Grow Tattoo


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im thinking of getting a tattoo for the first time and i want to dedicate it to my passion for weed a growing. I was wondering if anyone could draw a good tattoo for me something that involves weed and growing. like a greenthumb or something cool. I also dont know where i would put it. The reason i ask you guys is because i have absolutly no creative parts of me. I cant draw for shit lol.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
something that had like a fully buded plant with a light on top setting in a dwc bubbler. drown in a gaffitie anime style


Well-Known Member
i made it there and had a different title, saying artists needed for growing, maybe it will stick idk. I wanted something just wild involving trichs, bud and weed leaves. Im not very creative so i cant really think of anything lol.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Im a licensed tattoo artist...ill give you my professional opinion.
I understand your concept and I dig it, but I would be very careful what you choose as an image on your body.
Id stay away from a pot leaf or anything very obvious, the green thumb w/ a light is a good idea.

Ive tattooed the chemical symbol for THC, but ive never tattooed a pot leaf; never will.
That has the ability to come back and bite you in the ass somewhere down the line. Be it cops or explaining to your kids what the giant pot leaf on you is all about.

Im busy drawing for customers (thankfully), but Ill draw something for you when i have some time to draw for fun.
I only ask that if you like it and get it tattooed you post a pic of the tattoo for me.


Well-Known Member
yea i understand, i didnt want a pot leaf too obvious, kinda leaning toward more of a growing theme with some trichs or something.

as for if i ever have kids, i wont care if they smoke or explaining to them that i do. In my mind me smoking is like drinking. Some people come home from work and sit down, watch tv and drink a beer.
i come home, sit down watch tv and roll up.