Roll your joints with or without filter?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I've been smoking pot for years and until this post right here I've never heard of a filter or tip for a joint and I've smoked with a lot of people over the years.


Well-Known Member
Really? Never even heard of it? Wow, that's surprising! Next time you roll a joint just put a small tube of card paper in the front, it will hit harder, use all the weed and you'll have something to hold on to without burning your fingers.


Well-Known Member
I ALWAYS roll with a crutch / roach / lefty whatever you call it.

I find it hits better, easier to pass and like others say, you smoke it all the way down.
Resin lips? I've smoked 100s of joints withOUT filters and never gotten that nor heard of it.

But as for your question, i choose without. if you roll a joint properly, i see no need for a filter...just means more work + less space for more weed.
dont think your smoking the right stuff


Well-Known Member
Holy shit Tom Green is the man ^
and I can understand if you're alone.
Yeah, mostly I tip shared joints because there is always someone who likes slobbering on it, and then the joint falls apart... I find tips help keep a joint stronger.

And Tom Green is most certainly the man. I saw him in Toronto, On. with the "Keepin' It Real Crew." By far one of the best nights of my life.


Active Member
Obviously there not gettin as high as us if there using them ha..
I never waste without a filter. If I start burnin my fingers I can just throw it in a pipe and smoke that. I've never burned a filter (as someone assumed I was saying I had when I said it tastes bad), the cardboard taste just latches onto the smoke or something cause I can taste it. Its nasty. I'd rather just taste chronic.


Well-Known Member
Always without. Them filters are for pussies.
The whole city of Amsterdam is full of pussies I guess. You can't buy a joint without a tip there.

filter on a joint wtf....... are you fucking high..
Filters are also called tips, roaches, or lefties. They aren't cigarette filters, they are just rolls of card paper. I've said this like 5 times now, does anyone even read the whole thread before posting?


Well-Known Member
The whole city of Amsterdam is full of pussies I guess. You can't buy a joint without a tip there.

Filters are also called tips, roaches, or lefties. They aren't cigarette filters, they are just rolls of card paper. I've said this like 5 times now, does anyone even read the whole thread before posting?
Ye well if ur in amsterd and ur buying them pre rolled spliffs with the filters ur a serious pussy, they hardly put any weed in them. I lived in the Dam for 3 months and noone over there except light weights smoke them pre rolled spliffs.

A filter is not a roache, or a rolled piece of cardboard. They are the same as a filter on a cigerrette. You can buy packs of them and u put it in the top of a spliff like a roache, there cotton filtersbongsmilie. Everybody roeches spliffs.


Well-Known Member
Ye well if ur in amsterd and ur buying them pre rolled spliffs with the filters ur a serious pussy, they hardly put any weed in them. I lived in the Dam for 3 months and noone over there except light weights smoke them pre rolled spliffs.

A filter is not a roache, or a rolled piece of cardboard. They are the same as a filter on a cigerrette. You can buy packs of them and u put it in the top of a spliff like a roache, there cotton filtersbongsmilie. Everybody roeches spliffs.
A roach and a filter are the same thing.... It just depends where you live. And not just pre-rolled joints have tips, everybody rolls tips in their joints. Every single coffee shop has tips and rolling papers on the counter. They don't actually filter anything, they are just called filters by some people.
I have NEVER heard of anyone putting actual cigarette filters in their joints, that would be ridiculous.


Active Member
The filter doesn't have anything in it, it's just a hollow tube of card paper, look I have a book of them. And if you can't roll a joint make a pre-roll and pack it with weed, this is how they make such prefect joints in coffee shops. I watched two guys churn out like 5 joints a minute because one guy would make these tubes and the other one would use a plastic straw to stuff them with weed. ALWAYS TIP!
filter is drenches in resin after the joint is finished... always.