Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
it's my understand that weed can only grow as large on top as it is underneath, proportionately. i wouldn't SUGGEST trimming roots but won't necessarily discourage you from trying. give it a shot, mind you a bigger bucket is clearly your best option.
took this pic the other day. One plant ;)


Well-Known Member
it's my understand that weed can only grow as large on top as it is underneath, proportionately. i wouldn't SUGGEST trimming roots but won't necessarily discourage you from trying. give it a shot, mind you a bigger bucket is clearly your best option.
took this pic the other day. One plant ;)
Very healthy looking plant :weed:

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
Right click on picture to save it.Then go to your edit signature and post it.
sorry to bug you but i saved it to my pc uploaded it on my edit sig page and it showes it right under the box where you type stuff in so how do i get it to go in that box when i do everything i should it just shows up as a clickable link when i post something, even when i click on insert signature picture two code looking things pop up in my sig box, Dude i just cant figure this one out


Well-Known Member
Whaddup clubber's.. Nice plant Soup.. I agree if ur trying to grow a tree especially from seed than deffinetely use a larger reservoir considering plants from seed and even a clone vegged for considerable amounts of time will develope a larger root mass that demand the extra space to grow in.
Anyway just checking in. Miss Yall. Had some drama come up and to be honest i completely cleaned my grow out until further notice lol..Man im having grow withdraw's more than anything now haha.
Try to be around a little more that i have absoloutely nothing else to do with my free time.


Well-Known Member
ATRUMBLOOD- Look's great... My ladies died for sure on me! I over dossed on gonats, I tried my hardest to save them but it didn't work for me. I have broke everything down and don't know what to do at this point in time....


Well-Known Member
Try again, and again, and again.

Growing hydro takes a little more finnes. I know that for with out a doubt lol.


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking about it but I don't have any bean's or clones right now! A nd to be honest I don't really want to mess with any bag seed.... Who knows what the future holds