HTB's lowryder 2 grow!


Well-Known Member
All those plants are looking real good. Sorry to hear about the lr2 still holding out on ya. Sounds like you're doing everything that you're supposed to be doing. Weird. Nice catch on the chemdawg there. Supposed to be some pretty strong stuff. Between that, the sour diesel, the cheese, and the thunderfuck you're gonna be in a coma! Quite the variety my friend. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
have you attempted puttin the lr2 into a 12/12 for a while? I mean, my diesel ryders are half that age and size and I have flowers popping up everywhere


Well-Known Member
have you attempted puttin the lr2 into a 12/12 for a while? I mean, my diesel ryders are half that age and size and I have flowers popping up everywhere
well i do not really have any way of doing that yet. I work a lot and always different shifts. so no, i put it in the dark for 24 hours a while ago. i dont have two rooms, just the one. and yeah mines HUGE, for a lr2 that is. i wonder how much ill get off it when it flowers... if it does..


Well-Known Member
So, today i decided to try some LST on the sour diesel. i didnt like how lanky and branchy she was. so i tied her down, and she has already bent way back up. im sorry i cant post pics right now im too tired. but i will tomorrow. all the others are doin good... except as i mentioned in the previous post the LR2 is still not flowering...


Well-Known Member
ok, so i got some pics of the sour diesel which i tied down yesterday. i just retied her before i took pics... so that is why it doesnt appear to be growing straight up. anyhow i would like any advice or tips on the LST technique if youve got some experience.

thanks for checking it out.



Well-Known Member
i was gonna take the plants outta the room for photos but im way too lazy so heres some pics. :joint:the first few are of the room (usually half of the opening is covered by a mirrored door... facing inwards of course.) then there are pics of the plants in the room. the first one is the lowryder(the big ass bushy one in the corner, then the alaskan thunderfuck clone, looks AWESOME! it, also is pretty bushy and has bud sites everywhere. then the cheese... tall kinda lanky its a wierd clone but its healthy. then the newest little one the 91 chemdawg. little but looks like it is gonna grow real nice. I didnt include any pics of the sour diesel because i just had a post with her. You can see her in one of the pics though, all bent over in the front. I am thinking about using LST on the 91 Chemdawg as well... what do you think?



Active Member
Well, then I guess its the waiting game. Kinda trippy about that LR2, maybe its not really autoflower? I don't know really, Im just high trying to guess. I guess when you put the others to 12/12 for flowering, youll find out. Looking great otherwise from what I can tell. Maybe you should trim that LR2 up a little before it starts flower? but that is your call.


Well-Known Member
ya the LR2 is fucked... All i know is its pretty big, and i cant let it keep growing. how can i stop vertical growth... should i consider toppong??? Ill definately do a little trimming. although i have read to never cut off a good leaf. just tuck them. illl check it out, and decide...


Well-Known Member
So i decided i couldnt let the "LR2" grow any higher so i topped her... or i guess it was more like fimming... cuz i missed HA anyhow shell be fine. and hopefully stay about the same height


Well-Known Member
OK, so i wanna go to flower. what do u think... the lowryder is HUGe, im worried about running out of room, (hopefully the fimming i did will help), im not worried about the size of her. but i wanna know if my clones are large enough to produce a good amount of bud. The alaskan thunder fuck is about 10 inches tall, and very bushy, lots of outward growth, she was planted 3 weeks ago.. The cheese is about 12 inches, but she is pretty thin not lots of leaves, or bud sites, planted 2 weeks ago. i think it will be my lowest producing plant. The sour diesel. which is now in heavy LST, was about a foot tall, not shes about 6 inches shes got lots of new tops growing twords the light, and it is a very level canopy, planted 2 weeks ago.. then there is the little 91 chemdawg. only about 5 inches tall, looks like it will grow very bushy, planted 5 days ago. ill post some pics.


Well-Known Member
so i was having a slight problem with my temperature... so I purchased (1) 133 CFM case fan. which is more than enough to cycle air every 3 minutes. hopefully this will help my temperature for flowering.


Active Member
If I were you, Id throw em in flower. You dont really have a lot of space in that room, so letting them flower small should give you an advantage there. Also, Im curious to see if that LR throws up some flowers.


Well-Known Member
I'm in agreement with bug on this one. You may want to think of cloning a few of the plants given their strain (how many people do sog with something called alaskan thunderfuck!). The lr2 is either totally f'd or it's a recessive plant that's not autoflowering. Only 12/12 holds the answer to that question. I imagine it will produce bud on 12/12 given how it's just kept growing no matter how long you have vegged for. Crazy stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'm in agreement with bug on this one. You may want to think of cloning a few of the plants given their strain (how many people do sog with something called alaskan thunderfuck!). The lr2 is either totally f'd or it's a recessive plant that's not autoflowering. Only 12/12 holds the answer to that question. I imagine it will produce bud on 12/12 given how it's just kept growing no matter how long you have vegged for. Crazy stuff.

Yeah i do plan on flowering ASAP. However i am waiting for my new exhaust fan. Right now i have the front of the grow room open... only covering it with a sheet for the dark period(the dark period being from 1130-530 so it is dark outside the room as well.) However with flowering there is obviously a much longer dark period which i will have to keep light out, and also because of the times the light will be switching on i wont be here to remove the sheet to allow more airflow. so it will ge VERY HOT in the grow room without more exhaust...

Sorry if that was confusing. basically ill start flowering when i can keep the room closed at all times without the heat gettin out of control. should be about 2 days...

Bout the clone thing...i live in an apartment with my girlfriend which my girlfriends mother visits periodically... i have to do my grows between visits... so once im done with this grow i have to clean everything up. pack it up. Then her mom will visit... then i willstart all over... Kinda sucks but i get a good rate on
rent. I would love to have some clones but ill just have to buy them from the clubs already rooted and ready to go.

as for the lowryder... I expect to see some flowering when i switch to 12/12... I mean the only thing that could've been f'd up is the autoflowering gene..,. in which case it will flower like normal and probably just produce lower quality buD.

And as for the space i have in my room. the height can be doubled by removing a table from the room. So im not worried about gettin too tall.

Thanks for the suggestions


Well-Known Member
wo this morning i switched my timer to 12/12! TIME TO FLOWER!

im concerned about my lighting. originally i was not going to have 4 clones and NOT a 2.5 foot LOWRYDER. Do you think the lowryder will suck up too much of the light... I have about 20,000 lumens. thats 4,000 lumens per plant is this enough? or should i buy a few more CFL's?


Well-Known Member
You're gonna need some cfls. That lr2 is going to create some canopy and light spreading issues at that height. Maybe give the cfls to the lr2 and keep the hps on the other plants that are probably a little more even in regards to height. Keeping the hps on the others will give better bud growth to the stronger strains. The lr2 can do just fine with some cfls and the smoke reports from lr2's aren't really much to write home about. That's just my two cents. Congrats on making it to flower!


Well-Known Member
Sorry that the LR didnt wornk out for you HTB. I would contact the seedbank and they might be able to hook you up with some freebies.

They all look really healthy though, so thats something to be happy about.

Your room looks alittle small for all the clones and the LR, have you thought about moving the LR somwhere else with the CFLs and give your others the HPS in the room you have. Your LR is different to mine, but mine got HUGE while flowering, infact it's still growing and I'm about 2-3weeks away from harvest, wouldnt want those sexy clones to get starved of light coz of a retarded LR.