What Is Anarchy??


Active Member
Some of us are on our own already when it comes to medical.
untrue, you may not have money for the bill, but you CAN still go to the hospital, you think a doctor will look at a person bleeding out and say "hmmm no insurance? damn too bad...*walks away*"


Active Member
Moderator=Nazi agenda with a small penis. haha Give me a reprimand for that one massa'
for someone who strives to bring love and compassion to the people you sure are one hateful bastard.

and i dont care if you report me, you are a hateful piece of shit, i've read your posts and you turn on people and lash out. slinging names around unless they agree with you.

yea, i def. am gonna back someone of that persona and believe they want a country of true freedom. with no dictation. whatever dude grow up.


Well-Known Member
untrue, you may not have money for the bill, but you CAN still go to the hospital, you think a doctor will look at a person bleeding out and say "hmmm no insurance? damn too bad...*walks away*"
Only because they can rip you off. The hospital bill is outrageous, then you get a bill equal in amount from the Dr. that saw you even though he is being paid by the hospital. I am poor enough and live in Cali, and probably would qualify for emergency Medi-Cal if I jumped through enough hoops.



New Member
untrue, you may not have money for the bill, but you CAN still go to the hospital, you think a doctor will look at a person bleeding out and say "hmmm no insurance? damn too bad...*walks away*"
OK, Let's look at where you may be missing some things. Say you have cancer, Parkinsons, enphysema, or a myriad of diseases that kill you slowly. Hospitals will not afford you long term care if you are one of the 60+ million that are either un-insured or under-insured. Those people will be turned loose to die on their own. Some curable diseases will kill thousands every year from lack of proper health care. Diabetes comes to mind, a very liveable disease with the proper treatment.


Well-Known Member
OK, Let's look at where you may be missing some things. Say you have cancer, Parkinsons, enphysema, or a myriad of diseases that kill you slowly. Hospitals will not afford you long term care if you are one of the 60+ million that are either un-insured or under-insured. Those people will be turned loose to die on their own. Some curable diseases will kill thousands every year from lack of proper health care. Diabetes comes to mind, a very liveable disease with the proper treatment.
Very true.



New Member
yeah true, when i was in cuba i remember reading all the propaganda on the billboards, it was saying something along those line of thousands of people dieing every year around the but none of them happened in cuba:shock: don't think its completely true but is interesting


Active Member
you guys only furthered my point (if you read back to where it initiated from), in anarchy you wouldn't have it. there wouldn't be insurance to have. insurance in our country only knows how to run based on our form of gov't and economy a capitalism. so imagine what the body count WOULD be, i was simply saying in the case where you were bleeding out, then there on the spot, no on would be there to help, as where NOW there would, you'd be billed, but you'd be alive.

so why the counter?


Well-Known Member
as for someone saying tbt stating just facts and me being childish, well I got bitter after TBT offered me to go back to Africa (The same answer all Racist's and Conseveritives have.)
Let me hammer a another nail into your proverbial coffin since you obviously are so blinded by your "poor me, pity me!" routine that you can not understand that difference between stating that all blacks should be forced to go back to Africa (which is a racist, nazist view point), and informing some one that if they do not want to have modern conveniences that they can live in a wilderness area some where.

I don't care if you find your wilderness in the Siberian Steppes, the Patagonia region of Brazil, Northern Canada, or South East Asia, the reason why Africa comes to mind is because I think you'd fit right in with all the other crazies that inhabit everywhere East of the Nile and West of the Caspian (Jews, Muslims and Extremist Christian Sects, not to mention the typical Genocidal Rants featured by people in Iran.)

As far as how it's possible for the statement to be racist, I didn't even know what your skin color was, nor do I give a damn. If you want to live in a natural state with out modern convenience, or think it would be better then there is no reason why you need to drag any one else except those that want to join you of their own free will with you.

Get off your high horse, I believe you left a metal pipe wrapped in rebar on it that you sat down on.


Well-Known Member
Moderator=Nazi agenda with a small penis. haha Give me a reprimand for that one massa'
see, people throw around attacks and insults so i reprimand them, then they call me a nazi.

please explain.


and look, i let you call me names and didn't do anything. now what?

drama :roll:

Musical Suicide

New Member
for someone who strives to bring love and compassion to the people you sure are one hateful bastard.

and i dont care if you report me, you are a hateful piece of shit, i've read your posts and you turn on people and lash out. slinging names around unless they agree with you.

yea, i def. am gonna back someone of that persona and believe they want a country of true freedom. with no dictation. whatever dude grow up.

