Active Member
Is this actually possible? I've seen photos of harvest-ready plants in 16-oz cups but I could not tell if they were doctored. If this is true then why ever transplant?
Thanks TeaTreeOil.Very little veg time. Could be 12/12 from the start. Also, the small container forces the plant to be less bushy than normal.
well first of all the top photo is not a cup its a 1 gallon grow bagI think your looking for THIS:
The pics are from the following threads:i still think there just taking a bud off a normal plant and putting it in a cup.. theres no full grow journal anywhere. that link iloveit put up shows none of the growth stages.... i Hope im wrong! cos this would be soooo cool!!!
Well I always grow in one gallon Hempy Buckets. Gets plenty tall enough for the head room I have. None of them have got rootbound or if they have it hasn't seemed to hurt em. I did one double grow same plant in the same bucket. Harvest reveg bloom and harvest again. Was still the best looking plant I had when I decided to kill it. As long as a person gives them food and water they seem to do ok. Now how the buds got down to the bottom on the plant in the pic is a good question. Sidelights or maybe an outdoor grow or they was widely spaced under the lights. Would seem to take a lot of trimming and training to grow so tall and skinny. Come to think on it don't think overhead lights could do that trick. Tops would burn up to get enough light to the lower buds. Might be some of that Martian rope Art Bell talks about on his late night radio show.
JUST LOOK AT THE PIC BELOW IN MY LINK, I DIDNT USE ANY SIDE LIGHTING OR DID ANY TRIMMING OR TRAINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So as was stated the ones in cups obviously arent the same size as the top one and it appears as if some pruning to the bottom bud sites on the sides was done. Don't quote me on this but I seem to remember something from biology about trees only being able to grow branches or foilage as far out as their roots go. When feeding a tree you always water around what is called the dripline which is the outer perimeter of its foliar growth. maybe a similar principal applies. That and slightly over watering to discourage much root growth as opposed to letting soil dry out and allowing the roots some time to search for water and encouraging growth which is commonly suggested. You would need epic side lighting too I'm sure.All that and a good feeding schedule I assume would get you somewhere close to this.
JUST LOOK AT THE PIC BELOW IN MY LINK, I DIDNT USE ANY SIDE LIGHTING OR DID ANY TRIMMING OR TRAINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
I AM SUPER CALM FELLA, JUST TRYING TO MAKE THE POINT TO PEOPLE THAT U DONT HAVE TO HAVE LOADS OV SIDE LIGHTING AND AWSOME SKILLS TO GROW GOOD HEALTHY PLANTS WETHA THEY BE IN 16oz CUPS OR 5GALL BUCKETS, PEACE!!Jeez. Calm down man.I was just trying to exlplain it. You may have done it but you didin't watch them grow. Sorry I missed your post and ruffled your feathers.