Check out what I found


So I stumbled upon these awhile ago and was wondering what you guys think of these ladies, there is probably about 6 total that I found and the pictures are just of one of the them taken about 3 weeks back. I have been mixing foxfarm open sesame with some molasses mixed in a one gallon jug and have been watering them for the past two weeks, it does as it says, they are flowering like crazy. When I found them there were males around and I know for sure there are seeds in them but im hoping that they will turn out decent. After the foxfarm open seseme ill go to beastie bloomz and then cha ching. (The last three stages for flowering)

Let me know how you think they will turn out, thanks guys!



molasses is suppose to thicken up the buds, seems to be working, i just took a look at them an hour or so ago and there are tiny crystals on em:weed:


Well-Known Member
molasses is suppose to thicken up the buds, seems to be working, i just took a look at them an hour or so ago and there are tiny crystals on em:weed:
What do you meen when you say found? were they wild or did you jack a growers plants?


Hey man i wouldnt jack shit, they have been growing back there for years, i know that for a fact and they are nobodys crop or else i wouldent be taking care of them. I respect other peoples grow and i would expect the same for mine, we are all friends here man!


Well-Known Member
Hey man i wouldnt jack shit, they have been growing back there for years, i know that for a fact and they are nobodys crop or else i wouldent be taking care of them. I respect other peoples grow and i would expect the same for mine, we are all friends here man!
Thats why I ask you if they were wild. good luck
dude someone had to plant the MFs.. Weed doesnt just fucking spring up in patches like that.. Maybe one plant but not multiple plants.. I had a plant start growing in my back yard beside the back steps that came from a seed that was in a roach I must have thrown away because its where I smoked all the time and threw my roaches. SO maybe just maybe that is someones smoking spot in the woods and the seeds came from a roach or was dropped when rolling a J or w/e.. But I really doubt it since there are so many plants.. Thats someones crop , or either ther just urs and your jsut saying you "found" em. lol


Well-Known Member
dude someone had to plant the MFs.. Weed doesnt just fucking spring up in patches like that.. Maybe one plant but not multiple plants.. I had a plant start growing in my back yard beside the back steps that came from a seed that was in a roach I must have thrown away because its where I smoked all the time and threw my roaches. SO maybe just maybe that is someones smoking spot in the woods and the seeds came from a roach or was dropped when rolling a J or w/e.. But I really doubt it since ther is so many plants.. Thats someones crop , or either ther just urs and your jsut saying you "found" em. lol
I think he is talking more in the line of ditch weed.


Well-Known Member
I hate to break this to you fellas but here in Midwest there are wild mj plants all over so it's no surprise to me to hear so many people finding wild marijuana. We(the members of this site) are the ones that would recognize it and we do take alot of walks into isolated wooded areas. What I want to know is why everyone on this site is so quick to call someone a thief? I understand, you live in Cali and your secret crop got stolen before, well boo frickin hoo, not every wild patch of cannibis is someone's grow. Stop calling people you don't know liars and theives. The guy said that he was sure it was a wild crop, that there were males around which is a pretty good indicater that someone is not caring for it, why don't you believe him? Maybe in Cali the odds of finding someone's grow are high while the odds of finding a wild cannibis crop are low. Here in the Midwest I'd say the oppisite is true, if you knew your history you'd know that almost everyone used to grow cannibis for various purposes and now even a hundred years later there are still wild patches all over.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
dude someone had to plant the MFs.. Weed doesnt just fucking spring up in patches like that.. Maybe one plant but not multiple plants.. I had a plant start growing in my back yard beside the back steps that came from a seed that was in a roach I must have thrown away because its where I smoked all the time and threw my roaches. SO maybe just maybe that is someones smoking spot in the woods and the seeds came from a roach or was dropped when rolling a J or w/e.. But I really doubt it since there are so many plants.. Thats someones crop , or either ther just urs and your jsut saying you "found" em. lol

Fletch:Delta touched on it already but it is very common to find random ditch weed especially in the midwest and plains. Seeds can be anywhere and by looking at the pictures those look like everyday ditch weed plants which is an MJ plant but more on the lines of a hemp type plant which with extra care will produce some lower quality buds on them. Its just wild MJ thats native to our country and actually is pretty common in the wild


Thanks for the back up, honestly your pretty much right on about how I came across them and I am in the midwest and I have come to realize it is very common to see weed growing if you look. But honesly, if I take good care of them and give em good nuts do you think ill have some decent buds? Like I said I'm gonna try and post more pics, maybe that will change you mind cause they have gotten much bigger.


Active Member
the wild weed that grows in the midwest has an average of 1/2% thc... yes 1/2% so you may not get high smoking it unless it had been crossed with someones bud some time... this could be the case. or maybe you stumbled across a patch that had at one time been someones grow years ago and they never weeded out (no pun intended) the males and this patch has just been surviving for years and years continually reproducing and dropping seeds. if this is the case you may be able to find more plants nearby as birds and such would have spread the seeds about. third thing to consider is that since it appears to be on the edge of a field, which is a very common spot for growers, is that this could possibly be someones grow. if this is the case i would be very very cautious because people can be very defensive of their plants and they may have a HUGE problem with you being there and messing with their crop. in any case its a great find and keep us posted if you decide to watch them grow!


Well-Known Member
ok he "stumbled on them" aka there HIS grow but for privacy reasons hes not fessin to anything but he still needs help with


Well-Known Member
i've got family that live and fish the missouri river. i was with one of my cousins and we came across a boatload of plants, i thought i was rich!!!! my cuz told me it was called plain jane, and grew wild all over the river banks and not worth smoking. i guess that is what they call ditch weed?