HUZZAH!!! I agree with most of your post except for the flat tax statement...a great deal of libertarians have embraced the "Fair Tax" and there are no valid arguments against it... valid being the key word. Great book that explains the system and answers all of the bogus arguments against it. Eliminate the IRS and the governments ability to tax us into oblivion in one shot.Dem. I would like to be an independent, but there really is not a good enough choice out there to be one.
I like things from most of the 3rd parties, but they just go off the deep end with most of them. Green party goes too far with not grasping the free market, libertarians go off too much in flat taxes and I really don't know enough about the others out there to take them too seriously.
And I stay out of the Republican party mostly due to social issues that they push like abortion, gay rights, and immigration.
Your right I meant fair tax, not flat.HUZZAH!!! I agree with most of your post except for the flat tax statement...a great deal of libertarians have embraced the "Fair Tax" and there are no valid arguments against it... valid being the key word. Great book that explains the system and answers all of the bogus arguments against it. Eliminate the IRS and the governments ability to tax us into oblivion in one shot.
Also, I really can't find much fault in wanting illegal aliens out of the country, if we really need bodies to fill jobs that citizens don't want, I'm sure we can find plenty of folks who would love to come here legally. It's really not hard to accomplish their removal, just make it impossible for employers from hiring them. So many ways to do it, it's absurd to make the argument it would be difficult. They will leave on their own...can't make money here...gotta leave.
Historically - fiscally the dems spend more, and Obama with the help of his Dem posse' has spent more in his first year, and any president since WWII.The difference between republicans and dems fiscally is so close it hardly matters. But the social issues are pretty far apart.
Mostly on the state level, anti-abortion laws, gay marriage, intelligent design, bible studies in school, ect. That is where most the differences shine. Once they get to the fed level nobody has much control.Socially I don't see much difference. The Dems would like you to believe the republicans want to make Christianity the national religion, and criminalize abortion, but none of that happened when the republicans recently had control of all 3 branches of government.
That's pure fictionMostly on the state level, anti-abortion laws, gay marriage, intelligent design, bible studies in school, ect. That is where most the differences shine. Once they get to the fed level nobody has much control.
Again mostly on the state level you will start to see the differences with the issues I put down. But when a third of the republican presidential hopefuls raise their hand to say they did not believe in evolution I get scared.That's pure fiction
Even Obama is against gay marriage
Liberals may throw a fit every time someone prays in a school - unless they're Muslim prayers lol - but no president has ever ran on such a leftist platform.
This is all theoretical, and both parties fear monger in order to divide and concur us. There's very little that has been blocked by either party. Even Clinton signed every republican bill that came across his desk. The budget was balanced by ending welfare, and that was because we had a republican congress...
But now the parties blur
But why do you care so much what republicans believe? Aren't we entitled to believe what we like, without government dictating? this is what the founding fathers were trying to get away fromAgain mostly on the state level you will start to see the differences with the issues I put down. But when a third of the republican presidential hopefuls raise their hand to say they did not believe in evolution I get scared.
Democrats create programs like welfare that do not encourage people to better themselves.I'm with Hannimal on this one. I vote democrat because I wholly disagree with the intolerant social positions of the republican platform. Here's why:
Immigration. I believe we should keep our borders open and welcome immigrants into this country for ONE reason. THE ORIGINAL FOUNDERS OF THIS COUNTRY WERE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! They came here, killed the native americans, and took over. It is the ultimate in hypocrisy to disallow anyone else to enter our country when we invaded in the first place.
Gay Marriage. Gay couples have EVERY right to marry in my opinion. This is a religious argument and has NO place in politics. If it MUST have a justification rooted in religion, then it's weak. I understand that one could make a biological argument, but it's weak as well and opens Pandora's Box. So keep your religion out of my policy. Gays should be allowed to marry and get the same benefits.
Poverty. I was lucky enough to be born in a family that could care for me (key word - LUCKY). My parents raised me well. I feel bad for kids whose parents are bums and lowlifes. It gives the kid an unfair advantage in life. Kids born into extreme poverty and low-opportunity have a rough road ahead of them. They can make something of themselves, but have hurdles that most of us never encounter in our lives. I feel for them and want to help them. I believe that our past actions towards native americans and african americans require us to act compassionately for once in our lives as a nation. Let's try to help the kids born into unfortunate situations so that they can make something of themselves.
For the three reasons mentioned above, I vote democrat. Republican policy leaves NO room for compassion and I live my life by the tenet that we should reciprocate what was given to us in life. That's why I vote democrat.
No, they're giving individuals CHOICE and freedom over their bodies.Democrats create programs like welfare that do not encourage people to better themselves.
Are democrats being compassionate when they support abortion?
No they're pushing their Eugenics agenda, because they have no regard for human life.No, they're giving individuals CHOICE and freedom over their bodies.