Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?


Well-Known Member
not sure if thats a safe question to answer. lets say very very very low 20's. why do you ask? lookin to hook up? lol. im not looking for a girlfriend named tom.
You sure? checkout his purple bag seed...I'd let him take me out to dinner for a cutting of that exotic princess:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
He said that he was a lot younger so I was seeing if he was under 18... not trying to get rollitup shut down because of some young kid yah know

Hayduke- I guess I will take that as a compliment? Haha thanks man


Well-Known Member
I have a sixth sense when it comes to that I swear haha... I have gotten a few people to admit it just with the question "how old are you?"
Figured I would give it a shot on tanman


Well-Known Member
So I've bees reading thus thread for a while now and thought I'd post. I'm not in Cali but am interested in moving to a med legal state and grow. U know even a roomate that grew/ helped would be cool, and the best relationships come from freindship and trust. I could help while waiting to be approved. I need a change I got a great job but no love in my life I'd give up what. Have here for a shot at the legal way any day just don't know anyone out there


Well-Known Member
HEY PEOPLE, this is about buzzy finding a man. What's all this chitter chatter going on? Is there really 15 year olds on this site? What's their weed going to be like when they're 30? I think F is right. I think they sound 15 but are really living in mom's basement at 32.


Is this seriously weed personals? They really should make a website devoted to just that. "Lonely but like to smoke? We have your match today!" You can match people on their strain preferences.

But I will be in south cal in a few months. It would be nice to know someone around that knows a little something about what goes on.


Well-Known Member
He said that he was a lot younger so I was seeing if he was under 18... not trying to get rollitup shut down because of some young kid yah know

Hayduke- I guess I will take that as a compliment? Haha thanks man

yah dont worry bout me. im definitely old enough to die for our country. i know there are a lot of real youngsters on here. if i was that young i wouldnt mention jack shit about my age. probably the last time i do mention it. i've seen plenty of youngins get blasted on this site. i get paranoid about leaving clues on this site that may lead to my identity that might lead to someone knocking on my door.


Well-Known Member
yah dont worry bout me. im definitely old enough to die for our country. i know there are a lot of real youngsters on here. if i was that young i wouldnt mention jack shit about my age. probably the last time i do mention it. i've seen plenty of youngins get blasted on this site.
Hey, I say if you're old enough to die for our country (and get married btw not to mention cigs) you're old enough to make all your decisions about your body. That's my opinion though. My daughter is in NKorea on a ship looking for nukes. She should be able to drink. Period.


Well-Known Member
Is this seriously weed personals? They really should make a website devoted to just that. "Lonely but like to smoke? We have your match today!" You can match people on their strain preferences.

But I will be in south cal in a few months. It would be nice to know someone around that knows a little something about what goes on.
You didn't read the thread or you would understand. Are you moving to LA? Good for you. You'll love it.


You didn't read the thread or you would understand. Are you moving to LA? Good for you. You'll love it.

106 pages is a novel but I understand the internet is amazing for the transfer of information and knowledge it opens those doors that would forever stay closed without it. I understood you were basically looking for someone with a common interest as you and you could share in that with as well as share in other aspects of life, right? Best way to do that is off the internet people seem to change greatly from forum to reality.



Well-Known Member
106 pages is a novel but I understand the internet is amazing for the transfer of information and knowledge it opens those doors that would forever stay closed without it. I understood you were basically looking for someone with a common interest as you and you could share in that with as well as share in other aspects of life, right? Best way to do that is off the internet people seem to change greatly from forum to reality.

You seem to be intelligent. I shouldn't look at someone's experience or rep level before I make assumptions. My bad. Yes I understand the reality vrs. forum thing. The thing is, I've been dealing with reality and when I meet someone I like, they always end up getting weird about me growing.


You seem to be intelligent. I shouldn't look at someone's experience or rep level before I make assumptions. My bad. Yes I understand the reality vrs. forum thing. The thing is, I've been dealing with reality and when I meet someone I like, they always end up getting weird about me growing.
Gotta love judgments but thanks.

I dont mean any of that in a bad way at all some of the closest people to me I met from someone or something that had to with the internet. I know that feeling though and a little awkward thing like that can really ruin it all, for me anyway, it just leads to other little awkward uncomfortable things. Just wish everyone could be a little more accepting of the individual as the individual and maybe even let down their own walls a little and indulge, if ya know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love judgments but thanks.

I dont mean any of that in a bad way at all some of the closest people to me I met from someone or something that had to with the internet. I know that feeling though and a little awkward thing like that can really ruin it all, for me anyway, it just leads to other little awkward uncomfortable things. Just wish everyone could be a little more accepting of the individual as the individual and maybe even let down their own walls a little and indulge, if ya know what I mean.
You're preaching to the choir man. I was raised by very strict mormons. I've always tried to teach my children tolerance. Religion and politics seem to beat tolerance out of most people.


You're preaching to the choir man. I was raised by very strict mormons. I've always tried to teach my children tolerance. Religion and politics seem to beat tolerance out of most people.

Oh man I have a friend whos mormon. Anything founded on tripping shrooms in the woods sounds like a great religion to me. It does a good job of keeping us all in line. If we focus on why we hate each other we are distracted from the bigger picture. I was raised south baptist, my grandmother would give you her house and my grandfather hates black people but voted for obama. The times may be a changin... and sounds like you are a great mom.


Well-Known Member
Oh man I have a friend whos mormon. Anything founded on tripping shrooms in the woods sounds like a great religion to me. It does a good job of keeping us all in line. If we focus on why we hate each other we are distracted from the bigger picture. I was raised south baptist, my grandmother would give you her house and my grandfather hates black people but voted for obama. The times may be a changin... and sounds like you are a great mom.
Religion is an idea that should have been left behind years ago. I understand the need to control the masses, but I think the internet has proven that the masses (for the most part) are better at controlling themselves.

Thanks. I love my children. They are all very different and doing well with their chosen careers. We have a lot of fun when we get together. We decided a while ago to skip the disgusting ritual that christmas has become and travel the world during the holiday instead of buying and receiving useless stuff usually surrounded by unnecessary stress. We aren't rich, we find ways to do it on a budget. It's surprising how much you learn about yourself and your country when you look at the way other people live. I am a better person for looking at other ways of doing things. We take too much for granted.

When and where are you landing in SoCal?


Religion is an idea that should have been left behind years ago. I understand the need to control the masses, but I think the internet has proven that the masses (for the most part) are better at controlling themselves.

Thanks. I love my children. They are all very different and doing well with their chosen careers. We have a lot of fun when we get together. We decided a while ago to skip the disgusting ritual that christmas has become and travel the world during the holiday instead of buying and receiving useless stuff usually surrounded by unnecessary stress. We aren't rich, we find ways to do it on a budget. It's surprising how much you learn about yourself and your country when you look at the way other people live. I am a better person for looking at other ways of doing things. We take too much for granted.

When and where are you landing in SoCal?

Oh yeah it should of been out in the middle ages that vast expanse of time, about 2000 years, where we did not progress at all as a culture or civilization. People lived solely in a church state, for the church and by the church and I see how we are headed in that direction again... well the majority. I cant decided if us controlling ourselves is a good thing or a bad thing, and to much of anythings a awful thing.

I hate christmas! I never go and I think it pisses them all off but I am the black sheep anyway so it doesn't matter. I am truly jealous of that and it sounds amazing. Where is the most interesting place you have been?

I am not sure, anytime I like after aug I suppose. I am driving, or hitching it, taking in the desert space with hot days and cold nights and all of that shit.