need some ideals on a PC planter


Well-Known Member
yes they do jus not as much if you dont give her any N the lower leaves will yellow of to quick jus dont give it a super lot ya kno lol maybe swap in a veg feed every other week up til like 3 to 4 weeks to go


Active Member
yeah thats cool can do... i am thinking of vegging for 3 weeks and then flowering i need it to be a very small plant plus i am going to do a Low Stress Training on this grow....:weed:


Well-Known Member
rite on i did lst really late this year and it worked really good man i wish i woulda done it earlier


well you should not use foil.... try white paint or a refecltor for car winsheild works great looking good what strain is your plants:leaf:
true i figured foil would be good for Cfl's.

i know it caused to much heat / burning for my hps.

clones came from bag seed. ( $350- 400 an oz )

finally got 2X 4 inch fan's, just finished hooking them up.

ill take new pictures in a few and upload them.

rite on i did lst really late this year and it worked really good man i wish i woulda done it earlier
i have 1 Lst ill take a quick picture of that also. ( i was going to do a full circle with the plant, but decided to only bend the stem )



Well-Known Member
rite on man yeah foil works but i jus wouldnt risk it cause the damn hotspots ya kno and yeah thats what i did with mine it was more of a light thing bein one plant stunted in veg but i tied it down 2 week of flower lol


Well-Known Member
dude its not only doable but very likely on a lst as long as the light and airs good


Well-Known Member
well rite on then that should do the trick man howak showed me this video on you tube search for pc grow on there its the first on the list youll be amazed lol


Active Member
done seen that video i dont think he got but maybe a a half oz i want a oz or more but i think it depends on the strain i got a bagseed and a strawberry kush seed... i already have a baby for the strawberry kush


Well-Known Member
rite on strawberry produces alrite i heard never grown it myself i think he had lr2 in there but damn that was a massive cola huh lol but bein that was a short one and he didnt fill out the screenis why he didnt get a ton but you fill that box up youll get a ounce


Well-Known Member
depends on how big ya want it id atleast veg for 3 weeks to a month since your gonna lst ( more growth more bud sites) as for flower you let em flower til their done lol youll kno when its near then jus check the trics


plus i was wondering if i could do 2 plants grow with LST if they would both fit in my box

if you let them grow to long, the females will start to grow bananas ( male parts ) so it can try and reproduce. at least thats what ive heard.

people say once its about 50% amber to harvest. but im not 100% sure what they mean by amber.

i have a Lst plant. its 7 inches tall. 8-10 bud sites on it. im hoping for a half oz. but ill prolly only get a quater.


Well-Known Member
im sure it would itll jus be a tight fit prolly, and the yellowing leaves is the plant using up all the N toproduce buds and they were saying about the trics the crystals you have to get a microscope or magnifying glass and look close clears not ready cloudys almost there(or really head high) half cloudy half amber is great mix to harvest , and mostly to all amber is done done its a good couch lock


Active Member
are you going to flower now or you vegging longer... plus what strain is your plant post some pics on my thread let me check it out man :clap:


Well-Known Member
and yep they grow too long the plant takes it upon its self to keep the race alive so it herms and grows dicks lol (most off the time)