Funny thing is, he thinks he's got such an Oedipus complex and is so egotistical, he doesn't even know that. I'm a fair minded person, and I welcome being proven wrong on many of my viewpoints and assertions of his actions so far, but beyond the pretty face, and the clever way he tries to JOKE away real problems, and his own fuckups, there's little room for impartiality. It's been less than 6 months, and the road to tyranny, consolidation of power, and stolen liberty has been fast-tracked in a way I've never seen before. What's so astonishing is, that even while we point out the lies, untruths, double-speak, hypocrisy, and the financial enslavement of our society to others that's going on, they still would rather champion "their guy"- as if that means something. Makes me wonder if there are enough people CAPABLE of seeing the truth anymore, or give enough of a damn to do anything about it.
I think most of his supporters are of the "wait and see" variety. Give it another year, by then we should really see what is going to happen. I have my money on gold and silver, its gonna be worth a shit load more in the future. The dollar will be worth less than toilet paper. Like you said, the tyranny has been fast tracked. I have never seen a president actually do the exact opposite of almost every promise made on the campaign trail in such a short time. Took bush a full 4 year term before he got totally out of control.
I do think Obama is an excellent orator, he has a nice clean image, a nice looking family and a face that just makes you wanna like him. Looks only go so far, my ex wife can attest to that. Hell he may be the nicest warmest individual I have ever met, still doesn't take away from the fact that his economic policies are doom for the rest of us.