An established member told me my grow was very interesting and to post it...


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes, I did an experiment to this plant and cut mature fan leaves off all the way to the stem during the first month of growing to keep them from shading the plant! I am no longer cutting them since the growth is very established now. I am pretty sure its a female and it wasn't shocked into turning male... About one or two more days until I can see the pistils. This plant is a month and 3 days old and is growing strong! As you can see, it has 4 or 5 main shoots and is short with big/fat leaves... Which means mostly indica, I believe, but it was a random seed. However, it may be short because cutting the fan leaves may have slowed growth. I'm going to keep posting new updated pictures of the plant all the way through harvest. Hope you guys like it!

Oh, I added the sand a couple of days ago to suffocate the little black gnat eggs in my soil. I will be removing the sand in another day or so. Hope it worked!


Active Member
It looks good. Nice fat main stem and a healthy looking squat plant.

How many bulbs are you using and what is the wattage?

How big is that flower pot?


Well-Known Member
I am very interested in this any info? Lights? Nutes? Light schedule? Temps, humidity? I want to know all the details and exactly what you did that is awesome a big + rep for you.



Well-Known Member

It's a... DUN-DUN-DUN... FEMALE!!!!

The plant finally showed a few sets of pistils this morning, which makes me VERY happy!

Anyway, here is what you asked for...

First of all, I didn't germinate the seed. I put it straight into the soil and watered it and it sprouted in about 3 days. I only water the plant when the top couple of inches of the soil is dry, or if the plant looks droopy, or if the bucket is really light in weight. The water used is simple tap water that has sat open for at least 24 hours. I have not used any nutes, at all. I am kind of afraid to use nutes because I don't want to fuck up the plant. Personally, I don't know what the pH is, or what the humidity level is (probably need to invest in this), but the temp stays at a constant 78 degrees during the light cycle. I believe the soil already has everything to feed the plant for it to grow, but I know if I use nutes, I will get a way bigger yeild. The bag said that the soil feeds for 9 months. Um... OH! I used four 6500k cfl's and one HUGE 2700k (300w, I believe) cfl on an 18/6 cycle for the veg stage. I might be doing the 12/12 cycle too early (plant is a little over one month now), but I think it'll be fine. For my 12/12 cycle, I am using three of the HUGE 2700k cfl's and two of the 6500k cfl's. I'm growing in a 9 inch growers pot, but I wish I would have used a 5 gallon bucket. I would like to use flowering nutes, but I don't know where to start... Would it shock the plant because I haven't used nutes during the veg stage?

What's wrong with the foil? I covered the closet with it. Is the plant going to grow better with out it? The walls in the closet are white/gray.

Thanks for all the REP! REP+ for you guys too!!


Well-Known Member

It's a... DUN-DUN-DUN... FEMALE!!!!

The plant finally showed a few sets of pistils this morning, which makes me VERY happy!

Anyway, here is what you asked for...

First of all, I didn't germinate the seed. I put it straight into the soil and watered it and it sprouted in about 3 days. I only water the plant when the top couple of inches of the soil is dry, or if the plant looks droopy, or if the bucket is really light in weight. The water used is simple tap water that has sat open for at least 24 hours. I have not used any nutes, at all. I am kind of afraid to use nutes because I don't want to fuck up the plant. Personally, I don't know what the pH is, or what the humidity level is (probably need to invest in this), but the temp stays at a constant 78 degrees during the light cycle. I believe the soil already has everything to feed the plant for it to grow, but I know if I use nutes, I will get a way bigger yeild. The bag said that the soil feeds for 9 months. Um... OH! I used four 6500k cfl's and one HUGE 2700k (300w, I believe) cfl on an 18/6 cycle for the veg stage. I might be doing the 12/12 cycle too early (plant is a little over one month now), but I think it'll be fine. For my 12/12 cycle, I am using three of the HUGE 2700k cfl's and two of the 6500k cfl's. I'm growing in a 9 inch growers pot, but I wish I would have used a 5 gallon bucket. I would like to use flowering nutes, but I don't know where to start... Would it shock the plant because I haven't used nutes during the veg stage?

What's wrong with the foil? I covered the closet with it. Is the plant going to grow better with out it? The walls in the closet are white/gray.

Thanks for all the REP! REP+ for you guys too!!
Congrats man, good luck, shits looking nice. + rep man.


Well-Known Member
the wrinkles in the foil will create hot-spots and burn your plant. white paint is better.
Thanks a lot!! I had no idea... Is it really that serious? I have grown one other female plant in there too, but I accidentally sliced it in half with one of the poles from my shelf it sits on. I was so pissed because it had just turned female and I was so excited. This is a picture of the other plant before I killed it (THE DEATH WAS A TOTAL ACCIDENT).




Well-Known Member
yes the wrinkles will mess things up, but im growing with foil right now, and as long as it doesn't have wrinkles, your fine. it might be worth it just to sit down and take some time to put up some cheap tin foil. then again, Mylar you can never go wrong with.


Well-Known Member
yes the wrinkles will mess things up, but im growing with foil right now, and as long as it doesn't have wrinkles, your fine. it might be worth it just to sit down and take some time to put up some cheap tin foil. then again, Mylar you can never go wrong with.
you can go wrong with mylar just as easily as you can with foil. all the same problems occur.


Well-Known Member
you have to be a pretty retarded person to go wrong with Mylar.

any wrinkles will create hot spots just the same as foil, the only reason its considered better than foil is its more durable. if you foliar spray at all you will waste countless hours scrubbing stupid mylar. paint doesnt get water spots. paint wont rip. paint wont get all gobbed up with trichomes. do you have any other well-worded arguements?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
any wrinkles will create hot spots just the same as foil, the only reason its considered better than foil is its more durable. if you foliar spray at all you will waste countless hours scrubbing stupid mylar. paint doesnt get water spots. paint wont rip. paint wont get all gobbed up with trichomes. do you have any other well-worded arguements?:dunce:
lol i never said paint was bad. or anything like that, but w/e you say, i got my own shit to worry about lol.


Well-Known Member
lol i never said paint was bad. or anything like that, but w/e you say, i got my own shit to worry about lol.
no, but you did say that any retard could put up mylar and i strongly disagree...any retard can paint, but someone with coffee-jitters can ruin a roll of mylar real quick.


Well-Known Member
to interrupt this argument i would like to ask how did u cut ur leaves, bilaterally all the way down the petiole? or is there another way that my mind cannot at this moment comprehend haha....looks great tho am interested in this meathod, i might even use hot spot forming aluminum foil : - )


Well-Known Member
to interrupt this argument i would like to ask how did u cut ur leaves, bilaterally all the way down the petiole? or is there another way that my mind cannot at this moment comprehend haha....looks great tho am interested in this meathod, i might even use hot spot forming aluminum foil : - )

I literally cut the "mature" fan leaves at the main stalk, leaving just a nub for the growing shoots to still pop up from. This was only done for the first month of growth so that the plant wasn't shaded by the big ass leaves. Of course, the reason I stopped cutting is because the plant has now become a STRONG plant and the shoots can now fend for themselves. However, I still left a few of the fan leaves during the time I was cutting since they are used to bring in energy to the plant. Here are a few pictures that may help you on where to cut if you decide to do this. Remember, only cut the fan leaves that have almost matured (good growth), or have become mature.

