COCO Grand Daddy, 600 HPS CO2 Med Grow


Well-Known Member
Whats up everybody, Im always on here super addicted to learning all about this hobby of ours. Currently I only have one plant its a GD Female she just showed her gigi to me :) lol anyways got some pics of the setup to share..

My first setup was a CFL DWC Grow that went all the way to harvest. This setup I have much larger hopes for.

Anyways enjoy!

Currently she is 31 days since her first pair of leaves. 11 nodes just under 6" tall.

Gets about 1.2 EC of:
Advance sensi A&B
Cal Mag Plus

Sits in a bucket with 1/2 perlite on the bottom w/ canna coco on top. I seeded her in jumpstart pellet, threw the pellet into the 4" block of rockwol and then when placed into new home cut bottom half the plastic off the rocwol and burried the cube half way into the cann coco.

Theres all my secrets! lol J/K Please if you see anything that can help me out let me know!

I also just fimmed her the other day and now I got a MO Hawk IDK what happend but Its pictured


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Seems to me like it could just be a watering issue and by that I mean not enough water. What light is that? Is the light hot? Like if you hold your hand at the top of the plant is it hot on your skin? I only ask because of the twising, dry looking leaves.


Well-Known Member
I believe the light was giving her a sun burn if thats possible I did what you said and though the temp wasnt very hot but the intensity was I dont know if that makes sense or not... and now have a couple clones. so I have raised up the light twenty inches to just give everything a break because all is not well now. couple updated shots.


Well-Known Member
Updates. Got a large yeilding sativa house special, bubba kush, and the Grand daddy. Had some big time problems with the heat when I transplanted them. It was a hot day out side and I put them in the sun. they completly fell to the ground and looked like spaghetti.

Since then the canna Rhizo has sure turned them around. Still very bright light green in color Id like to try and figure out what Im doing wrong there if anyone would like to chime in.

The GDP has been fimmed (Big thanks M_Blaze) Its crazy the way that actually grew. like nothing for 4 days and then an inch a day lol Got a good view from the top to show off some growth sites.

If anyone would like to chime in on how much longer I should wait before I flower all of them at once thatd be great.

Ive got a AC in there now as Im going to blow right thru the hottest months lol.

Anyways thanks for watchin



Well-Known Member
Im getting leaf curl because I feel like ive had a hard time really getting the GDP dialed in and when I did my perlite and coco I just ... well youll see in the pic. I took a garden hose and "washed out as much of the perlite as I could and then replanted into a mixed together batch of coco / perl.



Well-Known Member
sup pimpn...thought id finaly make my way over. hows the a/c workn for ya? im thrown a/c in mine this summer on next round. hopn i can make it 5 more weeks w/o. gotta put another breaker in and run an outlet. Things recovering from the wilting i c

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Hey Lennard, hows things goin?

I would trim those lower leaves off and that will also help them to get back to full health again.

Your setup is looking good.


Well-Known Member
sup pimpn...thought id finaly make my way over. hows the a/c workn for ya? im thrown a/c in mine this summer on next round. hopn i can make it 5 more weeks w/o. gotta put another breaker in and run an outlet. Things recovering from the wilting i c
Thanks for makin you way man. A/C is nice...(Got it brand new at a pawn shop for $40 w/ remote lol) I already got a heat blast and it put my ass right in check man. No time to waste when its hot. My clones wilted all the way to the soil and two days later like nothng ever happened.. (I believe that was thanks to the canna rhizo product.. Im going to set my net just underneath it. and let the air flow right above them unless I can get some M Blaze size nuggets then of course it will only get the bottom half lol kiss-ass

Hey Lennard, hows things goin?

I would trim those lower leaves off and that will also help them to get back to full health again.

Your setup is looking good.
Thanks man, Im kinda in a bind I think so tonite I did a slight trim, cut off all the older fans and some real small bud stems. Im thinkin Im gonna clone her though mid week and that will be when I take it all the way down to the branch and switch the lights over a few days after that....

My floorspace is only 2x4 so Im a little stuck because I got those clones a little late the GDP is gonna be massive. I think I need to build up another shack more like 4x6 but I dont at all have the room. So now I need to roll one and think about it. :joint:
hay lennard.......... sorry to but in but...... that girl is to hot. mine did that same look when i went from 400w to 1000w. like m blaze said how close is it to the lite?


Well-Known Member
hay lennard.......... sorry to but in but...... that girl is to hot. mine did that same look when i went from 400w to 1000w. like m blaze said how close is it to the lite?

No one buts in here man its all help. Are you referring to the curling in the leafs? or the older leafs that my profile shot had? They did straighten out in the afternoon and since I have repotted it they droop a lot less I think that was just a bad day lol.

The lights were like 12" off for the first month which... yea... They have been sitting 28" off for about 10 days now so I dropped her back down to 18" off the tops tonite. how far do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
now that ur plants are used to the HID u can probably get them closer than 18in...drop her down and do a simple hand check to see if ur hand feels to hot under the bulb at canopy hieght. so u want to clone, have u checked out RUI DYI bubbler the 1 in my avatar pic? if u need help on the designs or insight hit me up they work for sure. I wonder if i should take Mr Blazes advice on cuttn off lower branches...seem like there useless cause they dont get enough light, but im too puss to go cuttn on my girls almost 3 weeks in to 12 12...wut u think should i doctor up? anyways lookng good and you can probably get closer than most with that HID being that u have a/c


Well-Known Member
Cool tile, I was thinking I could drop them down a little closer as well. coco is new to me (although this is only my 2nd grow 1st time was a DWC) and Im having a real hard time getting these clones to get better color and more strength they are a lime green color on the old growth and new growth is just a little better than that. So I figure Ill keep the lighting a little high and work on the other problem.

