starting out-1st grow-more to come

if you wanna comment on ne thing or give me ne tips pls do. im readin constantly about growing, like 2 hours everyday, im obsessed. how do u think they look? i think i wanna top all of them



Well-Known Member
They look good...their looking like healthy babies. ya i feel u on the reading up and searchn for info online, and spending time above and beyond watering ur babies, is an addiction...a good 1 tho. wuts ur room size, wut kind of lighting and venting do u have?

if you wanna comment on ne thing or give me ne tips pls do. im readin constantly about growing, like 2 hours everyday, im obsessed. how do u think they look? i think i wanna top all of them
ok so im growing in my bedroom closet. its 10x12. so im broke and im having to just use everything around my moms house. i used miracle gro soil and old soil she had in her tomato garden and soil out of her garden. i have 2 fans intake and exhaust, ive put up foil (ill take a pic of the actual room and post it) im using the GE energy star soft white 100w- 1700 lumens, im using 6 bulbs. and then another 50 watt-850 lumens. i water about every 3 days and mist twice a does all that sound? i wanna know everything so please comment. tell me all your best kept secrets!


Well-Known Member
if those are normal soft white bulbs, you def need to run to home depot, lowes or walmart, and replace them for 23, 26, or 42 w cfl's...compact florescent lighting...look like swirly bulbs. correct spectrum. its goood u got intake and exhaust, they do say 'fresh air is your friend'. 10 x 12 closet, jesus that a big 1. anyways your gonna have to be careful about any 'extra' feeding you do with nutrients, because your using MG soil, which is a great medium, but does already have 'nutes' in it. i think a 3 month supply which from seed, will take you nearly to finish. you may have to add a small amount of bloom booster at the end of your run, but id say just water for veg. there small right now, just lil babies, and their naturally very hardy plants so id say watch them close and they'll be great...check out my journal on my sig link!
no theyre swirly bulbs. i saw on here where alot of ppl were using um. well ive been mixing pee w water and thats what ive been watering with? i make sure not to get the pee on my plant lol. should i stop?

ive been growing these for about 6 wks. at first i had no lights just the sunlight from outside. so it was a slow start but ive had the lights, fans, foil for about 2 and a half weeks and they took off!

theyre all just now gettin their first and second sets of of leaves w 5. so this means theyre just now entering veg state right? how long can i keep them n veg state? im not n a rush i just wnt the best weed i can possibly grow.

tips tips tips


Well-Known Member
wt f i just typed like a whole page of tips and my server booted me..that s fucking wack.

okay...hmmm . the pee thing i read in a ed rosenthal book too but thats just not hot. so im gonna say if ur broke go to wallmart and spend 3 bucks and buy a tomato food high in N or Nitrogen. should say something like 9-12-12. feed it to them sparingly, like every third watering, at half of recommended dose at first. if u can afford 80 bucks get online or local hydroshop and buy fox farms trio. that will have everything u need all the way thro

as far as vegging is concerned, their considered vegging until u flower them with a 12 12 lights on lights off regiment. to keep them in eternal veg keep the timer set to 24.7 on all the time or...20 on 4 off or 18 on 6 off. ive heard great things about 20.4 in documented experiments. i run 24.7 if the wheather allows, meaning if it wont put me up in high temps. Your main factor is if u have the lighting and space for huge plants. cfl arent gonna cut it for large plants, unless your hanging like 20 plus bulbs and thats just a pain in the ass...HID all the way in ur 12x 10 foot said ur closet was that big right. look in to HPS lighting. its expensive...but yields are overwhelming. in a space that big i would buy a digiatla lumetek ballast, which can power to 600watters. id buy (2) 600w air cooled hoods and 2 600 hps bulbs. id buy and extractor fan and hook it to the hood and vent into the attic. then you'll have some serious wieght and quality, if u do it right. but at the cost of $1,000usa dollars. or more.
lets talk about getting the most out of your plant. you need to start some simple training with your plants at this stage. you can choose to use a little of all or any 1 technique. supercropping , topping, lsting.
supercropping...literally snap (do it delicatly) the top or lower growing shoot(s), bend them over, itll look like a broken arm.. the wound will heal, and itll heal stronger, more prepared to hold the wieght of a flowering plant. also give more light exposure now that its bent to lower shoots, making them main cola's as well.
topping...take a pair of scissors or your nails, and cutt off top growing shoot. this will be replaced by 2 top growing shoots, like medusa. i use this technique and it usually gives me 8 top colas by letting lowers catch up with the 2 new growing u like 8 that are the same hieght.
lsting them (low stress training) the plants are very pliable in veg. bend them over but dont break and tie them down with yarn or floss. this will expose more lowers to direct light, and give you more colas as well. Use 1 or all of these techniques to suite ur grow. itll ultimatly give u more bang for your buck with ur plants. anyother ques?
no theyre swirly bulbs. i saw on here where alot of ppl were using um. well ive been mixing pee w water and thats what ive been watering with? i make sure not to get the pee on my plant lol. should i stop?

