my wife was completely against me growing, I mean huge ass arguments about it for mths. Now, i smoked a quarter to a half an oz a week depending on how bad things get, which would cost me $80 to $160 a week. I dont know how much you smoke or how much you spend on it. But I had an idea

, I slowed down on my smoking(making sure it lasted) but i took the same amount of $$ out of our acct every week, stashed it!!! She saw no diff., When i thought i had enough $$ saved for the supplies i wanted, took a few mths and i never brought up the subject, i made my approach. It went like this:
me: I'm going to make a grow room.(dont ask her, tell her)
wife: Think so huh.

me: well the way i see it, if you allow me to grow my own shit, I wont buy anymore, from today on. No more!!!
wife: yea right
me: seriously, the $$ saved alone is a small fortune.
wife: why cant you quit smoking and not grow, we'll save the same amount.



, i wont ever stop smoking, you married it, live with it. That means a lifetime of $$ released into the air.
wife: what r u going to do with the money you normally spend on it.

thought we could save it to use for a vacation, or what ever.
wife: do you really think you can go that long without buying any weed?
me: yes

wife: fine you can do it, but if you buy just 1 bag I'll destroy everything you use to grow, and your plants.
me:kiss-assthank you, thank you, thank you.
Have'nt bought a bag in 2 yrs , and have'nt stoped growing either for 2 yrs. You may make all the $$ but she has the power of the PUSSY. And she can make your life hell.
This method has worked for me and 2 of my friends .
Good luck, & god speed my friend.