That is a nice cloner. I used the same exact type of setup for my first grow. I just use bigger pots... IDK if it ever really caused a problem or not but those baskets have small openenings and I always felt like it "choked" the roots. I was thinking about doing that same setup though for sure with the clones but right now Im kinda in a position where Im going to be moving and have all kinds of other shit goin on so I just got some small coco basket cups. Im gonna drop some canna rhizo (<-- Product is the shit) treated coco in the cups and wait for the roots I suppose Shit I need more room.

I did some trimming 3 weeks in on my first grow some guys will probubly say let her be at that point though, I didnt catch exactly which plants you are reffering to in your album but If they are super bushy with small bud sites on the lower third of the plant I would still probubly snip them all off Im a big believer in those popcorn nug size bud sites being trimmed (Just preferrably before the 12 12 switch lol). I personally did do it that far in on 12-12 my last grow and just trimmed out a few, come to think about it I wish I would have trimmed more. Good luck man.
hay tilemaster.............. not sure wat ur running for lite but it's called lollypoping. and you cut everything off thats near the bottom,and wat that does is send all the energy that shes gona give sent to the rest of the buds. thats wer you get the dence compact buds. check it out...... as for myself i lollypop and cut every single shade leaf off wk 2 and wk4 maybe more after that pending on how much more pops out. plus it lets the lite get inside the girl and do it's sun shine job. if u got a lite meter you'd see wat i'm talking about. lite measures drop big time with a bushy plant. the plant does slow down for grow n up ward but all that energy goes to wer we really want it to come out.


Well-Known Member
Well after long hard debate on if my 2x4 was big enough for 5 plants I decided it wasnt and now I have built a 3/6 tent now. Overall cost me $39 for the wood and PVC and a sore back lol.

I dont have any experience on how tall that screen should stand above the plants and I am going to switch the lights over in about 5 days. If you think it should go higher / lower lmk plz.


Well after long hard debate on if my 2x4 was big enough for 5 plants I decided it wasnt and now I have built a 3/6 tent now. Overall cost me $39 for the wood and PVC and a sore back lol.

I dont have any experience on how tall that screen should stand above the plants and I am going to switch the lights over in about 5 days. If you think it should go higher / lower lmk plz.
wow!!!! sweet little gig you got going ther!! if i mite add one little addvice to you...... mylar,mylar,mylar..... cheap and very,very effective for reflecting the lite to the girls. i did mine and the sides of them flowered 10x better then the first time. it's almost like 95% or 98% reflect. i got a budy that uses actuall mirrors which is 100% reflect. but it's a thought if ur looking for more. i ended up doing my floor and walls. i dont have any shadows inside the plant. but as for the screen....i got to honest with u, i never have used one..... but my thoughts on that wood be to adjust it to the hieght wer she starts her flowers.... then they'll do ther thing... can ask you sumthing.... i'm gas n mine as wel and i saw in ur pics that black tiny that ur gas? and how wel is that way working for you? i just got told to do the same thing my friend....cause mine hangs from the top of the room...... my thought was since gas is heavy it'l drop on to her as wel circulteing in the room with the fans. but i like yours way better!!! wanting to know how wel are the results?


Well-Known Member
Im actually going to be getting some black/white poly film for it. I do agree with the mylar as it works well it just gets dirty alot and tends to get a film on it which severly alter the 95-98% reflection. Whites a little less reflective but requires about zero cleaning. Also mirrors "eat" light yes they reflect it as well but it doesnt do as good a job as mylar. I believe it has something to do with the light having to travel thru the thin piece of glass before and after it gets reflected (the reflective side is in a sense behind the glass) causing a massive loss of light wave. No expert there just an opinion based on thousands of hours of reading.

Those thick lines are for my drip system, from my CO2 regulator I used about 10ft 1/4" line then used a "T" at the end, took a 10" piece of 1/4" hose drilled 8 holes in it, connected the ring to the two open sides of the T and laid it in the pot of the grand daddy plant. Honestly. I dont see a bit of difference in vegatative growth I havent had a steady couple grows with the same plant types yet though, however in my last aero setup at the thirty day marker the aero w/o CO2 was far larger.
I read Ed Rosenthals short book on CO2 and plant life he says no difference was noticed in veg growth either but massive differences in flower.

I also for a while made that same CO2 ring and attached it to the back of a fan. I think thats probubly the way to go. Also being that it is a heavy gas you want to make sure you get some vertical airflow so as to throw it in the air and let it fall down again...



Well-Known Member
Killer internodial growth going on the two FIMmed stems and cenral shaft got FIMmed again 2 days ago responding quite nicely.. I noticed the plant likes waterings even when the coco is stilll damp. works great no over water so far. basically watering thru in morning and before lights shut out..

