• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Busted with 8 Lowryder Plants and about 2 ounce Dry. What's going to Happen to Me?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

I was busted because my dickhead neighbors who would rather be on benefits than work grassed my into the coppers and my flat was raided at the start of June. What is going to happen to me, I am in the North U.K Scottish Laws.

I really don't want to go to jail, as I am a Uni student and work full-time just now as a kennel assistant. I can't understand what would justify putting me in Jail. I have 4 charges against me, possession, cultivation, intent to sell and concerned in the supply I think, but not sure.

Can anyone give me any advice or can tell me what to expect?


Distressed up until recently grower. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Well here in America unless you got a good lawyer you would be looking at a little time in jail and after that a year or so of probation. But thats in America and i have no clue what the laws are like up around your area.


Well-Known Member
after what happened what do you think was your greatest downfall in getting cought maybe you can pass it along and prevent another pointless arrest.

grow space

Well-Known Member
thats not so many plants-if i were to judge il sent U to community service(actually not-i would let u go:))


Well-Known Member
you need to make a point that you only had 4 plants and that its personal use. beat the intent to distribute at least tell them you cant afford smoke so you grow 4 plants a year to get you through. maybe if your lucky and get just the cultivation it might be a lesser degree of punishment and then i could see you getting away with it like a slap on the wrist and get a lawyer even if its a cheap one it will eb well worth your money. remember here in my state the local judges and lawyers public defenders and all them people all eat together so at a restaraunt every other thurs night and they all talk and know the more you pay the less you stay lol


Well-Known Member
The smell and running vendettas with my neighbours, who constantly bang about and make noise above me got me caught, funny that, they drink alcohol and constantly fight, yet I am the criminal? don't figure.

I was in a fatal car crash in March, where the driver of another car pulled out right in front of me, he was 84, he nearly killed me and the other passenger in his car, he died from a massive heart attack, I am still trying to get over this, and now I have this looming over me like a frosty cold sweat on my back that I can't shake.

I am not corrupt, the system is.

thanks for the comments and advice.


You'll be fine mate. IDK UK laws but like heathaa said. Beat that intent to sell back down to the ground. Hell if anything say that you started growing because oh the stress from the crash. Maybe this could be a lawsuit we could use to legalize this shit. How about it?


Well-Known Member
I'm familiar with UK laws but not how they are applied in Sheriffs court. 6 plants or less is usually viewed as personal stash, 7 or more is considered commercial.
The first 2 charges are prolly worth a hefty fine but the intent and involvement are serious charges and will land you some time if you don't beat them.
Hope you didn't get found with any wads of cash or mention that you help out friends with weed.

You can get a list of names of solicitors in your area that will take on cannabis / drug cases from The Law Society on Chancery Lane, London. It's worth paying out whatever you can afford to get a good one as you only get one chance in court.
You do have the right to see all the evidence against you and once the solicitor has seen that he will tell you exactly what you are looking at.
In court the plants will be converted to wet weight including stalks, so if they were getting big, don't be surprised if there's 30 oz or more going against you.

In the end it's all about creating doubt and mitigating circumstances. Make much of the fact you are working full time, studying full time and still suffer trauma from the crash. Maybe also say that you bought the 2oz to help you sleep but it was too expensive so you bought the seeds. Without any prior experience, you planted all the seeds as you didn't know how many would actually grow. Tell them you only intended to grow 1 plant for personal use. You could also tell them that your doctor would not prescribe any sleeping pills. They will not check this.


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

They found me with baggies, no scales and no wads of money, I did not sell it, I gave my mate 6 grams a month to pay for my electricity other than that it was all mine. No profit or gain. I have no large amounts of money in my bank account and I have never been in trouble with the law before. The plants were not budding yet, still small. So fingers crossed I will be ok, if nothing is done in 12months the case is thrown out. My lawyer says I am looking at a fine or community service, he does not think I will go to jail.

Thanks again for the advice.


Well-Known Member
See even baddy wizards are smoking it. No victim, no crime, time to end this old fashioned, religion based system that we live in. Viva La Revolution! Where people can legally be alcoholics and beat up there kids and wives, and when good citizens who want to grow there own to cut out the dealer are made to feel like criminals when we are not. If I had the time and patience I'd write to as many MP's as I could and present them my case, but I cannot be bothered as I feel apathetic and nothing will be done or listened too.

We need a mass demonstration, not just in one country but all over the world, it's shocking so it is, good people are being made to feel like low-life criminals when they are not. Lives are being ruined needlessly by these draconian laws implmented by the people we put in power and are ment to represent the voice of the people, how can a few hundred MP's pass bills and laws mainting that it s done on the behalf of the people, because its a consensus, it is not a consensus when 7 million people plus are represented by a few hundred MP's don't figure. Things need to change now and the fact that the government think tank that was employed to review the classification from C to B found and proposed that it remain a class C but Jacqui Smith on her moral high horse, resorts to making it a class B because of the increased strength and possible leads to schizophrenia, I say BULLSHIT, what about alcohol and it's increased strength?, how many crimes are alcohol related? Compared to Cannabis crimes, exactly, the statistics show it all. How many people do you know that has a spliff then wants to go out and fight? None, it's pathetic, rant over.

What's everyone elses thoughts?


dude i'd actually burn the neighbors house down so yeahhhh.

dont be a hero, get a lawyer and prove to them you WERENT GONNA SELL. if your house had no scales, large amounts of cash, etc you should be fine. maybe get your lawyer to make them prove the intent to sell. (which they cant unless you've got a new car, pay high rent on a shitty job.


Active Member
Intent to sell wouldn't hold up in America without a lot of plants, a lot of cash and at least one scale. Not familiar with UK laws but here in America I would say after the $50,000 on a good lawyer you would geta couple months in prison and 2 years probation with a lot of community service hours or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
Actually first offense in many states in the US is just community service and probation. I know in my state it is at least.

While we all know it is unfair and a waste of money to fight against marijuana and a waste of money for legal defenses and using taxpayers money to lock up people for such a petty crime, unfortunately it is still a law that everybody had to realize. I understand what I do is against the law and I am okay with it. I don't mind the risk vs the rewards. I think everybody should realize that it's a risky game that is played. Finding the right spots to grow and not telling a single person is the best way to go.

Sorry for your troubles. Been there and done that already. You should be ok, though like others I don't know the laws where you live. It is ridiculous the trouble people have to go through just to grow a plant. Sneaking and hiding and hoping not to get caught. Ridiculous! Hopefully one day it won't be so difficult and we can grow in our own back yards.


Well-Known Member
For now keep bugging the pliticians, and if it aint legal, and you can't get seeds. It aint worth messing with. I still have a smoke here and there when my boys got, but......just keep pushing for its decrim, regulation & Taxation. America really needs that badly. And if the cartels gonna have to get legit jobs, or go legit. Either way its all positives.