Well-Known Member
Depends on your point of view.
Since you can't take clones, and roll basically forever, they are pricey. Unless you wanna basically sacrifice a single grow for seed production.
And the ration of M vs F on 10 seeds can weigh in kinda heavy.
so is it safe to say it saves a lot of money buy ordering the feminized autoflower seeds? but then that knocks out the possibility of getting a male to produce more seeds. unless u can use giberellic acid to produce male pollen with the autoflowering plants. i dont know. anyone have any experience with giberellic acid and autoflowering plants? i want to order seeds very soon and im torn over which ones to get. im 100 percent sure i wanna get autoflowering plants. i want ones that dont branch much. my first choice was diesel ryder by the joint doctor but now attitude ran out of those. anyone have any ideas?