Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
After giving the buds a few days of drying time in the jars, I really don't think that not having any paper bag time has hurt them at all. They smell DANK


Well-Known Member
I chopped the sativas today, after three days of dark. I defiantly think that I'm gonna get as much weight, if not more, off of them than I had thought. I took a couple pics of them hanging. I pulled off a bunch of the fan leaves, but I am gonna let them hang for 24 hours before I trim them. Call me lazy, but I just spent three days in the car and I really didn't feel like trimming them tonight. I've got a fan blowing on all of them to help them dry and keep the air moving. I can tell they are getting good air flow because they are spinning around, lol. Here are the pictures of those.

As far as the Widow and Kush are concerned, everyone that has smoked it has been blown away! It sucks hearing all the compliments and not being able to take any of the credit for it!!! While I was out of town I managed to find a house with a basement that will perfectly fit my needs. I also picked up a silk screen from the craft shop and am in the process of making my first batch of dry sieved hash! It is working great and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be super dank!! Well, I'm gonna relax now. I'll get more pictures up when I am done trimming and have the hash done. Peace guys!!! TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot everybody for following along! Its been great to get to know you guys all better! I really can't thank everyone enough for all the support, and advice over the last several months! The hash making is going great, I seived through about a third to half of the trim I had from the WW, and Kush last night. I'll hopefully finish tonight, but I might be busy trimming the sativas, havn't decided yet. The Kief is coming out fairly blond, a little green to it, but no bad, and it smokes great. It tastes alot like the kush for sure. I'll take some pics of the pile when I'm done. Well I gotta head back to work, I'm just on lunch break. Talk to you guys tonight! TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the updates TC. I/ we all know how stressful it can be at harvest time... so many things to do. It's really cool you take the few minutes to let all us know what's going on. I think I can speak for all of us when I say your updates greatly appreciated.

Power to the scissors.



Well-Known Member
ur girls are looking large and in charge.

would you care to prognosticate on what the future might hold for the Thundercat Growth Industry ? Some of ur girls will survive the move... and find a spacious basement suite ?


Well-Known Member
Well Gambler it interesting that YOU asked. I had planned on stepping up to an ebb and flow system after this grow, but financially its not gonna happen yet. To much else going on with the move and shit to come up with the extra money this time around. So I'm actually gonna be doing a hempy grow this next round.

But..... Yes I do have some of my plants that i'm saving and taking with me to the next house. I actually have about 70 or so!! I need to transplant half of them still into some cups, but I've got about 40 or so in cups already. The plant is to stick 3 clones per hempy bucket, like yourself,and about 14-15 buckets under my 1000w. I'll keep some mothers, and clones in the other room under my Mh, and my floro lights. I think I should be able to pull a decent yield off a setup like this. Then after a couple runs to build money, I'll prolly go to ebb and flow.

Once I get settled into the new house, I'll get the mushrooms growing again. I'm looking forward to trying a few new strains once I do. And hopefully by this time next year I'll also be blowing glass. So its gonna be a pretty busy year ahead of me, not to mention my baby on the way, lol. With some planning and a decent amount of luck, everything will go as planned, and we'll be in the new house for about 3-4 years. Then from there, I hope to move some place I can establish a breeding opp. I'd really like to do some traveling around that time, and collect some genetics from other places too. But all of that is a ways off. I've got alot to learn before I start breeding,lol. Any ways I'll catch up with you guys later on. Peace TC

Oh ya, I made it through about 2/3 of my trim now, and I've got just over 4g of keif so far. I'm finish sieveing it, and press it today for sure. I'll take pics before and after.


Well-Known Member
Oh and little grower regarding the ice cream, I'm gonna see how much trim I get off these sativas, and if its enough, I'll make the ice cream from that, if not, you'll just have to stick around till the end of the next grow!! I really wanted to make the ice cream with one of my mango plants, but they were moth males :(, we'll see next time.


Well-Known Member
My clones are kept under the floro light I built that started this grow. Its a cardbord box reflector, and 8 26w cfls inside. I bought a 400mh light part way through this grow, and vegged for a couple weeks under that. Then I flowered with my 1000w hps, and added the additional 400mh after the first 2 weeks flowering. So far I've harvested about 7.5 oz dried. Obviously I still have to geta dry weight on my sativas still too. I'm expecting from the size of the sativas, over another half lb.


Well-Known Member
hey whats up thundercat
i read what u wrote in 420's room do u have those pics of what ur drying ?


Well-Known Member
check back one page I took pics of all my sativa bushs hanging. I still gotta trim them, but I've been busy working, so I figured I'd let them dry before I trimmed them. From what I've read it shouldn't hurt anything I don't think.


Well-Known Member
OK so here are the pics of the kief, and of the hash after I pressed it. I ended up with 4.7g total, and it smokes great. Tastes mostly like the kush, but a bit more fruity I think. I'm gonna use the rest of the trim over, and make what is called "pixie dust" or "cannaflour" its used in cooking. Thought I'd give it a try instead of just tossing the trim, or trying to ISO it. We'll see how it turns out. Well here's the pics

I'll talk to you guys latta. TC


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys it is. Very earthy from the kush for sure. A little bit of fruityness when you first taste it. I'm not a hash expert, but from what little experiance I have, I'd give it a 7 I think.