Dr. Haze
Well-Known Member
"lsd is actually not just one drug there are so many types"
What the hell are you talking about? LSD-25 is one drug.
"it is a very unpredictable drug and works by activateing parts of your brain that r not normally active"
How is that? LSD works off of your 5HT2A receptor.. you're telling me serotonin is a part of your brain that is not normally active?
"lsd is impossible to overdose on and the drug itself cannot kill you"
What are you talking about? It is improbable to OD from LSD, but the
LD50 is:
LSD 46 mg/Kg iv mice
"the stories about ppl living the rest of there life thinking they are a glass of jucie or other bullshit not true"
Sure people exagerrate, but it is possible to have residual effects from tripping:
Please man, do some homework before you go on a big rant.
lsd-25 is one drug but there ARE other forms ...
okay oding do u know how much lsd is in the average dose??? because when u tak acid u r taking micrograms of it
that ld50
is insanely high take that dose im sure youll go crazy and kill ur self long b4 the acid dose
and i did say there can be residual effects ...
but the storys ppl hear ARE BULLSHIT!
and serotonin is not the only thing lsd effects u ever see a scan of a brain on acid look it up asshole lsd turns on so many switches ive done so much fuckin research on this shit and i know wtf im talking about you r more likly to get hit by lghtning than od on acid it just dosent happen ,,,, maybe you should stop trying to start a fight and take ur head outta ur ass long enough to do a lil reaserch
and maybe u can learn a thing or to

but props to you for being the biggest douche bag on rollitup!