Multi-Strain 12/12 from seed...


Well-Known Member
id wait to flush and check the ph of your tap water i use stuff for fish tanks it workes good for me
tru that, thanks dude...i never tested it, but my current tap water seemed to work pretty well on my last grow, so we'll see....otherwise the ladies are putting on crystals everyday!


Well-Known Member
tru that, thanks dude...i never tested it, but my current tap water seemed to work pretty well on my last grow, so we'll see....otherwise the ladies are putting on crystals everyday!

The PH in city tap water is not nessesarly consistant, that PH level isnt allways the same comeing out of that tap. Knowing your PH is important, in my hydro system I have a constant monitoring digital meters for PH,EC and temp.

It would a good idea to check that PH. Filling a big bucket or storage tote with water and letting that water sit for atleast 24hrs before useing it will also be a good practice to follow if useing tap water. Collecting Rain water is also a good cheap method but still you should be checking the PH.


Well-Known Member
how are things? any new pics?
things are great! i went outta town for a couple days...flushed all the ladies today, sorry no pics.....the slight nute burn, or whatever it was, has hasn't progressed at all, so next feeding i'm gonna give them only big bloom and molasses...take care:peace:



Well-Known Member
well, i couldn't let you guys down,haha, here's some pics after they got flushed....61 days old, 73 degrees, and 35% humidity..all have perked up and are looking phenomenal!! the mutant female hashberry is coming along, and the others are putting on new crystals everyday...enjoy dudes...



Well-Known Member
lookin great man wonderful
thanks alot's just so damn fun and rewarding....can't wait till the day when i have a perpetual grow goin on...i need constant fresh headies! buddy scored me a gram of some pretty dank hash earlier, i'm ripped...



Well-Known Member
thanks alot's just so damn fun and rewarding....can't wait till the day when i have a perpetual grow goin on...i need constant fresh headies! buddy scored me a gram of some pretty dank hash earlier, i'm ripped...


ahhhhh hash!!!!! Wish I could find some around here, imagine if I could it would be outragous in price:shock: Can't wait to make some!!!!!!! Nugs loookin good man keep up the good work.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Many people don't understand the yeilds that can be grown by growing such a young plant and budding it.i have never done the straight from seed bit but i do veg them for 1 week then bud them,many folk would say this is crazy but if you grow a nice ammount a plants like this guy is he will have at least 1 ounce per plant see the plants been so young and put to bud get max light that is if the lighting is nice and close,this way the internodes will close up giveing him 1 large nugget.i used to do the sea of green thing but now the laws have changed takes some exspaining why you have two rooms both with 150 plants in each.but good on him wish him all the best i have now retired to doing 5 nice big blues.the law in the uk would count each one of these plants that you are growing nice and small has the ones that im growing get me so my plnt produces say 9 ounce dry then that is what the law would say your plants would produce whitch=prison been there several time too old can't go back i now grow to smoke for to sell.


Well-Known Member
Many people don't understand the yeilds that can be grown by growing such a young plant and budding it.i have never done the straight from seed bit but i do veg them for 1 week then bud them,many folk would say this is crazy but if you grow a nice ammount a plants like this guy is he will have at least 1 ounce per plant see the plants been so young and put to bud get max light that is if the lighting is nice and close,this way the internodes will close up giveing him 1 large nugget.i used to do the sea of green thing but now the laws have changed takes some exspaining why you have two rooms both with 150 plants in each.but good on him wish him all the best i have now retired to doing 5 nice big blues.the law in the uk would count each one of these plants that you are growing nice and small has the ones that im growing get me so my plnt produces say 9 ounce dry then that is what the law would say your plants would produce whitch=prison been there several time too old can't go back i now grow to smoke for to sell.
very true man i like budding from the start it fits me well it started as an expermient and i liked the results check out my grow journal its in my sig


Well-Known Member
the ones that im growing get me so my plnt produces say 9 ounce dry.
Is this a dirt or hydro grow?
Indoor or out?
If indoor how many lumen per sq ft?
How long veg time?
What strain?

I am not sure I read or understood your post correctly, it sounded like your claiming to get 9 oz dried/cured per plant that are only veg for 1 week. Is this correct?


Well-Known Member
appreciate it tyke...i started this just as a new experiment cause i like trying new methods of growing out, and i have space constrictions...and so far, i may never go back to vegging plants!! for me this method is far superior...i mean faster harvesting, MORE females and smaller, more slender's fucking money for me, i love it....i've been flowering for round 2 months, i'm wondering how much more, and it's gonna be a staggered harvest since i have so many strains...i'm thinking another month tops...more for the mostly sativa power skunks and the hashberry i started late...


Well-Known Member
This is a good method for quicker harvest if you only have 1 room, However your still starting with seed therefore having to deal with males or the higher priced feminized seeds for every single grow. I should also mention that the part of the plant that takes the most time/energy to grow is the stem. Learning how to clone and haveing atleast a small mother/veg room is something you should do in the future.

You should be able to take cuttings and have roots developed in 7 to 12 days and moved to the Bloom room in less than 2 weeks after you took the cuttings and this will still out yield going directly from seed under 12/12.


Well-Known Member
This is a good method for quicker harvest if you only have 1 room, However your still starting with seed therefore having to deal with males or the higher priced feminized seeds for every single grow. I should also mention that the part of the plant that takes the most time/energy to grow is the stem. Learning how to clone and haveing atleast a small mother/veg room is something you should do in the future.

You should be able to take cuttings and have roots developed in 7 to 12 days and moved to the Bloom room in less than 2 weeks after you took the cuttings and this will still out yield going directly from seed under 12/12.
of course, i always agree with you, i'm just not gonna be able to afford that type of setup for a while, and i don't have the room for it day, forsure though...


Well-Known Member
this is a wonderful method and i wont do it anyother way i will always have a box like i have in my houses even if i have a big grow room it is wonderful and works good, i have cloned plants plenty and am bout to get my mother back and get to clonin


Well-Known Member
this is a wonderful method and i wont do it anyother way i will always have a box like i have in my houses even if i have a big grow room it is wonderful and works good, i have cloned plants plenty and am bout to get my mother back and get to clonin
i suppose i'll try cloning one day, haha, i must be the only grower on the planet that hasn't!! my good buddy has been trying to get me to for years, just haven't gotten around to it and i enjoy growing plants due time i'll be a clone master, veggin em for 2 weeks, then flowering em...