Richie LxP
Well-Known Member
1.8g of shite for £20....
i know plennnnty of nice people that smoke. how come then all the dealers are the scummiest, un-wantable, cocks, that are the dealers?
i also don't understand their game plan. as the moment i get passed over something like this, well it's quite simple. i will not ever phone that person again o even consider using them. so what are they acheiving, cutting off their cusotme ase, well they live in these shit holes for a reason, they ent to bright!!! dumb ass chav twats! arrrrrr
I coudnt have said it better myself mate, it seriously grinds my gears big time

I can not wait for the end of year harvest, some of my own homegrown that i know it not fucked with in anyway.
Has onyone incounterd shit that is weighed down to the bollix? Like i got a few nugs off a mate the other week and they felt kinda heavy, anyway i whacked it on the scales and it weighed like 2.3 grams?!?! It was burning all weird aswell.
I can not stand the way little cunts can fuck around with it just to make a few quid extra! Are they not makin anough cash already!?! penny pinchin fuckers!!!