Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!

This is endless... People that are this caught up in conspiracy theories, too much bad weed I think, lol (paranoid, LOL).

And the comment that Obama is worse than Bush? You just lost all credibility. There is no way a logical person can say that what Obama has done is worse than what Bush did in 8 years.

Hell, you have not even given his policies a chance and your ready to move to Canada. Already the data coming back is saying that its working, but you ignore that. Ok, so you do not like his policies ideologically. I get that. I understand that you think the government has grown too much under the new administration, and I say that many of us are tired with crooked corporate America. I was in banking when the banks lied to their customers and told them they could afford certain loans (we all agree now that there is no way many of these loans are going to work, but the banks made it look so good on paper.) Because banks could not be honest they screwed the economy. If private companies are going to continually rip of the public, then the gov needs to step in until they are operating properly. Do I like that that need to be done? NO. BUT! I also understand that people will push the boundaries of right and wrong. When there is no regulation, this go haywire. Again I do not like government regulation, but in certain times it is needed to reign in organizations that it is in their best interests to rip the customer off or be deceptive on what they can afford. I remember when I bought my house and I worked for the bank. They were telling me I could afford a house 200k more expensive than what I got, and I'm still struggleing. I cannot imagine what would have happened if I would have taken them up on their offer? This is crooked shit that because it has gotten so BAD (Banks brought the economy to its knees because of greed, and the need to keep sales numbers up during a downturn.) I'm ok with the government getting involved here to set this all straight. Again, I do not like regulation, but I understand its purpose and place.

BTW when I was in banking we used to have a saying that bankers told the customers, "The bank is not going to give you a loan you cannot afford. Thats why we gather up your financials and put them into this neat computer program (that is designed to fuck you)"
i agree most of these posts are ludicrious assertions , ravings from stoned mad men. obama isnt reversing ur great great grandaddys work crackerjax ...jax have u built ur bomb shelter yet bro..
And the sheep go Baa Baa Baa....

Obama is easily the greatest danger this country has ever faced...hollowing out the great wealth from 250 years of sweat and hard work.....an enemy within.

Ahh you and ViRed have got the false sense of superiority thing DOWN.

Not to mention your quite the alarmist.
If you don't see anything wrong with the govt. strong arming the private sector.... I guess you're right.

If you don't see anything wrong with Obama pushing (in 4 months) the National debt. past every other president COMBINED.... I guess you're right.

If you don't think it's a problem paying off this debt. when the GDP won't be able to cover it.... I guess you're right.

Or quite simply....you're not paying attention.
I found an interesting article about the whole Obama birth cert..


But that doesn't matter. The faux controversy isn't going to go away soon. Yes, Obama was born in Hawaii, and yes, he is eligible to be president. But according to several experts in conspiracy theories, and in the psychology of people who believe in conspiracy theories, there's little chance those people who think Obama is barred from the presidency will ever be convinced otherwise. "There's no amount of evidence or data that will change somebody's mind," says Michael Shermer, who is the publisher of Skeptic magazine and a columnist for Scientific American, and who holds an undergraduate and a master's degree in psychology. "The more data you present a person, the more they doubt it ... Once you're committed, especially behaviorally committed or financially committed, the more impossible it becomes to change your mind."
Any inconvenient facts are irrelevant. People who believe in a conspiracy theory "develop a selective perception, their mind refuses to accept contrary evidence," Chip Berlet, a senior analyst with Political Research Associates who studies such theories, says. "As soon as you criticize a conspiracy theory, you become part of the conspiracy."
Evan Harrington, a social psychologist who is an associate professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, agrees. "One of the tendencies of the conspiracy notion, the whole appeal, is that a lot of the information the believer has is secret or special,(No this doesn't sound like Crackerjax and ViReed at all!!)" Harrington says. "The real evidence is out there, [and] you can give them all this evidence, but they'll have convenient ways to discredit [it]." Whatever can't be ignored can be twisted to fit into the narrative; every new disclosure of something that should, by rights, end the controversy only opens up new questions, identifies new plotters. Perhaps the most common argument of those questioning Obama's eligibility is that he should just release his full, original birth certificate, rather than the shorter certification, which is a copy. His failure to do so only proves there is reason to be suspicious, they say, and if the document was released, the issue would go away. But that's unlikely. It was, after all, the Obama campaign's release of the certification this summer that stoked the fever of conspiracy mongers.
For believers, it works like this: So what if Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the director of Hawaii's Department of Health, released a statement saying she has verified that the state has the original birth certificate on record? So what if she said separately that the certification looks identical to one she was issued for her own Hawaii birth certificate? Why didn't her statement specify Obama's birthplace? So what if a Hawaii Health Department spokeswoman later clarified that Fukino meant that Obama was born in Hawaii? So what if researchers for FactCheck.org actually saw the physical copy of the certification and debunked much of the key "evidence" supposedly proving that the image posted online is a forgery? They're not really independent. They're funded by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, and Obama once (with Bill Ayers, no less) ran an entirely unrelated program that happened to be paid for with money donated by Walter Annenberg. And on and on and

