Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

Funny thing is, he thinks he's got such an Oedipus complex and is so egotistical, he doesn't even know that. I'm a fair minded person, and I welcome being proven wrong on many of my viewpoints and assertions of his actions so far, but beyond the pretty face, and the clever way he tries to JOKE away real problems, and his own fuckups, there's little room for impartiality. It's been less than 6 months, and the road to tyranny, consolidation of power, and stolen liberty has been fast-tracked in a way I've never seen before. What's so astonishing is, that even while we point out the lies, untruths, double-speak, hypocrisy, and the financial enslavement of our society to others that's going on, they still would rather champion "their guy"- as if that means something. Makes me wonder if there are enough people CAPABLE of seeing the truth anymore, or give enough of a damn to do anything about it.

I think most of his supporters are of the "wait and see" variety. Give it another year, by then we should really see what is going to happen. I have my money on gold and silver, its gonna be worth a shit load more in the future. The dollar will be worth less than toilet paper. Like you said, the tyranny has been fast tracked. I have never seen a president actually do the exact opposite of almost every promise made on the campaign trail in such a short time. Took bush a full 4 year term before he got totally out of control.

I do think Obama is an excellent orator, he has a nice clean image, a nice looking family and a face that just makes you wanna like him. Looks only go so far, my ex wife can attest to that. Hell he may be the nicest warmest individual I have ever met, still doesn't take away from the fact that his economic policies are doom for the rest of us.
There is no recovery going on, your only seeing what is called a " Bear trap" in the markets. There are no" Green Shoots". You say the employment levels lag, and they do, but tax receipts do not lag and they are in a death spiral, constantly getting lower and lower. The economic indicator you are probably referring to is the increase in consumer spending from the 1st quarter. it happens every year since they started using the stats, its called " Christmas" and people tend to spend a lot more cash around that time of year. Since this is a nation of credit, many folks do not pay for it right away so it doesn't show up until the first quarter of the next year.

I will give you a time line... More economic bad news around the end of the year, as commercial real estate starts to go to the shitter and ARM ( Adj Rate Mortgages) become due to the homeowners. Anyone in the markets will be caught in the "trap" and lose everything again. By the end of 2011 we should be into a real depression and the value of the dollar will be at an all time low . the price of gold will be the highest ever, and by dec 21, 2012 the world will end ( Im not real sure on that last one LOL just had to put that in there). as long as we keep throwing money at the problems and propping up the failures there will be no economic recovery. Obama is a Puppet controlled by the financial men behind the curtain, just like many of the presidents we have had.


I don't totally agree but thank you for such a well thought out post without attacks.

Some of the indicators that I would point to are profits from banks in first quarter, wellsfargo up 52% in profits to 3.05 billion profit in 1st quarter. granted they failed the "stress test"

Housing also seems to be moving forward as well. Two straight months of increased housing sales have beat expectations. Its not all bad out there.

Unemployment will continue to slump for a bit longer but it does seem to be slowly turning around, but don't hold me to that. I'm certainly not saying were in for smooth sailing. Hell, shit is likely to continue to get worse before it gets better, but I do think it is turning around.

Also we need to be realistic about what the turnaround is going to look like. People are expecting a return to how thing were and that simply is not going to happen. This crisis has been a wake up call to the American public, party be damned. Its not going to return to the same environment it once was. America is not the invincible juggernaught that the world once thought we were (we we kidded ourselvs we were). No, this economic crisis will in the long run be considered a good thing to get americans to stop spending the way they were, and also to get rid of preditory lending practices that enable banks to make loans they know no way in hell are going to be repaid.

This shit happened with the savings and loan's crisis in the 80's and 90's could not make good real estate loans. The gov had to step in and 745 S&L's closed and taxpayers were left with the bill. Thats why these financial institutions are better saved than failed, the taxpayers pay for it either way! Go in and save them, reform them, regulate them, or let them fail and still have to foot bill, but since its a total failure, ick.. If even one of the top 5 banks were to fail in the US, the economic implosion would be quite severe to the economy. Thats why i'm not as worried as if they were letting these companies fail. Yea, its fuggin expensive, but the alternative could be even costlier....
Yeah, you can make it on Fox news.

Nice comment there natrone. How about listing the commentators on FOX that you deem to be so stupid, then list and counter their ideas with some of your really .... REALLY intelligent prose.

Come on man ... I know you can do it. :lol:

Nice comment there natrone. How about listing the commentators on FOX that you deem to be so stupid, then list and counter their ideas with some of your really .... REALLY intelligent prose.

