Junior Creatologist
Wuddup guys,
So i was just reading through a couple threads, and i came across this one, where two or three people were telling this one guy that his plant was gonna die, and there was nothing he could do about it. The kid had like two or three burnt leaves on his plant. It just kind of made me shake my head. But it also got me thinking...
What if we implemented something like a Quiz upon gaining membership to RIU? Nothing too in depth, but enough grower common knowledge, to determine wether or not that particular newbie has any business giving out advice of any nature. If the newbie fails the quiz, then forbid him from giving advice until he is allowed to take the quiz again, in whatever alotted time you feel is appropriate, like maybe 2-3wks -- enough time for them to read the FAQs and maybe some independent research on how to grow. I'm not saying put a ban on their posting privleges or anything, but rather have 1 mod specifically for going through the forums, to check for newbies who are shitting out horrible advice for unsuspecting growers who just flat out dont know any better, and end up killing their plants, cuz some newbie told them to take a shit in the soil.
The mod could either ban the member for an alotted time depending on the severity of their stupidity, or just have their posting privleges taken away altogether until they can pass the Quiz. I mean, even if these guys go and search up the answers while taking it for the first time, at least they'll have learned the answers to the questions were asking, and are less likely to give out horrible advice, yaknow what i mean? I just think that even though the amount of bad advice is deminishing, its never going to go away altogether, unless something is done about it. IMHO, this would accomplish alot and give the site a nice polish to it, because only viable advice would be given from here on out.
Its just a thought. Interpret it how you want to. I know it would be a mundane ass job for somebody to have to go through the whole forums on a daily basis looking for newbies doing this, but im sure you guys can find somebody who is willing to get the job done. It's just getting to the point where people who have only germinated a seed in a dixie cup are giving advice to people who have full blown grows going on, and if it hasn't happened already, then sooner or later somebody is gonna lose plants and alot of valuable time spent growing them, due to somebody's desperation to look like they know what theyre talking about.
Sorry for the blather, but the idea just kinda popped into my head .
thanks for reading guys
So i was just reading through a couple threads, and i came across this one, where two or three people were telling this one guy that his plant was gonna die, and there was nothing he could do about it. The kid had like two or three burnt leaves on his plant. It just kind of made me shake my head. But it also got me thinking...
What if we implemented something like a Quiz upon gaining membership to RIU? Nothing too in depth, but enough grower common knowledge, to determine wether or not that particular newbie has any business giving out advice of any nature. If the newbie fails the quiz, then forbid him from giving advice until he is allowed to take the quiz again, in whatever alotted time you feel is appropriate, like maybe 2-3wks -- enough time for them to read the FAQs and maybe some independent research on how to grow. I'm not saying put a ban on their posting privleges or anything, but rather have 1 mod specifically for going through the forums, to check for newbies who are shitting out horrible advice for unsuspecting growers who just flat out dont know any better, and end up killing their plants, cuz some newbie told them to take a shit in the soil.
The mod could either ban the member for an alotted time depending on the severity of their stupidity, or just have their posting privleges taken away altogether until they can pass the Quiz. I mean, even if these guys go and search up the answers while taking it for the first time, at least they'll have learned the answers to the questions were asking, and are less likely to give out horrible advice, yaknow what i mean? I just think that even though the amount of bad advice is deminishing, its never going to go away altogether, unless something is done about it. IMHO, this would accomplish alot and give the site a nice polish to it, because only viable advice would be given from here on out.
Its just a thought. Interpret it how you want to. I know it would be a mundane ass job for somebody to have to go through the whole forums on a daily basis looking for newbies doing this, but im sure you guys can find somebody who is willing to get the job done. It's just getting to the point where people who have only germinated a seed in a dixie cup are giving advice to people who have full blown grows going on, and if it hasn't happened already, then sooner or later somebody is gonna lose plants and alot of valuable time spent growing them, due to somebody's desperation to look like they know what theyre talking about.
Sorry for the blather, but the idea just kinda popped into my head .
thanks for reading guys