you get the point....
Ahh you and ViRed have got the false sense of superiority thing DOWN.

Not to mention your quite the alarmist.

You nailed it Olosto. The two guys you mention literally BERATE anyone who believes ANYTHING different from them. Their Medean personalities only allow them to see friends and enemies. Say what they say and you're friends. Say anything different and you're enemies. They bash EVERYTHING other than what they say. I've honestly never seen anything like it it my life (a good 50 years). I've been in academia for 30 years now (beginning in college) and never seen such blind one-sidedness. I'm dumbfounded....

BTW - you nailed it with that conspiracy theory post. it's really sad. these people CANNOT change their minds. they literally cannot see the truth. trying to get them to see only makes it worse.
You nailed it Olosto. The two guys you mention literally BERATE anyone who believes ANYTHING different from them. Their Medean personalities only allow them to see friends and enemies. Say what they say and you're friends. Say anything different and you're enemies. They bash EVERYTHING other than what they say. I've honestly never seen anything like it it my life (a good 50 years). I've been in academia for 30 years now (beginning in college) and never seen such blind one-sidedness. I'm dumbfounded....

BTW - you nailed it with that conspiracy theory post. it's really sad. these people CANNOT change their minds. they literally cannot see the truth. trying to get them to see only makes it worse.
And you have absolutely nothing of substance to contribute, so you go around making stupid comments like you are to educated to participate in discussion on an online forum. You sure seem to bring up your education, and that you are a professor a lot. Why don't you wow us with you intellectual prowess?
And you have absolutely nothing of substance to contribute, so you go around making stupid comments like you are to educated to participate in discussion on an online forum. You sure seem to bring up your education, and that you are a professor a lot. Why don't you wow us with you intellectual prowess?

Nope. I only teach those who come into a university to learn and grow, not those who seek an online forum to shove their wills upon others and to see who knows more than the other person. I am educated - don't use that against me. I mentioned it TWICE, i repeat TWICE. I worked hard to get where I'm at - don't demean my accomplishments. I've established my ethos and no more. You fall prey to logical fallacy after logical fallacy - it's unfair and educated people don't engage in debate with those who don't play by the rules.

As a final note, I don't give answers - that's not what I do. I pose questions. I engage debate. I try to learn and grow from what others say. I never enter a debate to try and prove that I'm right. I enter a debate to find truth. That's why when I post in this forum, it's usually to thank someone for an enlightened statement or refreshing idea. I like what the person said, so fuck off! It had nothing to do with you. I can tell a person that I like what he said. Am I not allowed to give props to people now? Does it offend you? Must I ask permission before I thank someone for their post?

Geez........ Oh, and by the way, it's 'too educated', and not 'to educated'. Don't ever try to correct me if you can't even use proper grammar son.
-Obama has increased the defense budget by almost 5%...calling for an additional 83 billion to secure afghanistan.

Now that I find ok. I like my country and it's citizens being safe.

I can see how some could view this as a conspiracy theorists wet dream or something, but why does Obama spend all that money to stop people from seeing these things instead of just showing it and getting everyone to shut up about it?

I don't believe there is some "conspiracy" going on, but it is interesting.

