5 of the best mindblowing strains, Day 1... LOTS OF PICS!! Daily Updates.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, not bad for a first timer, not bad at all ;)
Id say this GF Kush's gonna get cut down in a week or so. Lookin prime... if I would of spent this much time studying and obsessing over school work like I do growing I'd be a fucking professor.



Well-Known Member
Little worried about yellowing leaves. I flushed them, is this normal? What if I want to hang on for another week or 2, can they go without nutes?


Well-Known Member
holy shit! life is good ! nice views man :joint:
yellowing leaves. i'm flushing them as advised. not like a critical flush, just giving them about 1 gallon ph'd water each. can they hang on 2 more weeks without nutes, i think they need a wee bit more time? or should i give them some ff love?:neutral:

