Auto AK & Bagseed Grow Journal (CFL)


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone!?

This is my grow journal for;
(1) bagseed
(1) (fem) Lowlife Auto AK

The bagseed was started outdoors and moved inside because it was not receiving enough light. I also have no idea how old it is.(younger than 3 weeks maybe?)

When I found it



Today- The camera's color was a little off

The Auto AK just popped today

Let me know how I'm doing!



Well-Known Member
how many cfls and what watt
Right now I have (3) 26w 6500K and (2) 23w 2700K

It seems to be fine, but I will add more as I go.

Nice photos, especially the last one. In focus, clear, sharp. Looks cool!


The Bagseed

does the stem look ok for it's size?

The Auto AK

I was thinking about transplanting my bagseed on Saturday and then get it started on nutes a week after that, does that sound alright?

I will also transplant my auto in a week.

^^Does that sound right? LMK


New Member
ya i would transplant it ina week or so...but id also b very careful with the nutes...i dont start until there is 3-5 alternating nodes. and even then i go with a very light light fert...cus this is still my first grow but iv started 4 sets of plants at different times and iv had enuf time to overfert like 4 times lol killed 3 plants outa 10 cus i saved 1. gl man keep it up


Well-Known Member

Alright, well I can see some of the roots popping out of the bottom, should I transplant it today?
I just watered the bagseed too, will that make a difference?
Does everything look OK or do you have any comments??

This is my first grow where everything isn't turning to shit!

The Auto AK

The Bagseed

see the roots(bagseed)



Well-Known Member
overwatering is the most common growing problem. remember you are growing a weed. they are pretty tough plants. dont know if this really pertains to you but. proper watering is key. only water when the first inch or two of the soil is dry. if you water any more than that the roots will tend to form down near the bottom wear the soil is consistently wet. that means that your plant is not optimizing the container it is is and greatly limits size and overall health of the plant. so when you transplanted if you notice alot more roots by the bottom than space out in between your waterings a little bit more. try to wait until your plant starts to wilt and then from then on water a day before.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's good info. Today the Bagseed looked wilted so I did water it. Last time I watered was about 4 days ago.

Another thing I was thinking about was...

Can I transplant with a different soil? I used my backyard soil for the bagseed and I just got a 40lb bag of potting mix.
Will it be alright to do that, yard soil to potting mix soil?


Well-Known Member
ya i would transplant it ina week or so...but id also b very careful with the nutes...i dont start until there is 3-5 alternating nodes. and even then i go with a very light light fert...cus this is still my first grow but iv started 4 sets of plants at different times and iv had enuf time to overfert like 4 times lol killed 3 plants outa 10 cus i saved 1. gl man keep it up
I just looked at your grow, it looks good!

Thanks for the info too.

EDIT: I just transplanted the bagseed to an 8'' pot.
I cut off one little piece of root, but I think it will be alright.


Well-Known Member
Come on, no love???

I'm, planning on flowering in three weeks from today.

The plant is 4 inches high and the canopy is 6x4 inches. How's it look??


Auto AK -- I think I'm going to put it outside, but I'm not sure!!?



Well-Known Member
Dude - For sure. Everything is looking good man. The plants are looking super healthy, no signs of over or under watering. Hope everythings stays smooooooooooothly brother.


Well-Known Member
Well now I think I have over watered or nute burned the plant!!

I started to LST too, here are the pics..
