Play music for your plants to make them happy

I was told by a friend that plants are responsive to sonic stimulation and that soothing music can have a positive effect on plant growth and pest/disease control. So on my current grow I have a radio in the grow room which I play a selection of classical and Beatles albums. My plants are as health and strong as I've ever seen, magazine or in person. Just wondering if anyone else has experimented with this, or if what I am experiencing is just acedotal evidence or some other cause. I guess next time I should grow a control group to compare to.
no watch mythbusters

I think that plants respond to whatever energy you put into them. Regardless of what mythbusters says. I believe that playing music for plants is beneficial. Perhaps not in some measurable scientific way relating to sonic stimulation (which I have seen good arguments for) but more in a way that reflects the connection you have to your plants. I have seen grow ops go sour for many reasons that had nothing to do with science. I think that happy people grow happy plants. If you are the type to play music for your plants, you are probably the type to be in the garden enough to notice and treat any problems that may arise. Also, when you are growing for profit...Would you rather give your money to someone with a bad attitude and smoke up their negativity, or buy something that someone put their love and good intentions into?

I guess I got a little off topic there! I just had been reading posts where people had been arguing back and forth what nutrients were better and getting pretty hostile.

It makes me think that the over-commercialization of pot culture is very much upon us. I am all for the progression of the science of growing, but I don't want to rely solely on science and forget the human aspect of what we do.
i have, its very soothing, the fan leaves turn up and open to mello music, like jazz. it worked for me, just the same when i talk to my ladies.
There might be a benifit to playing music yo your plants, but it has nothing to do with " sonic stimulation". It has more to do with thoughts and energy, if you believe in that sort of thing. It is undisputed that thoughts change reality, that is why they have to do double blind studies and why the placebo affect wracks havoc on the medical community.

so there are two ways to look at the music thing. The first is that classical music has soothing energy and Beatles songs have many love related songs. The energy is being transferred into your plants.

the second is that your expectations are changing the outcome. Even if you had a control group, your previous expectations would still make the plants with music grow better.

either way, it cant hurt, but like amrock said, it will work the same if you talk to your plants in a loving way.

I read a very wise post on this forum once that siad "you get out of your plants what you give" .
lol man i talk to my plants but thier outside so im sure the nieghbors think im out on the deck talkin to myself lol
Great joke, perfectly executed..
Anyways I think there could be benefit to music for a couple reasons on the scientific front, although I don't know factually.. In each reason, percussive music would likely do more than soft music if my hypotheses are correct..
First of all, sound rattles the air back and forth, so even in relatively dead air, air exchange at the stomata should be improved..
Secondly, music typically comes from speakers, speakers produce an EMF, andplants are known (although much more research needs doing) to respond well to these..
Lastly the way water and ions are transported through the xylem is similar to what occurs in an electrolytic cell, and more often than not electrolyte agitation improves cell performance..
i know this is an old thread but i like to sing to my girls....." you are so beautiful too meee" lol