15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed

how big are these puppies if your topping them already?

pretty sur emy one female is a fuckin hermie i had to cut off a bunch of balls hopefully they dont grow back
first node is when i top but i transplanted all ten outside this mornin i just got back from doing it its a little windy here today and cloudy but when i got to the spot it was fairly wet and moist it dident rain last night so thats good ive already added soil i put it in a while back and it was soft enough i dug it with my hands cuz i couldent remember where i hid my shovel and couldent find the damn thing lol but it went good a little nerve racking but i got it done i need to get the irrigation system out there might do that tonight
yea it was nerv racking this mornin drivin with ten plants in a rubbermaid tote next to me in the passenger seat i have to park on the side of a road and then go under a barbwire fence its public land tho no treaspassing fuck the govermnent not the people i would never grow somewhere unless i had permission from the owner or it was public land. i need to drive back and take the irrigation systenm out there but not today the ground was nice and moist this mornin when i went i used my hands to dig so ill prolly wait till tomorow to go back i need some pesticides too but the plants around it dont seem to be affected at all by bugs but i dont wanna take any chances ill start germin ten more tonight to go in the box its unpluged now so timers will have to be reset no big deal i wish i could upload pics but o well it can wait yall will just have to trust me but i have high hopes for this attempt if anyone has anyone good ideas for pesticides you can get at lowes or walmart i would appreciate it i will be puttin up a small fence too about # foot cuz there was a hole out there freshly dug by somethin and my neighbors damn cat is diggin in my garden in my back yard almost took out one of my plants dogs might take up residince in the back if this continues
yea it was nerv racking this mornin drivin with ten plants in a rubbermaid tote next to me in the passenger seat i have to park on the side of a road and then go under a barbwire fence its public land tho no treaspassing fuck the govermnent not the people i would never grow somewhere unless i had permission from the owner or it was public land. i need to drive back and take the irrigation systenm out there but not today the ground was nice and moist this mornin when i went i used my hands to dig so ill prolly wait till tomorow to go back i need some pesticides too but the plants around it dont seem to be affected at all by bugs but i dont wanna take any chances ill start germin ten more tonight to go in the box its unpluged now so timers will have to be reset no big deal i wish i could upload pics but o well it can wait yall will just have to trust me but i have high hopes for this attempt if anyone has anyone good ideas for pesticides you can get at lowes or walmart i would appreciate it i will be puttin up a small fence too about # foot cuz there was a hole out there freshly dug by somethin and my neighbors damn cat is diggin in my garden in my back yard almost took out one of my plants dogs might take up residince in the back if this continues
yea i bet dat was real nerve rackin doin that shit hahahah!!!!!everything sounds good man ready to see sum pics!what 10 seeds are u goin to do inside?:weed:
yea i bet dat was real nerve rackin doin that shit hahahah!!!!!everything sounds good man ready to see sum pics!what 10 seeds are u goin to do inside?:weed:
the five in the pen and then 5 from the others idk tho i might do 3 from the pen i havent decided
the five in the pen and then 5 from the others idk tho i might do 3 from the pen i havent decided
yea i want to see how the ones in the pen do cause those are the ones that came out of dat bud pic i posted on the last page:weed:let me know what u decide to do :-P
yea i want to see how the ones in the pen do cause those are the ones that came out of dat bud pic i posted on the last page:weed:let me know what u decide to do :-P
for shure man but the cops has been crazy around here lately the show cops has been here for 3 weeks out of 8 so im waitin
fuck dude that sucks my neighborhood has a payed sheriff that comes thru once a week but they he dont fuck with anyone except the dirts lol
what up pit heres a couple of pics of that bud that the 5 came out of(if u know what iam sayin) just a little bit of this shit got me so stoned :weed:

lol those buds look like fire regs man. wait untill the sour kushes are done then take some pics
haha cool and fuck cops im gettin up early tomorrow to take the irrigation system out there and then its off to the first day of college