ive been growing these for about 6 wks. at first i had no lights just the sunlight from outside. so it was a slow start but ive had the lights, fans, foil for about 2 and a half weeks and they took off!

theyre all just now gettin their first and second sets of of leaves w 5. so this means theyre just now entering veg state right? how long can i keep them n veg state? im not n a rush i just wnt the best weed i can possibly grow.

tips tips tips
oh goodness. lord u r way over my head w all that hoods and stuff. the attic? theres no way i could do that myself. yea its a big closet. lucky me perfect for a garden! i wanna top them, just for the fact i dont want super tall plants...i mean space isnt a issue but just so its a little easier on me...but im just scared and where i only have 6 and probably half will b males im scared im gunna hurt um and my luck it wouldve been one of the females and id b soooooo sad! so the point of supercropping is by bending the stem it makes it grow stronger to better hold when flowering? is that the only benefit? how many times can i top my plants w out overdoin it and is it better to top more or would that be a mistake? and one of them, the leaves r starting to droop! and the very bottom 2 leaves yesterday were like a bright green and now theyre starting to get more yellow color to them and theyre alot more flimsy then top leaves! whats goin on!


Active Member
Eh , what up? , nice ladies you got there! , just a suggestion tho , if i were you id probably get rid of the tin foil if you havent already , it creates hot spots that can cause your plants to start dieing , if anything , you should get somthing called mylar , OR , you can get that silver christmas wrapping , works just as good , but other then all that , looking great , keep it up.

P.S. sorry if i reply'd on an old post lol


Well-Known Member
just read your thread, they starting too look good, what is your set up as of now?? do those containers have holes at the bottom for drainege?


Well-Known Member
how close to the plants are your bulbs. In some of the pics they look pretty far away. Ive grown with cfl's and you got to get them close w/ a fan on them????


Well-Known Member
it does look that way , but what ever laurennash is doing looks good to me , the plants dont look streched at all


Well-Known Member
That is true they dont look stretched they look very good. Get those lights as close as you can. Mo light is mo betta!! But you have a very good start!!
hey guys sry its been awhile. good news bad news. im down to 4 plants. but it is my first grow and 4 is easy for me to make sure i give each plant enought attention topping super croppin watering ect. im so scared theyre all going to be males tho. and ive been looking trying to tell, even tho mine are only in almost 3 weeks veg at each node the the spike things at where the branch meets i can see a itttttyyy bittty thing raising up! is that seeds, meaning its male! well and i no longer have internet on my phone so i wont be able to upload pics for about 2 weeks. but they are MUCHHHHHH bigger since those last pictures, 2 ive topped, one i did twice. the other 2 im leaving alone. they are about 3 feet tall..lights r about10 inches away....its been working up til now i get scared to move it too close cuz one time a light fell right onw one plant and completly burned it up! i about cried. and i can NOT afford to lose another plnt. yes holes in bottom. and i have a fan. ph i have NOOO IDEA!!! and i know thats terrible, but i dnt get it, i dnt have money to buy ne thing! ive just been using water this whole time but theyve obviously turned out amazing!!! so if any of you all have any suggestions, id love to hear them!


Well-Known Member
Hi! you really do need to get your light closer to the top of plants. I flower with 2x250w plug and grow cfls and i have them set 2 inches above plants. The bulb being too far away will cause stretching of your plants, which aint good aparently.