Hateful?? haha Know your words... buddy. I'm laughing this whole time, and never said I hated anybody. You have a lot to learn too, rudeness. Calling someone a nazi isnt hateful... just means they like to control everything. and I never twisted anyones words, at least no more than mine have been. So take a toke and leave me the **** alone. ( I have to bleep it out, or I might get in trouble.... W.A.J.)

Musical Suicide

New Member
Let me hammer a another nail into your proverbial coffin since you obviously are so blinded by your "poor me, pity me!" routine that you can not understand that difference between stating that all blacks should be forced to go back to Africa (which is a racist, nazist view point), and informing some one that if they do not want to have modern conveniences that they can live in a wilderness area some where.

I don't care if you find your wilderness in the Siberian Steppes, the Patagonia region of Brazil, Northern Canada, or South East Asia, the reason why Africa comes to mind is because I think you'd fit right in with all the other crazies that inhabit everywhere East of the Nile and West of the Caspian (Jews, Muslims and Extremist Christian Sects, not to mention the typical Genocidal Rants featured by people in Iran.)

As far as how it's possible for the statement to be racist, I didn't even know what your skin color was, nor do I give a damn. If you want to live in a natural state with out modern convenience, or think it would be better then there is no reason why you need to drag any one else except those that want to join you of their own free will with you.

Get off your high horse, I believe you left a metal pipe wrapped in rebar on it that you sat down on.
High horse? Poor me?? haha you really like making shit up. Its funny how I got a couple rep's, and they said, "dont mind tbt, he's argumentive and another said very rude and childish. Looks like i'm not the only one who thinks so.

You sir, are nothing better than a racist, your a bigot. I belive your blind in beliveing what the masses belive. Everything you have attacked me with this whoile time, has been easily turned around on you. Now, if I had the support of my fellow anarchist, if there were any more than 1 or 2 on here, we could go on and on about how rediculous you really are. Like you and your little conservite P**** friends. Sorry, i got shit to do, although i would love to sit here and be just like you,______ fill in the blank, your good at making things up. So while your crying tonight, about how anarchism is wrong.... I got an action tonight, see you in the paper.

ALF Lives Another day.


Active Member
you appaul me, saying I dont know MY words, how is TBT a bigot? and as for pussies, for an anarchist you sure are hiding behind an avatar and secrecy of who you really are. all talk really, and as for making shit up? love how that one makes sense.....:shock:

most all who back anarchy are those who are ignorant to how society works as a whole, human nature, and instinct, for you to think there would be no laws and everyone would just be nice and loving, and blah blah blah, is just fuckin stupid. oh and just so you know, when the fucker come around to burn my car (as you said you and your little friends will do) i'll be sure to plant some lead in their head.

and im not the only one, you want to destroy what people have worked hard for, and you dont think ppl will die because of it?

again you plan to "take back this country" (though it was never yours)(its started as democratic republic and still IS a D.R. never completely the peoples.) with violence and fear and call in love and compassion, you're almost as delusional as hitler or stalin, and come around my house with that intention to destroy, and you'll fade to black bub.

i'm done arguing with someone who isn't experienced enough in that field to understand what reprecussions come from the actions of your earlier statements

Originally Posted by Musical Suicide-
we will be the ones setting your suvs on fire
yea good luck with that.

just wanted to note, none of this was a threat, simple statements of protection for my house home family, from anyone.


Well-Known Member
Right back at ya.... as for the good luck, well I definitely dont need it from you, so keep it for your hmo's and retirement plans...your gonna need it.

Hey CaptnJack, what do you think about Delusions of Persecution?

Is it possible that due to the media routinely saying that such and such group is oppressed (despite in general not being) that such and such group comes up with the fallacious meme that they are oppressed?


Active Member
Hey CaptnJack, what do you think about Delusions of Persecution?

Is it possible that due to the media routinely saying that such and such group is oppressed (despite in general not being) that such and such group comes up with the fallacious meme that they are oppressed?

I think its quite sad actually, kinda like the kids blowing themselves up because they are brainwashed into thinkin its right, but for someone of an adults age, is ridiculous, they should be able to think. WBU TBT?