones that are genetically or hormonally altered and (when grown) don’t form flowers or stop growing. My other post referenced explains more.

By feminized, I mean the ones that are hormonally altered to produce females.

By NOT stop growing, I mean not going into the flowering stage and staying in the vegetative stage. This also explained more in my other post.

I know about F1 hybrid but not an “S1” what is an S1 hybrid?

I did research, then picked a strain I liked at a decent price. Again my other post talks about. ( and

I think we all would like to know what seed banks can be trusted, but more to the point who actually got finished bud that look like what was ordered. Not just a list of banks.

I agree that you may get at least some useable genetics if you get a ten pack instead of singles.

Please no posts on stealth packaging!

Have all of your suggested banks came through with what you ordered or did you just hear they were good second hand?


Active Member
Scamstopper it seems you got one bad batch of seeds and this is like your fourth thread complaining about it. Now, Im no high and mighty person to judge and feel free to rant all you want. But if you want to find success you must work for it. You can't just ask 9 peoples opinion about what seeds are the best and expect for all 9 of those people to be accurate. If you really want good seeds do your research and make a second attemp. I read your other threads on how you got some seeds (through nirvana I believe) and they never bloomed or were some mutant plant. I also got seeds from nirvana and they are phenominal. Your not going to get lucky on every purchase and if you don't like taking a chance at losing a few bucks, then grow from clone or order a shit load of seeds (just one time) and find the one best mother and keep it. I mean there are so many options and it's so easy to see that, yet you bring alot of negativity to the threads. Like I said I'm a nobody man and I wish you the best of luck with growing, but just buy some more seeds bro and give it a second shot. Your bound to find good genitics.


Well-Known Member
"Like I said I'm a nobody man"


You are somebody Superdave, you had your own TV show man!

Read this aloud - "I am Superdave Osborne and I. AM. SOMEBODY!"



What do you want to know?

One sentence, maximum 20 words.

Done get me wrong, I love the rant and welcome more! It's just that your thoughts seem somewhat dyslexic when committed to print, I read your post several times and still don't understand your intent completely.

If all you want is good beans then any of the 4 companies I've linked above are reliable seedbanks, I've ordered from each at least once. Dr Greenthumb is a breeder/seedbank, absolutely fantastic beans - order Endless Sky and in: 5 weeks of veg; 6 weeks of flower; 4 weeks of dry/cure you'll be a happy guy. Any of Subcool's (TGA) beans are fantastic, pick the effects you want. The other two seed banks are reliable, just research the breeder and strain, stay away from feminized seeds.

Good luck.





"I read your other threads on how you got some seeds (through nirvana I believe)"

Some people swear by Nirvana, I wouldn't grow their beans if given them for free.



Yes I am misunderstood allot and seem to need to clarify too much.

Just because you may not understand someone doesn’t mean their wrong or ranting.

It’s not a rant, just trying to be informative, and I would rather get my point across with fewer words but even when I explain things in detail some people still don’t know what I am saying.

I’m not asking 9 people for there opinions, I am asking every one on this site and anyone using the key words on the Internet who actually got what they ordered so we all can know what seed banks to trust.

I’m not posting for me as much as trying to help others make informed decisions about how to not get scammed, save time and money, and just be more successful with their grow. I see there is allot of confusion about many subjects that I may be able to help with.


Well-Known Member
Omfg scamstopper stop trying to advertise your post and ur "mutant" plant that no one has seen. We get it nirvana gave you some bad seeds. Quit mentioning it. Get over you little cry baby.



Please no personal insults,

Again, I am not advertising anything just being informative.

Many others have got mutant plants, I didn’t know how many until I looked around on just this site. It seems to be a wide spread problem that is not well understood. Also As I have said it’s not just nirvana-shop that sells them.

Again, Please! Only intelligent helpful responses, no 4th grade personal insults.


Well-Known Member
Well its not hard to find a good seedbank buddy. My puppy could find a good seedbank on here. How about the attitude, i know its not very big or advertised or used but im sure its good.


New Member
I’m not asking 9 people for there opinions, I am asking every one on this site and anyone using the key words on the Internet who actually got what they ordered so we all can know what seed banks to trust.

There just happens to be an entire subforum dedicated to that exact same thing. :dunce:

I have used seed boutique to buy FEM GH church. My buds look virtually identical to the ones in the pictures, no hermie issues at all.

If you stick with a reputable bank 99/100 you will get the seeds you ordered.

Some breeders fem seeds are better than others. DP stands out in my mind as having lots of problems w/ their fems. Most people would say nirvana is a lower end breeder, so having issues with their fem seeds would not be a shocker.

Bottom your homework before spending your money.


Well-Known Member
haha yea, same , ive never seen hobbes get mad. He either helps out with info or doesnt post on the thread.


Whatever you want to say it can be said without ugly insults and emotions.

I don’t deal with this kind of ugly communication much and prefer to only respond to constructive comments.

All posts that have confirmed getting what they ordered are greatly appreciated.

Please, no ugly insults or comments, lets keep it friendly and above that kind of behavior.


Well-Known Member
"1300+ posts and this is the first time I can ever recall hobbes getting pissed about anything"

Guys I've been pissing myself laughing this whole thread - I had no fucking idea what he was talking about in his first post and it reminded me of this kid I saw trying to do layups and hammering the basketball off the backboard so it landed beyond the foul line. And if that makes no sense to you think how I feel with this thread! WTF does he mean?!

Humor doesn't pass well on the forum sometimes, but believe me when I say that I wrote that with no malice and was laughing the whole time. Like Peter Griffin (Family Guy), quietly almost under his breath: "You son of a bitch." Then the chicken fights start. Picture Peter Griffin saying what I wrote if you read it again.

I still don't know what this guy wants! LOL!

Besides, last night I brought down a new batch of Kali Mist last night, been curing 4 weeks. I've been mixing with some Taiga and getting some interesting results. I've been hitting a bowl on the Volcano every 45 minutes or so and, although it is against forum rules, I am posting while high.

I feel I had to come clean on that.


ps Who else turns their vaporizer on before pissing in the morning?

