200 watts mixed cfls 2 plants 3 days flowering pics


Well-Known Member
ok so ive had these plants flowering for 3 days so far, the one on the left i already know is a female so thats good. preflowered before switching the lights to 12/12. the one on the right im still unsure, hoping for a female bcuz its super bushy mostly indica i presume. they are under 200 watts of mostly softwhite and some daylight bulbs. they vegged for about 2 months and before that suffered massive stress from environment and SUPER shitty soil. now i got them on MG bloom npk 8-30-16. they are in african violet mg soil and in 2.5 gallon pots soon to be transplanted to 4-5 gallon buckets, but my space is optimal i will have to adjust as they grow oh and they are about 2 feet high, desperately in need of transplant but i wont transplant until the other one shows sex that way i will know for sure and focus on my female, aint no point in dishing out extra dollars for an unknown sexed plant at this rate ...here are the pics


din'e medicine

Active Member
Very nice. Im using 318 watts for two plants. My clones has had preflowers ever since i got them but grows fast and one starts to drink alot. Im currently using the LST method. So you think it flowered fast because of the soft white being there teling it to flower but slowly because you have daylite specs?


Well-Known Member
Very nice. Im using 318 watts for two plants. My clones has had preflowers ever since i got them but grows fast and one starts to drink alot. Im currently using the LST method. So you think it flowered fast because of the soft white being there teling it to flower but slowly because you have daylite specs?
its a good possibility but ive heard that having both spectrums is actually good for the plants but def have more softwhite and only a couple of daylights


Well-Known Member
bad news guys the plant on the right which i expected to have a gooood yeild turned out to be a male :( so i took the fucker out of the flower spot, its kinda good though now all that light could be for my flowering female. one thing tho i started flowering it about 10 days ago and i barely have any bud growth, im thinking that its high sativa or i just need a bigger bucket currently in 2.5 gallon but very little bud development and more veg growth has occurred in the bud spots but not much. it seems like its preparing for the bud growth. ill be switching to a 5 gallon bucket this friday. any tips on what could be causing this?, i gave it fresh water 1 day ago and it promoted good growth just not the kind i wanted to see!!! the nutes are 8-30-16. if it is high sativa does it take longer to see bud production???


Well-Known Member
also i used a whole gallon at 1/4 strength for a week, can i step it up to 1/2 strength now and could this have a better effect? should i hold off until i put it in the 5 gallon bucket and start it at half strength or is it ready for full strength? i will post pics tommorow for all to see...THANKS!!!


Well-Known Member
okay here are the new pics of my female... i didnt realize the 3 times growth was still veggy stretch. i cant wait until this bitch crests then i will be a very happy harvester lol :leaf:



Well-Known Member
oh just gave it .75 liters of 1/2 strength blooming nutes mixed per gallon plant is now 2.5 feet...time to transplant this friday


Well-Known Member
Yes, but any plant usually takes to about 3 weeks before you see any kind of bud formation:leaf:id say ready for 1/2 strength


Well-Known Member
Yes, but any plant usually takes to about 3 weeks before you see any kind of bud formation:leaf:id say ready for 1/2 strength
oh ok so that makes me feel alot better now :clap: got her at 1/2 strength nutes gave her the first shot of em last night:weed:


Well-Known Member
HERE ARE THE UPDATES :sad: no bud yet but white hairs are everywhere!!!this shit is gonna be :fire: look at the size, 2 oz easy


Well-Known Member
keep in mind that this is in a 2.5 gallon pot. imagine a 5 gallon this shit is gonna harvest really fucking nice, especially since its going to be going into a well ventilated new 5 gallon bucket dumped with soil and perlite
keep in mind that this is in a 2.5 gallon pot. imagine a 5 gallon this shit is gonna harvest really fucking nice, especially since its going to be going into a well ventilated new 5 gallon bucket dumped with soil and perlite
that should be nice. try getting 2 - 42 watt cfls from wallmart for 17$ to help with flowering, your lights did a great job for veg so far; could you take a picture of your closet light setup?


Well-Known Member
took these yesterday night after misting her slowly but surely hairs are all over the place, still hasnt crested yet though :(
but some great foliage, just added a 42 watt softwhite into the mix and took out a daylight bulb. so i have the horde of lights over the lower sites and two 26 watt softwhite right on the top... its getting transplanted tonight into its 5 gallon mixed with MG african violet potting soil and more pearlite (used this soil for my first grow which was much smaller than this plant and worked great!) only difference is this time around im using nutrients which i didnt even have to use for my first grow... check the pics!!!

