Scoring Acid off a Homeless Guy


Well-Known Member
Ok so this weekend I went to a conference in san fran that was near golden gate park. I decided not to bring any weed (not sure why lol) so my friends and I decided that we should score some in the haight. Our plan was to just talk to people with dreads and see who was carrying. Well after a walk down haight and no catches we went to a bar.

After some drinks, we were back in the street again. We walked a block and then he came, the street urchin with no hand. He had some purps and I got 40 off him. Definitely ripped for what I got, but I wasn't complaining. Mission accomplished. And then it happens. He tells me he's also carrying some other goodies, including acid. Goddamnit you bum, you got me. I just bought 15 hits for 60! :hump:

Anyway, what are the odds I got some real acid? I've never scored acid from a stranger before. Anyway to tell from looking? He gave it to me on a giant tab, a strip of paper about a centimeter wide and 3 inches long. It feels like index card kind of.


Well-Known Member
No way to tell by just looking that I know of. Pretty sketchy though, I would guess it's fake, who knows though. Only way to know for sure.


Well-Known Member
acid dont taste like nothin really.

the situation sounds REAL shady. never trust a bumb, rule of thumb. only way to tell if he burned you is to eat a bit and see if you tripp off of it. is the paper perforated into tabs at all?

my guess, with out sampling the drugs my self, is that this bum robed you $100 bucks for crack or dope. but it could be real acid but thats quite cheap(reasonable?)

all you can do is try it


Active Member
Yo I'd try it, otherwise that money was a total waste. At least if it aint real I would highly doubt it's anything harmful. Homeless guys got better things to do then selling poisonous shit to strangers/potential returning customers and killing them.


Well-Known Member
Haha I wouldnt trust a random bum for acid..I know put in the situation I would be soooo tempted but The realism that it probably isnt real acid would discourage me.


Active Member
there are not many substances potent enough to be active at doses as low as what you can fit on blotter. Worst case scenario, its paper. Alternatives is that it is in fact, LSD, or its 4-Bromo-D-Fly, or possibly DOM (STP) to be active in a blotter dose. I think I read on erowid that scopalamine could be active at around the 300ug dose, but that would mean some wet blotter.

A possible test is to put the tabs under a black light. LSD is UV reactive and should put off a flourescent glow.

Or just eat it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm going to take it. As some of you have said, I think worst case scenario, he just gave me "tabs" with nothing on it. Now, silentzombie, if he did put one of those other drugs you mention to be potent at small doses, are they harmful in anyway?

The buds he sold me were actually pretty decent, so that gives me hope. Also I figure it was San Fran in haight street. Which may not mean a lot to you, but if you've ever been before, I just feel like it makes the bum a bit more credible.

Well I'm going to update this thread when I dose, probably wednesday cuz my schedule is free. Wish me luck and good health ;)


Well-Known Member
I would have been freaked out about a bum. That seems like some real cop shit to do. You know dress up like a bum and sell drugs.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
so he gets on his blackberry and calls his dealer who meets him under his overpass to do deals , tony montana coming to the park to give homeless guy drugs to sell:roll:


Well-Known Member
I would have been freaked out about a bum. That seems like some real cop shit to do. You know dress up like a bum and sell drugs.
I thought cops weren't allowed to sell, only to buy. At least that was my mindset going into it. I was a definitely a little buzzed by the time this was happening and I didn't even think of cops haha


Well-Known Member
I love that show but it really makes my blood boil. I can't watch it around people because I have, "outbursts."