Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
any time, he was being uncalled for.

and DAMN you Hawaii growers sure post alot! damn near 2000 posts on this thread


Well-Known Member
aloha all, auntys on the way, lighting my second bowl and sitting down to follow along. now, now, ho'omanawanui gang, take it easy, lets not get all huhu. we welcome all,ALL to our little world on RIU.
nice to see some new posters, welcome to alohaland. we all poi dogs here, thats why we all so goodlooking. poi dog meaning a mix-up breed. most of us have more then one nationality in us.


Ended up helping Dr. J today with his computer ;) Wish we had dispensary where I could get clones/seeds! ordering from EU takes forever! Aloha everyone!


Active Member
i need some help my plant is not budding an its about 6 months old on saturday?!what do i need to give it i tried fish emulsions super thrive an bat guano...any ones help would be great!!!


From what little I know, the light cycle determines budding. Restrict the light to less than 12 hours, and vegetative growth stops and blooming begins. Why do you want to stop its getting bigger right now? The bigger the better (usually).


Well-Known Member
It's all about the light cycle and nothing to do with nutrients.....
I live in an area that always gets less than 12 hours... more like 10 hours max a day even during June.....

I can't get anything to veg longer than 2 months without it starting to flower....
My Island Og will start flowering after the first 4 weeks outdoors and finish by 8 weeks.....

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah, what sheck said, it's yor strain too.. Probably originated nearer to the equator than most

nitrogen will make your plants go back veg though, try it;)

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Let me jump in here. False. If you have a card, you can grow 7 plants and have 3oz cured weed. You can grow anyplace you want indoors or out, but it has to be registered. For instance, my daughter's card says she grows at my place, and I am registered as her caregiver.

That being said, welcome to the site! Obtaining clones requires that you have a grower who trusts you. Seeds likewise, or they can be ordered online, or found in your bag of weed, etc. Have fun!
if you are a big Island resident you have the benefit of the "Peaceful Sky Initiative',so you can actually have 24 plants growing on your property.

Today at 10:24 the first "Steel Bird" of the day flew by on there way to Kalapana no doubt. Another group of three past by at 2:30 P.M.. How I notice they are not tourist choppers,the direction they fly tell me. Tourist helicopters here fly from airport in Hilo directly to Volcano, from point A, to point B...it's a straight line . How do I notice that it's not a tourist helicopter? Over 30 years in the trenches here tells me so!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
i need some help my plant is not budding an its about 6 months old on saturday?!what do i need to give it i tried fish emulsions super thrive an bat guano...any ones help would be great!!!
are your plants in pots, or in the ground? If you have them in pots near your home just go haul them into your garage/house at night forcing them into a 12-12 situation.