Doc, I had the same issue with 2 of my plants, the tips turned yellow and a curled a little....I figured they were either dry or overnuted. So I flushed them and they came out of it.
Where on this fine planet of mine did you get a 150w HPS for 75$?
wow thats cool but over $1000 why not just order a premade one online to save time and trouble of making one? A cabinet thing that is, I am new to this so i am just asking.I bought my lights from a friend that quit growing but you can get the same lights here for the same price.
Half way through the build I was thinking just that. So I started looking in to tents but soon realized that is has that (what the fuck is that in the corner type of look) The cab I have looks like an ordinary storage space. Then I looked in to those pre made cabs which looked nice but I had already mutilated the shit outta the one I purchased and couldn't return it back to the store. If I knew I was going to spend this much on it I would of bought a pre made one to be honest with you but fuck it, at least I know I can build some shit from start to finish and not be half thats cool but over $1000 why not just order a premade one online to save time and trouble of making one? A cabinet thing that is, I am new to this so i am just asking.
I'm not sure to be honest but I'd get an empty one if possible and buy the equipment separately.hmm.. well since you did such a nice job on yours, and you are happy with it... which would you recommend to us lazy bastards less willing to get down on some construction. well... you can't really "recommend" per se but what were you looking at???
Including tool prices is harsh too.. Now you have tools.. If you're a craftsman at all you can do better than one of those stupid tents for less money..
Besides, you went way overboard on detailing aspects, and overpaid for alot of stuff you could have gotten free.. ($7 for a 5Gal pail?? I get those when I walk my dog on garbage night)
I'm not criticizing, thats the way 90% of new grows go down.. I probably blew more money than you did, and I even owned tools..
No not at all. As long as you have an idea where you want to place your equipment inside the cab then you'll be fine. Don't wanna be making extra holes you know.good shizt was it tough to put together
Exactly.. Sadly though it might be impossible to begin with the final plan.. Grow rooms seem to have a mind of their own.. I think I put 4 additions on my grow closet before caving and dedicating the whole room.. All in all, I ended up with way too much vegging room, and I really liked that because I could veg out way more plants than I intended to flower, and select for the prettiest roots..As long as you have an idea where you want to place your equipment inside the cab then you'll be fine.
How much would you say your setup cost when it was all said and done?
Well ladies and gentlemen I would like to thank all the members here that have posted useful information, I have learned so much from you all. I've been wanting to start my own personal grow for quite some time but have only started doing research for about a year now. I decided to go with a cabinet since my lady gave me shit about taking over her walk in closetI also considered growing in my attic but tested temps up there and they went up to the 120s and it's not even summer yet.
Since I'm beginner I went with a 150w hps. I will upgrade accordingly to my skill level. As far as strain, I went with White Rhino. I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night and was told that this particular strain helps with that. I have two seeds germinating at the moment using the paper towel method, I checked last night and seen a little bit of tap root. Anyways here are some pics. Questions, comments and advice is more then welcomed.
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