Come on man ... I know you can do it. :lol:


Sorry I'm really busy searching for Obama's REAL birth certificate.
And look at you, playing at work, I wonder if maybe your boss shouldn't drug test you,~LOL~.

Well, I don't have a boss, other than my customers and clients ... I work for myself.

You're right though. I really have to get cracking. Time to go out into the world and save some more poor souls from the eminent jaws of foreclosure. :lol:

Nice comment there natrone. How about listing the commentators on FOX that you deem to be so stupid, then list and counter their ideas with some of your really .... REALLY intelligent prose.

Come on man ... I know you can do it. :lol:


I would not call any of their commentators stupid. I would call then entertainers. To report the news you need to have some degree of impartiality and FOX continually shows a bias. Many other news stations do this but the degree that FOX does it makes them an outcast in their own industry. I would call whoever listens to FOX and actually believes the BS they propagate, well that person would most likely fall into the "stupid" catagory. Gelnn Beck is a perfect example. I listen to his show at least 2-3 times a week (I listen to FOX because it is the most entertaining way to get the news. Besides, listening to another perspective does nothing but increase the intelligence with which one can make their own decisions.) In his intro monolague he says so many things that are just outright lies its ridiculous. I don't know if its because many FOX listeners
Nice comment there natrone. How about listing the commentators on FOX that you deem to be so stupid, then list and counter their ideas with some of your really .... REALLY intelligent prose.

Come on man ... I know you can do it. :lol:


Check out this link Vi:


4,630,000 hits for "fox news stupid" can't all be wrong.

Billo the clown, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck are all right wing idiots and liars trying desperately defend the "ideals" of a dying party. If this is where you get your news from you are lost pal.
I would not call any of their commentators stupid. I would call then entertainers. To report the news you need to have some degree of impartiality and FOX continually shows a bias. Many other news stations do this but the degree that FOX does it makes them an outcast in their own industry. I would call whoever listens to FOX and actually believes the BS they propagate, well that person would most likely fall into the "stupid" catagory. Gelnn Beck is a perfect example. I listen to his show at least 2-3 times a week. In his intro monolague he says so many things that are just outright lies its ridiculous.
Name some.

It's clear to me the so called "impartial" networks (CNN) *coughs* (MSNBC) *coughs* and even NPR are more concerned with APPEARING "impartial" than reporting the truth. Media bias is a thread I've already discussed on a couple other boards, and it's a long, clusterfuck of a topic, so I won't engage on it long, but let me just give one recent example.

If you care to dig into the topic of waterboarding and who knew what and when, you'll find out that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, all knew about what was going on. Now that a different administration is in office it's become taboo, they're scattering like cockroaches when the light gets turned on. They, especially Pelosi, are LYING. Networks like CNN, MSNBC, and NPR of course (now that their side's in power) continue to shy away from using that term. If Fox News goes on the air and calls it a lie, they're only passing along accurate information. When held up to scrutiny, the story holds, and which is why they don't sue them for slander. From a distance, without checking into whether or not the story is backed up by facts or not, anyone can make an example like this appear biased. Think about the things that could be said like:

Fox News is the ONLY news organization calling Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid liars regarding waterboard-gate.


Fox is only 1 out of 5 networks that has claimed that Reid and Pelosi are lying.

You see how this distorts perception? In the home I grew up in, a lie is a lie. The so called "gray area" in the middle are refuges for liberal reporting, and most politicians, but mostly liberal politicians. In the end, it's only BIAS if it's NOT TRUE. Then again, it's easier to just call a source biased instead of having to debate it, isn't it? Seems a familiar trend with the liberals on this board.
Check out this link Vi:


4,630,000 hits for "fox news stupid" can't all be wrong.

Billo the clown, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck are all right wing idiots and liars trying desperately defend the "ideals" of a dying party. If this is where you get your news from you are lost pal.


Does that mean that with 7 Million + references to Obama Sucking, that Obama really does suck, and that his supporters (being accessories to his election) also suck.

(Compare this to the 370K hits for 'Bush Sucks'

Or perhaps, 'Obama is a Socialist' which returns 3.76 Million ('Bush is a Socialist' returns 3.62 Million)

vs just 1.81 million for 'Bush is a Fascist', but Obama is a Fascist returns 2.62 Million.)

Guess that means that
Fascism = Socialism (which actually results in 2.55 Million hits from Google)
and that Bush and Obama are both Socialists, but Obama sucks more than Bush.