As for McCain... that old freak looks like a t-rex with those short arms of his lol. As for whether he should be an American citizen has been without a doubt confirmed. Being born to an American military man and his American wife while on an assignment for the American government in a foreign country definitely qualifies you as a natural born American citizen.
JRH there is really only two ways to deal with Conspiracy theorists like "Tuthers" and now CrackerJax and Vi , that is non- engagement or ridicule. They are totally beyond reason
these "conspiracy theorists" are questioning people in power, this whole mumbo-jumbo about conspiracy theorism is ludacrous.

Look- the document obama presented was a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate. In order to put this to rest, all Obama would have to do is show up in person @ the hospital where he was born, show valid ID and sign for a copy of his birth certificate.

Instead, he'd rather fight the lawsuits that were brought against him in several states. the question is: Why?

We're simply asking "WHY?" Questions like these make me inquisitive. I'm constantly learning because I'm always ASKING. I'm not jumping to rash conclusions or making wild assertions based on my own ideologies. I'm simply asking WHY.

so honestly, I enjoyed the read about psychology & conspiracy theorists. Honestly, it makes a lot of sense...but it's in no way applicable to my posts
Nope. I only teach those who come into a university to learn and grow, not those who seek an online forum to shove their wills upon others and to see who knows more than the other person. I am educated - don't use that against me. I mentioned it TWICE, i repeat TWICE. I worked hard to get where I'm at - don't demean my accomplishments. I've established my ethos and no more. You fall prey to logical fallacy after logical fallacy - it's unfair and educated people don't engage in debate with those who don't play by the rules.

As a final note, I don't give answers - that's not what I do. I pose questions. I engage debate. I try to learn and grow from what others say. I never enter a debate to try and prove that I'm right. I enter a debate to find truth. That's why when I post in this forum, it's usually to thank someone for an enlightened statement or refreshing idea. I like what the person said, so fuck off! It had nothing to do with you. I can tell a person that I like what he said. Am I not allowed to give props to people now? Does it offend you? Must I ask permission before I thank someone for their post?

Geez........ Oh, and by the way, it's 'too educated', and not 'to educated'. Don't ever try to correct me if you can't even use proper grammar son.
Well, for future reference, you are suppose to capitalize "i". :roll: moron
Asking questions has never been a bad thing. If it weren't for conspiracy theorists' questions, would the CIA have been indited on charges of smuggling cocaine into this country in the '80's?

would we have found out that the war in Iraq was fought for false reasons that we were given (which were admitted)...that "saddam has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda"?

or how about federal organizations such as the FDA and EPA. If you understand their cause, then why do so many employees make up the "triangle of corruption", working for the environmental protection agency and major chemical companies such as seed/chem company monsanto and dupont?

Listen, I don't accuse anybody of anything till they give me a reason to. As far as I'm concerned, trust is something that you have until you lose it. But I think many people are afraid to acknowledge the red flags and express concern about the validity or possible corruption of somebody/something imbedded with power, assuming that "it wouldn't happen" or "somebody must have it under control." Simply put, I think some people are afraid that the federal government and it's organizations for oversight may be very corrupt.

so I never stop asking questions or asking WHY
So wondering why someone refuses to show something that isn't supposed to be that big of a deal and instead fights the release of said information, and believing that the US government or the illuminati was the perpetrator of 9/11 are the same thing?
Since you cannot remember the part of your post that smacked of a false sense of superiority even tho I quoted it in my last post. I'll reitterate..

so I never stop asking questions or asking WHY

implying that everyone else does not, and thus my head in the sand comment.

I agree that you need to ask questions and look at things with your own eyes (perspective). I guess when some people do this they so badly want to find fault with someone or something they don't agree with, or to find something that everyone missed in order to feel like your special. It gets to the point where people like ViRedd are so twisted up that all they see is conspiracy.

All ViRedd does all day is post anti-Obama stuff all day. Seriously get over it. When Bush got elected I was pissed but I did not go around condemming everything he did for no reason and come up with cracked out conspiracy theories (tho on second thought perhaps I should have, LOL!).

ViRedd and Crackerjax - Does all the hate mongering make you feel any better at the end of the day?
So wondering why someone refuses to show something that isn't supposed to be that big of a deal and instead fights the release of said information, and believing that the US government or the illuminati was the perpetrator of 9/11 are the same thing?

I believe the information you are reffering to is going to be released in the next few weeks. I'm sure untill then it'll be another source of hate mongering. Meh...