Attitude will stock with TGA subcool seeds


Active Member
I was snooping around Subcool's organic garden section one night and i found a post sayin that attitude might stock his seeds. so i emailed attitude to see what was up!

ill copy and paste

from me.

Hello. I been buying from attitude seeds for awhile and i been hearing rumors that TGA's Subcools seeds will be on attitude.

Is it true?

if it is do u know around when it would be available?

response from attitude

Hi there

They will be here very soon, I estimate 2-3 weeks.

Many thanks

Im so fkkkkkin excited!. Bring on the dank!

I get them from bidzbay...they don't require any registered mail b.s. that lands me in hot water with a paranoid boss for 3 days until they finally re-deliver. and bidzbay is stealthier.
Well thats true I have heard lot of good things about bidzbay too. But i been using attitude and worldwide exclusively just because i get my stuff 100 %. For me anywayz
Damn count me in, this would be amazing! Can anyone recommend a good pain relief/insomnia Subcool strain "Just in case" this goes through
After reading this thread I emailed Attitude and asked if they were going to carry Subcool TGA and here is their response:

Hi there

We will be offer TGA Subcool Genetics in the next few weeks.

Many thanks
The Attitude
yes he does.. if you look higher up the page, there is a link I posted where he says it will be in 2010, but you never know,,,,ya know? heh:lol:

edit~ just tried the link,,,it dont work now:(
Im gald subcool is starting to get his seeds out there more and more. He is a person who needs to come up and over take Jorge and all them. I love his and mz.jills detail and transparety when it comes to breeding and how they breed and what they breed for. TGA strains yields are a little on the low side right???? but make up for in potency and taste.