Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

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Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure cali is working on a way to tax us for the sun.
I really would like to destroy calis government.
It time for a revolution.
Our elected leaders are out of control.
I know rant rant rant.


New Member
But you are 100% right. The overall problem is Obama seems to be making the Cali economic model his own! :lol: We're going the wrong way!!


Well-Known Member
Yes and i believe the are purposely bankrupting us.
Stealing every last penny they can. Before we group together and squish them.


Well-Known Member
Yes and i believe the are purposely bankrupting us.
Stealing every last penny they can. Before we group together and squish them.

You hit that on the head. The housing right now is ripe for the picking after what they did, after they extend loans on the houses that are for sale everywhere, the major banks are going to be holding the deeds for half of the country or more.

Plus they allow aspertame poisoning of the diet food...Aspertame is an appetite stimulant that causes cancer. Formerly known as aspermatic acid ( a chemical weapon in 1978)

Advocate flouridating the population....Flouride has little to do with teeth health if you look at long term studies.

look up the codex alemanterius...spelling is fucked the manual for food control. It really fucked up.

The federal reserve....the money changers are the ultimate culprits....

As long as people trust these people behind these acts as there saviors and source of truths...they will always be mislead. Its beautiful to the power elite, i can guarantee there eating organicaly grown foods without radiation and steriods and teaching there kids "look the masses think the world is millions of years old and they evolved from an


New Member
I don't want to turn this political, so pardon me, but Obama is using his textbook "progressive" (oxymoron there) upbringing in which the game plan is to overload the system to the point of collapse, ending Capitalism once and for all. What will replace it will be far worse, but power is total and the economic misery will be of such a degree that we will have to accept it.

Ok, i'm done...:wink:


Well-Known Member
What has me even more enraged. Is the fact that we are not doing anything to stop them.
I want this government dissolved and rebuilt.
This was our nation. We are going to have to take it back by force.
Okay i have to smoke a couple loads.
Im getting all twitchy and mad.


Well-Known Member
i don't want to turn this political, so pardon me, but obama is using his textbook "progressive" (oxymoron there) upbringing in which the game plan is to overload the system to the point of collapse, ending capitalism once and for all. What will replace it will be far worse, but power is total and the economic misery will be of such a degree that we will have to accept it.

Ok, i'm done...:wink:

thanks cj.
Now i have to smoke some more.
I am going to ..............ummm shit that did it.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure cali is working on a way to tax us for the sun.
I really would like to destroy calis government.
It time for a revolution.
Our elected leaders are out of control.
I know rant rant rant.
haha I havent heard about a tax for the sun yet.....
but I have heard about taxing cows who fart!!


Sorry dude I dont mean to thread jack...:peace: Great grow by the way. :clap:

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I want a tax credit for having to run my air 24/7 in these chronic heat waves!

by the way Boss I got to advise Super Soil recipes. Try one. I am having hydro results as these plants love the crap out of being able to eat 24/7. I got an og kush that just grew out of her 16 ounce and already I have her in a one gallon amended to half str. No probs, just wicked growth.


Well-Known Member
thanks much bro. They are super sweet tasting.
The purple max did nice colors. But i over used it.
My harvest was down 75% from normal.
I will try it in the last 2 weaks only this time.
Bossman88188.... Yes, I've heard bad things about the Purple Max. Two growers I know locally used it and both saw reductions in yield. One was growing Sour Diesel, the other a local Kush called KFC. Both lost between, 1/3 to 1/2 there normal yield.
The one that lost half, used the Bush Master along with the Purple Max.
Most of these snake oils that promise bigger yields are just Hype.
Sorry to read about your loss.....of yield........
Keep it Real...Organic.....


Well-Known Member
I want a tax credit for having to run my air 24/7 in these chronic heat waves!

by the way Boss I got to advise Super Soil recipes. Try one. I am having hydro results as these plants love the crap out of being able to eat 24/7. I got an og kush that just grew out of her 16 ounce and already I have her in a one gallon amended to half str. No probs, just wicked growth.
Wich super soil recipe are you referring to.

Bossman88188.... Yes, I've heard bad things about the Purple Max. Two growers I know locally used it and both saw reductions in yield. One was growing Sour Diesel, the other a local Kush called KFC. Both lost between, 1/3 to 1/2 there normal yield.

The one that lost half, used the Bush Master along with the Purple Max.
Most of these snake oils that promise bigger yields are just Hype.
Sorry to read about your loss.....of yield........
Keep it Real...Organic.....

What up ohso.

It was a complete noob move on my part.
1 or 2 plants for experimenting. Not a whole cycle.
Never again will i make that mistake.
There are plenty others to make

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I add a half cup of blood and kelp and and a cup of steamed blone meal. I then add another half cup of indo bat guano or peace of mind bulb food. This is all per cubic foot, or seven gallons. I also add lots of perlite and if it is peat some dolomite. To potting soil with dolomite I leave it alone. I also add azomite. I also added to one batch a half cup of greensand. I use either fox farms ocean forest or peat. I am just starting to use the peat. So I can let you know later.

All I can tell you is that all I use is water and that the growth is perfect and fast. All green and no burn.

+ reps.
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