Building single-plant growbox, I want your opinions!


Well-Known Member
You mean it will glow in the dark too..?!?!?!?!:shock:


:lol: BWAhahahahaha.....

Sorry bro.. that was just a bad joke.. I couldn't help it... you know I mean no disrespect...:lol:

And hey... I just noticed... It's the guy in my signature..:lol::hump:

Hey Buddy!:clap:


Well-Known Member
You mean it will glow in the dark too..?!?!?!?!:shock:


:lol: BWAhahahahaha.....

Sorry bro.. that was just a bad joke.. I couldn't help it... you know I mean no disrespect...:lol:

And hey... I just noticed... It's the guy in my signature..:lol::hump:

Hey Buddy!:clap:
Howdy there partner. :) Such an honor! hehe :P

Fractus, hope that carbin filter goes well - you could just buy a 3 pack of 15gal fish tank filters and tape that bitch over the hole... i think they are about 4x3.... its just a fiber bag with carbon granules inside! (i use them in my fishtank)


Well-Known Member
Haha I could do that, yeah. I'm considering it, I'm gonna go check out comparitive prices for my home-made version and the fishtank filter. I even asked myself if a brita filter would work lol! I think it might, it's activated carbon right?


Well-Known Member
It would be cool if you ended up with something like this .. eh?!?!?!:eyesmoke:

This is one of my lollipops... prolly be 1 oz dried and cured...:hump: :-P

Bagseed Indica - Zero Veg Clone - Wet Weight 97Grams


Trimmed all of the Fan Leaves...

that's a standard size bic lighter by the way.... not a small one...:wink:

Full manicured Bud weighing in at 97.2 grams WET WEIGHT



Well-Known Member
She's gorgeous! I would love to see those results come from my box. we'll just have to wait and see :) I keep a close eye on her so if something isn't going the way I want to to I find out right away and fix it. It grew a ton just overnight! I've been watering one 20-oz pop bottle full of water every two days and it seems like all of it is getting used up.


Well-Known Member
Since my baby is getting fragrant already, today I went shopping. I had a carbon filter idea in mind, but when I got to the store I deiscovered something wayy easier and less expensive for me. Introducing the Febreze TrueAir filter. Perfect for taping over my little fan holes :) Couldn't have worked out any better for me, AND my new thermometer. Once I let it sit for a while I'll post current air temp and humidity.


Well-Known Member
what r the fabreeze filters like? i had an idea to cut the bottom off a soda can stuff the inside with a thick layer of drier sheets, then some ground up charcoal and more drier sheets, then tape this to an small fan and whalah! your exhaust no longer smells like the reefer


Well-Known Member
gypsy, what was the dry weight of that? i remember getting a one ounce bud that looked like that, a little smaller


Well-Known Member
Search Frebreze TrueAir in this forum and see what people said, aparently they work fine so I got a couple.


Well-Known Member
I attempted installing these TrueAir filters over my two individual exhaust fans on the cover of my box. It decreased airflow dramatically, I let it stay that way for a few hours, came back and my temp inside the box spiked to 95 F, a hot day for my poor little plant. So today I redesigned my entire ventilation setup and incorporated a carbon filter that I made out of duct tape, a 2 litre pop bottle, and two Febreze TrueAir filters (and some scissors).

Inside the box. Those little 80mm fans make my suck air through that passive hole like there's wind in there, keeps temps normal now too, and when the lights go out tonight I'm sure it will get significantly cooler. My apartment cools off a lot at night too and my plant's 5 hour night shift happens at night :)

Still two passive holes in the bottom near the plant, one original fan hole is duct-taped closed because I don't need it anymore. My second fan is now located directly on top of the first - a supercharged mini fan. the whole exhaust pulls hard now and forces into the airtight chamber of that carbon filter you see there. So far it works great, no scent coming through at all.

Redesigned box, carbon filter installed.

Now take a look how my plant has been responding to my box. First, remember this plant exactly 7 days ago before transplanting?

