Weeds:(the tv show)


Well-Known Member
ok, i watch the show every week since the 3rd season and i was wondering how many of you really fallow this show?


Well-Known Member
just started watching it a week ago. in the middle of the second season working my way up ;).


Well-Known Member
I am a faithful follower. I loved the first couple of seasons.

Last season sucked. This season has sucked so far - but I can see them getting ready to ramp it up again. Looks like it is going to be a great season!!!


Well-Known Member
I am a faithful follower. I loved the first couple of seasons.

Last season sucked. This season has sucked so far - but I can see them getting ready to ramp it up again. Looks like it is going to be a great season!!!

ya i thought this season was startin off hella slow too but hey you know backstory backstory plot plot. anyway im totally down with doug and silas startin a med club. and i thought shane gettin jipped by his english teacher was totally hilarious

honestly i dont care to much about nancy having a baby and possibly gettin killed because i already know they wont kill her because weeds already has a contract for a sixth season so i just think they are stalling on that one.


Well-Known Member
I have never watched it. Is it good?
weeds is one of my favorite tv shows actually.

I like it, haven't gotten around to watching any of the 5th season yet.

i like the 5th season so far. i just seen the 4th espisode of the 5th season a few hours ago

Ive seen every episode y?
im just wondering if any fellow growers really fallow the show because some say the show perpetuates the stereotypes of weed smokers and growers. but i dont think so...

I am a faithful follower. I loved the first couple of seasons.
i havent seen the first 2 seasons. im guna try and back track a little just to see what happend.
Last season sucked. This season has sucked so far - but I can see them getting ready to ramp it up again. Looks like it is going to be a great season!!!
so far the 5th season is really good. i dont wanna ruin it for you but you might wanna stay tuned.................


Well-Known Member
ya i thought this season was startin off hella slow too but hey you know backstory backstory plot plot. anyway im totally down with doug and silas startin a med club. and i thought shane gettin jipped by his english teacher was totally hilarious

honestly i dont care to much about nancy having a baby and possibly gettin killed because i already know they wont kill her because weeds already has a contract for a sixth season so i just think they are stalling on that one.
lmao shane getting ripped off was funny as hell. "hey, i'll give u a ride home" "sucks to be you, SHERRRRRRRT" lmao and of course there not gunna kill Nancy she is the star of the show.........and she is fuckin hot!!!!!but Andy and Nancy need to fuck already there just being stupid.

oh and Ecnacio or wtvr his name is (the body guard) was funny the last episode. him and his fuckin taser lol


Well-Known Member
ya i thought this season was startin off hella slow too but hey you know backstory backstory plot plot. anyway im totally down with doug and silas startin a med club. and i thought shane gettin jipped by his english teacher was totally hilarious

honestly i dont care to much about nancy having a baby and possibly gettin killed because i already know they wont kill her because weeds already has a contract for a sixth season so i just think they are stalling on that one.
I feel like last season was a way for them to re-tool the show. And now they are going to reward us all for the wait for the next couple of seasons. I liked the dynamic of the original episodes with the dealing with the neighbors and just the stupid interactions that were funny.

The whole Nancy / Esteban story is really boring for me. Like you said - they aren't going to kill her - so that leaves him getting killed by the cartel. Just get it over with cause it is filler IMO.

I am excited for this season. Last season was frustrating.


Well-Known Member
I just started watching it, i'm only on the first season but i love it so far. haha every time i watch it it makes me wanna blaze


Well-Known Member
I've seen every episode so far. Good shit man. Good fucking shit!

I need to burn my bro a copy of season 4. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I do...

If you like weeds you should also try breaking bad even though most of us hate meth the show is absolutely worth it. You have to start from the first episode to really understand why a man like that would do what he's doing, but then it all makes sense and is every bit as good as weeds.


Well-Known Member
I do...

If you like weeds you should also try breaking bad even though most of us hate meth the show is absolutely worth it. You have to start from the first episode to really understand why a man like that would do what he's doing, but then it all makes sense and is every bit as good as weeds.
another good show is Dexter. its stars that gay guy in six feet under(another good show)


Well-Known Member
I love Weeds. I've seen every episode except for the latest one, which I missed but will catch up before next week's episode.