how to increase potency


New Member
how would i increase the potency of already picked bud if u include increadsents plzzz state where i would get them thanks


Well-Known Member
you cant increase the "potency" in terms of %thc. however you can cure them and make them a more enjoyable/tastier smoke. is this what you are referring to?



... i know it doens't necessarily "increase potency"

but gram for gram, water cured bud will have more cannabanoids in it that air cured but, because of the impurities removed

make sense?

pm videoman for info on water curing and the pro's/con's about it


the only way to "increase potency" is the increase the amount of thc you consume in a hit... thats why water curing can sorta claim it does this...


Well-Known Member
Well... I have an idea that I'm going to try tonight...
I have a bottle of golden grain, I'm gonna pour all of it into my hooka vase and smoke a double stuffed bowl of that good sticky. That's how I plan to increase my fucken potency lol.

Unfortunately I don't think I should try that until I can get to where I don't have to drive anymore today. So I'm anxiously gonna be waiting another 5.5 hours.


Well-Known Member
The only way to increase potency 500% is by following this brew:

1 eye of newt
1 loch of virgins hair
6 gulps pigs blood
left to cure in a pot for a three moons stare

Now, you're going to need a stirring stick and a culdron sitting on a fire lit by burning appletree wood and bullrushes. THAT is for sure the only 100% tested, tried and true way to increase potency of your bud by 500%.



Active Member
I dont really know a way to increase the potency of the buds, but i do know how to extract all of the thc from the buds so you can experience the full effect of your shit.

You will need ONE CUP of food grade glycerin.
ONE OUNCE of top grade bud....chopped up with scissors or a burst in a cuisinart.
A Quart jar with a good SEAL.

Put the ingredients in the jar and give it a shake for about 5-10 minutes a day for two months. (IT IS WORTH the TIME!)

Press out the glycerin in a food food press(or good strainer); and put in brown bottles with eyedropper.

I use a professional food press, so I get back the total amount of glycerin plus a little extra. A ricer will also work well if you line it with cheesecloth.

for me, this shit is killer.. I did three drops first time, and I had a hard time moving from the spot that I was in, 3 hours later, it lifted a tad bit but shit its like smoking a blunt of some widow its crazy.


Well-Known Member
the only way to "increase potency" is the increase the amount of thc you consume in a hit... thats why water curing can sorta claim it does this...
BUT, IF YOU LIKE THE TASTE / SMELL OF YOUR HERB DO NOT WATER CURE. ALL taste and smell is gone, its horrible lol but it does still get you high.
There are 2 ways to increase the potency which I know work for a fact.
The first and most effective way.... hot ice! A glass jar tends to work well.... put your weed into a jar, put some hot ice in with it, normal ice wont work, you'll just end up with a soggy mess. Remember to make a hole in the lid or somewhere on the jar so that it doesn't burst. Leave the jar in a freezer for a few days, the longer the better. 2 weeks should do nicely :) And vuala... your weed should be almost twice as potent.

The second way I know of... burying it! Although this takes much longer to increase the potency than using hot ice :\ But it still works pretty well. So.... put your weed into a packet/container. My advice is to seal it up really well so that no air can go in or out. Trust me... water vapour still gets in. Then, bury in a cool... dark spot. Burying in wet soil tends to work best. I buried my'n underneath the geyser pipe in my back yard as it drips quite often and that patch is always moist. Leave it buried for about 4-6 weeks. Again... the longer the better. I left my'n buried for 6... definitely worth the wait. The mistake I made was burying a full 300g block... so only the outside layers seemed to increase in potency. Breaking it up first if you are burying quantity like I did would be a good idea to ensure that all' of it becomes more potent instead of just the outer layers. A light mold can be seen covering the weed... kinda like a fungus. This means that operation 'bury your weed' was a success :) You can just taste the increase in potency!! It tastes a lil hectic :\ but if you're a genuine weed smoker... its all coca cola ;)
Trust me... this works..... enjoy ;)


I accept with information:The first and most effective way hot ice! A glass jar tends to work well put your weed into a jar, put some hot ice in with it, normal ice wont work, you'll just end up with a soggy mess. Remember to make a hole in the lid or somewhere on the jar so that it doesn't burst. Leave the jar in a freezer for a few days, the longer the better.