New Pics (three diferent angles):

Now I have a question, could anybody take an educated guess at what strain this plant is? I think it looks similar to a Lowryder, I got the seed from a friend who claimed it was medicinal, so I don't actually know what it is yet.


Well-Known Member
I attempted installing these TrueAir filters over my two individual exhaust fans on the cover of my box. It decreased airflow dramatically,
Axial fans have no guts... any restriction and they loose flow by a LOT...

I let it stay that way for a few hours, came back and my temp inside the box spiked to 95 F, a hot day for my poor little plant.
That is unacceptable bro!

even 85 is going to cause you problems...

95F is just not cool....

So today I redesigned my entire ventilation setup and incorporated a carbon filter that I made out of duct tape, a 2 litre pop bottle, and two Febreze TrueAir filters (and some scissors).

I undrestand your want for odor control... plus it's
"cool" to have it..

But the truth of the matter is...

she doesn't stink right now... she doesn't even have a smell compared to what will be...

So if you are concerned of reefer smell in veg...

Be careful, because she will actually start smelling once you flower her...

it WILL smell like a skunk took a piss in your bedroom...And fabreeze ain't gonna cut it...

but I know you are just havong fun and all... so...:roll:

But if odor is a concern now... boy, it's gonna get SO MUCH MORE INTENSE...:lol:

Inside the box. Those little 80mm fans make my suck air through that passive hole like there's wind in there, keeps temps normal now too, and when the lights go out tonight I'm sure it will get significantly cooler. My apartment cools off a lot at night too and my plant's 5 hour night shift happens at night :)
What is the "normal" temperature?

and why not turn the lights off during the hottest part of the day instead of the coolest...

I have a feeling you are running in the high 80's in there..

what's the thermometer say?

Still two passive holes in the bottom near the plant, one original fan hole is duct-taped closed because I don't need it anymore. My second fan is now located directly on top of the first - a supercharged mini fan. the whole exhaust pulls hard now and forces into the airtight chamber of that carbon filter you see there. So far it works great, no scent coming through at all.

Hahaha... there is no scent coming off because she is not smelling yet ,,,:lol:

Redesigned box, carbon filter installed.

I am still so afraid of that thing it's not even funny...

But I wish all the best..:clap:

Now take a look how my plant has been responding to my box. First, remember this plant exactly 7 days ago before transplanting?

New Pics (three diferent angles):
She is not stretching..:clap: I'll give you that...

But I can tell she's been stressed and her growth was stunted at one point... her growth is all jumbled up..

My first guess would be heat...

Now I have a question, could anybody take an educated guess at what strain this plant is?
no way to tell strain...

and an "educated guess" is based on at least some info... we got zip...;-)

I think it looks similar to a Lowryder,
How you figure???:confused:

I think you have more hot air than your cooloer...hahahaha..... Joking bro...:lol::hug:

But there is no way to tell... it's bagseed...

I got the seed from a friend who claimed it was medicinal, so I don't actually know what it is yet.
yet should not have been in your sentence...

you mau have the best weed in the world... but unless YOU KNOW where it came from, it's just bagseed...:lol:

I got 4 strains of bagseed that kick ass... there is nothing wrong with them...

and am sure they are of good lineage...

but forever they wil just be bagseed...


Well-Known Member
I doubled up the fans and now it does have guts. It shredded a whole kleenex in half a second lol. Just pulp came out the other side.

I know 95 is unacceptable which is why I changed it right away I thoguht I made that part obvious :S
"Normal" is 75 - 85 like veryone on the entire forum says.

I don't want my lights off during the hottest part of the day because your plant is supposed to get cooler at night, if I had lights off in the day and lights on all night then the plant would have a relatively contant temperature all the time. You're the one that told me to go reading maybe you should look it up :P

My plant smells dude. It's not putting off strong odour yet but if I can smell it when I get close then I know any day now I'll be able to smell it in the exhaust.

