(Please don't turn this thread into a Republican or Democrat bashing party. I created this for thoughtful meaningful discussion, not mindless stupidity.)
I really want to know why so many people are afraid the idea of Socialism. It seems that every time a politician is even loosely connected to it, its ends up being their political demise. I for one am not calling for a entirely socialist government that only leads to communism, which in the end have shown to fail. But guess what a pure capitalist economy fails to, remember the last time that America had one of those? Around the 1920s, funny how that turned out.
Why is it so bad that the government provide higher education ensures that a large percentage of Americans can either not afford to pay for it, or will be paying interest on a large loan for the rest of their lives, if they can get the loan. For all of those you think that the money is out there and people just have to stop being lazy and look for it. Well I am sorry you people are living in a fantasy world. It is very hard to get a loan these days with the "cullusterfuck" that the economy has been in, and government aid for the most part is a joke. You can barely pay for most colleges with the amount that you are allowed to take out. I think I know this more then most people since I had to take a semester off because I could no afford to pay for college, might even have to take another semester off. Since I cannot get a loan. Its not as if I am stupid I maintained a 3.4 GPA in BioChemistry, its simply I cannot afford to pay for it. How is it beneficial to the American Society to keep people that are smart and have a drive in life at the bottom of the pack simply because they do not have money.
Why is it so bad to provide health care for all American's? Is it really the end of society if all people had a right to be able to go to the doctor if they or one of their loved ones were sick. There should be limits to the amount of times someone could go to the doctor. I would never want to see Hospitals over flowing because people are abusing the system. But that does not mean that people should be dieing of things such as the common flu just because they are to poor to afford the health services. Or dieing because they cannot afford to get a check up on a regular basis, and end of sick because of a worsening condition that could have been prevented? Of course there should be regulations, if you smoke cancer sticks and obese because you don't take take of you body. You should not get the same benefits that everyone else does. Sorry but when you are on the governments bill you better be taking care of yourself better.
I know the argument against this is that people do not want to pay for something that they do use. It is not the governments right to take away their money and use it for something that has no benefit to them. By doing this it will only make people lazy and destroy the fabric of society. Some also might contend that Capitalism is the reason why this country has become so strong, and by adding socialist policies we will only be going against everything that has made this country so great and strong. Policies that have favored business have been the building blocks of our economy.
While I do agree that policies that have strongly favored business have helped bring this country to where it is today. It is also true that one of the main building blocks for the country was the introduction of free education system. Without it our country would not be where it is today. If you do not educate your citizens in this world business you are at a huge disadvantage. You are only creating a perpetual class of people that are going to suck up the programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Why not create doctors, lawyers, engineers, instead thieves and bums on the street. We already have a socialist type education system, albeit broken, why no fix it and provide more education for those who want it.
Its not a well known fact but because there are people that cannot afford health care, the price of health care is actually being driven up and you are actually paying for it in the end. When someone without health care ends up with a life threatening disease that could have been prevented. Guess who pays the bill to save them, you, and its a ALOT more expensive to keep some one from dieing then to keep someone from getting sick. So why not take that extra money and put it in a system that provides everyone with health care, with regulation. Some might argue that it will kill the insurance industry. Why are people caring about the insurance industry, they sure as hell don't care for you. Innovation means that certain industry will become obsolete over time, it happens that is the way for life.
I am not calling for a completely socialist country but one which takes the ideals from both capitalism and socialism and works them together. Nothing is black and white, but shades of gray.
So I ask you again, why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?
(Please don't turn this thread into a Republican or Democrat bashing party. I created this for thoughtful meaningful discussion, not mindless stupidity.)