Lady's 12/12 from seeds wit 400whps


Active Member
i think 12/12 could have its advantages for some people but that is mostly true wen your startin from clone. And you say you have a mother plant, so why not clone her?! i juss think it be much more productive and safe to do juss a couple of plants, veg them for a month, then throw them under 12/12. i juss think with strait 12/12 ur robbin urself on the yield plus like someone said gettin caught with all those plants would make things more difficult for you as i belive most states have a mandatory sentence on anythang over a sertain amount of plants. for ex: here in S.C anythang under 5 or 10 plants, even tho its a felony its not a serious one and u could most likely get off on probation or something like that if ur not a felon already. but having anywhere over that i think u start gettin into mandatory sentencing and possibly fed charges.
But hey most of us american growers are takin a risk unless we live in one of those lucky 14 states so its all about weightin your risk and knowin the possible consequences. So if thats what work out best for u LadyG, good luck n keep growin!


Well-Known Member
i think 12/12 could have its advantages for some people but that is mostly true wen your startin from clone. And you say you have a mother plant, so why not clone her?! i juss think it be much more productive and safe to do juss a couple of plants, veg them for a month, then throw them under 12/12. i juss think with strait 12/12 ur robbin urself on the yield plus like someone said gettin caught with all those plants would make things more difficult for you as i belive most states have a mandatory sentence on anythang over a sertain amount of plants. for ex: here in S.C anythang under 5 or 10 plants, even tho its a felony its not a serious one and u could most likely get off on probation or something like that if ur not a felon already. but having anywhere over that i think u start gettin into mandatory sentencing and possibly fed charges.
But hey most of us american growers are takin a risk unless we live in one of those lucky 14 states so its all about weightin your risk and knowin the possible consequences. So if thats what work out best for u LadyG, good luck n keep growin!

I have to agree:joint::peace:


Depends what state you live in though. Some states it doesn't matter if you have 1 plant or 10. But lookin good.



Active Member
Ya i understand But i really dont need to worry. I live on a damn farm.. I mean my closest neighbor is about 2 miles from my house.. I see about 1 car drive down my street every 5 to 6 hrs and thats on a busy day... Plus where i live MJ isnt that serious. They are more worried about all the meth and crack.. Everyone does that here... Grosses me out. Ill stick with my friend MariJ. Shes always been there for me :hug:
I do have a female .. Not a mother. and is way way to small to take clones from.


Active Member
OK i have a problem with the babies..

Just went and checked on them to give them some water... And look what happened.. I dont know whats going on with them.

And no im not using any nutes so .. please dont say nute burn because that just seems to be the most used answer everyone has.


Dolce Vita

Active Member
i could be wrong but for the first two weeks i think some people keep the light a meter away then the rest of the grow it doesnt really matter. that could be your problem.. if its not that you could be under-watering/over-watering


Well-Known Member
I think that light is to close. I keep my hps 18 inches from the top but some people do up to 22". If you got a cooltube you can get it as close as 4 inches. But 12" for seedlings I believe may be to close. They look like that because of heat stress. Im subscribed though you should do fine.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for your input!!! :hug:

So this is what i did. I moved them down so now they are about 24 inches from the light and i brought the temp down to around 80.

I do have drainage and i think it is pretty good because when i water it seems to come right out.

Now I must wait because only time will tell.


Active Member
Ok so i lost one. I went and checked on them after i was done playing Killzone2 for a while. And one of the babies was on its side.. Just laying there all yellow.. the stem was all dry.. so i tryed to fix it and the stem just broke!!! So now im down to 17... Im going to cut some clones off the 3 i have out side and let them root. Them im going to stick them under 12/12 .. See if they are male or female.. And what not..

Im still hoping these 17 make it.. They look pretty bad.. I think my 400w hps killed them.. :evil:

Dolce Vita

Active Member
seedlings should be about a meter away from the light and should not exceed 75%... i guess that's all i can see wrong good luck lady =] i think that with all your plants your going to have enough weed for the year so i wouldn't worry if you lose 1 or 2


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would check in on the grow girl! Got updated pics in my as well, check em and rep em lol:D