You're just paranoid I think. I built it properly, my wiring is good and my lights PHYSICALLY CAN'T IGNITE STYROFOAM because they simply don't get hot enough. My box is safe, the only thing that frightens me about it is the mysterious glow it has like it's from another planet lol.

Her main stress was living in indirect sunlight on a windowsil for over a week after being over-germinated. This took place before I became a member of this forum and began building my box. That is why there are smaller, more pale green leaves near the bottom. The top ones are thick and strong and my stem is getting tough, there are little leaves poking out from every angle at every node, the thing just wants to explode! Every 12 hours I look at it and there is at least one to two sets of new leaves sprouting somewhere, and not really growing any higher at all.

Gypsy, you sure do know how to flog a dead horse. The reason I guessed that strain is because if you do some research and look at pictures of 2 week old Lowryders many of them look identical or very similar to mine. And I think once I harvest and sample, I may be able to recognize what it is and where it came from because it wasn't bagseed. It was in a bag of purchased seeds, some of which ended up in my hands. Not that I really care what kind it is, I was just curious. If you don't know what strand it is all you needed to say was "No I don't know what strand it is."

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
i would pull those seedlings out of the box...put em in the window sill or close to it....and listen to Gypsy Bush.....Shit!!! isnt that a famous rock band or something??? LOL Gypsy Bush I sure hope you are a woman.....havent had a decent female friend only in years!


Well-Known Member
It's growing way too nicely for me to want to change anything else. And Gypsy if you were actually trying to help I wouldn't mind but that last message was just taking a shot at me, you didn't tell me a single useful thing, you just quote me and then make some unnecessary comment.

i would pull those seedlings out of the box...put em in the window sill or close to it....
Old Coot, why would you take them out of the box? That heat problem was only a problem for 4 hours after installing the carbon filter when it slowed down my fans too much, until I caught it and fixed it. Now my highest is around 30 degrees Celcius, so like 86 F. And my lowest is at night while it's in the dark (now), at around 23 celcius (73ish F).

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Its a foam cooler and it does not have enough room to perform all of the necessary functions safely or adequately in my opinion. Im not picking on ya bro...just stating the obvious. Your job is to prove me wrong and grow some good smoke...without burning the house down or killing the plant when it hits its growth spurt.

Old Coot

Well-Known Member
Also , for what its worth, a typical exhaust system needs three times the volume as the intake hole size to cool adequately. The smaller the space the larger the vacuum created which can mean that if outside temps are hot....inside temps will be hotter instead despite the fan.....kind of like a jet may be a fire hazzard! Dont ask me to qualify myself here...I didnt invent the math.

Natural light for thirty days or a combo of the two thru a short veg cycle with summer sun will get you to flower sized plants in the dead of summer in the northern hemisphere April thru October. Yes around the window sill. It wont smell until Flower enough to be more potent than the shit in your pipe anyway! If Moms coming over, put her in the closet. If Mom has a key.....dont grow pot. Until it shows sex...its just a plant seedling in my opinion.
Therefore grow 12/12 from seed and revert back to veg lighting or put em in the window sill until they are 4th node healthy, sex em for two or three weeks 12/12 and then cull the males. ...This takes longer in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Are you positive about that? I would think my intake would need to be big enough to allow sufficient airflow, if my exhaust was three times my intake than I'm creating an even stronger vacuum and very low pressure inside the box. If I have a larger intake and a small powerful fan pulling no less than 50 cfm out of my box that is only a 38 litre cooler, that means that the same air doesn't stay in my box for more than 4 seconds. It stays roughly one to two degrees celcius higher than the ambient room temperature all the time, simply because there is a heat source in a box, but it is adequately cooled despite what you may think from seeing my pictures. You really need to see the box's performance in person to understand why I believe in it. It is getting very close to the same temperatures and light (if not more) than what it would be getting if it were an outdoor plant.
Anyway I'm not here to argue I'm here to learn, and this is my experiment lol. I will keep this thread updated though so you can see how my plant progresses and decide for yourself whether you thought it was effective and worthwhile. :)