1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
ive caved, the atkins is doing my head in i had friday off with a migraine and this morning i woke up with another one my body is going bananas without carbs so its back on the good stuff SHOW ME THE TATTIES woooooooop wopwop im gonna have me a few britneys for good measure!!!!

WTF dieting!!! The only time I will diet is when they put me in the box, nail it shut and put me 6ft under lol.
Life is for living enjoying getting off it party on!
The so called do gooders can stick the good advice up there shiters.:peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
WTF dieting!!! The only time I will diet is when they put me in the box, nail it shut and put me 6ft under lol.
Life is for living enjoying getting off it party on!
The so called do gooders can stick the good advice up there shiters.:peace:

yeah i hear that man, i had and still have the same view but since i packed the tabs in me metabolism went to shit n i put on 4 stone n the difference even just walkin about is massive i wouldnt care if id never been fitter before but now i have been im gutted i let myself put on 4 whole fuckin stone. im losin the weight for me not anyone else. and believe me i do live my life how i want ( hence im fat hahahaha ) i might give the rave diet another go... go back to buying hundreds of E and dance me sen thin.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aparently according to the dangerous drugs program errr dispatches or horizon i forget a year after youve had E whether youve had a few or like me n westy a few hundred, your brain returns to the way it was when it started 1 year from the day you stop taking it.

maybe a return to the DnB scene is called for but id just be that weirdo old guy raving like a nutter at the back of the rave


Well-Known Member
so everything is chugging along fine apart from me cheese :cry: :confused: n i dont know where im going wrong its got water but not too much its only under an envorilite so the temps should be fine and everything else around it is going fine?!?! why is my cheese doing poorly?!?!?!?

anyone ??

this is the psychosis next to the cheese, same age cut?!

general tent shot.......
Hey Don.

Looks like that little one has got a bad batch of soil.
Maybe your mix for that one was bit hot?
That will cause plants to look stunted and a bit fucked up.
What do you put in your soil mix?
I'd transplant that little bugger into new soil and watch it take off.

PS. Tent is looking fucking fantastic!

mr west

Well-Known Member
Might be worth a try Don mate cant hurt can it? Im gonna put a few plants under the sun in a secret loacation today, so I dont want anyone following me laters lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey Don.

Looks like that little one has got a bad batch of soil.
Maybe your mix for that one was bit hot?
That will cause plants to look stunted and a bit fucked up.
What do you put in your soil mix?
I'd transplant that little bugger into new soil and watch it take off.

PS. Tent is looking fucking fantastic!
Hey Mam!

well to be honest i cut corners and saved my ass a trip to BnQ n bought some cheap soil from morrisons( i know i know lesson learnt ) its full of hard lumps and bits of twig or someshit, but as for what i put in the soil, nothing but some perlite, i fed with a 1/4 strength bit of veg nute biobizz to see if she'd perk up. but thats it nothing.... the one sat next to her is in exactly the same mix?!!?....im stumped.

i got a new bag of soil couple of weeks ago n i need to pot on the other babies tonight so ill change her up n hope the shock doesnt kill her :-|

rest of the tent is starting to look pretty good tho id like them all to be fat colas by now with only 3 weeks left, so far only one looks like turd colas the rest are a bit flimsy.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mam!

well to be honest i cut corners and saved my ass a trip to BnQ n bought some cheap soil from morrisons( i know i know lesson learnt ) its full of hard lumps and bits of twig or someshit, but as for what i put in the soil, nothing but some perlite, i fed with a 1/4 strength bit of veg nute biobizz to see if she'd perk up. but thats it nothing.... the one sat next to her is in exactly the same mix?!!?....im stumped.

i got a new bag of soil couple of weeks ago n i need to pot on the other babies tonight so ill change her up n hope the shock doesnt kill her :-|

rest of the tent is starting to look pretty good tho id like them all to be fat colas by now with only 3 weeks left, so far only one looks like turd colas the rest are a bit flimsy.

With a good transplant there little or no shock involved.
In fact they love it.
Just use a bigger pot than what you got and don't upset her too much with the transition.
Then let the little girl grow into her new home.
She'll love it :hump: :lol:

It's always weird when you put 2 plants in the same mix of soil and one does well and the other doesn't.
This is frustratingly normal though.
Give her roots some new territory and I'm sure she'll kick on.
You should see improvement in 5 -7 days.

Even without the 'donkey dick colas', your tent still looks the goods mate ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
With a good transplant there little or no shock involved.
In fact they love it.
Just use a bigger pot than what you got and don't upset her too much with the transition.
Then let the little girl grow into her new home.
She'll love it :hump: :lol:

It's always weird when you put 2 plants in the same mix of soil and one does well and the other doesn't.
This is frustratingly normal though.
Give her roots some new territory and I'm sure she'll kick on.
You should see improvement in 5 -7 days.

Even without the 'donkey dick colas', your tent still looks the goods mate ;)
haha i'm sure there'll be the odd donkey kickin about by the end of 3 weeks lol im gonna have to do some careful arranging as ive got everything at different stages in my veg cupboard as the next size pot i have is like 2 gallon, might cut a pop bottle up n use that instead ?!

im thinking about getting a purple cfl to go with the envirolite to help with my lowryders.

i really hope she pulls through its exodus cheese, a rare clone only jobby!

mr west

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha this makes me laugh so hard its aldis soil all over again, those of u who dont kno i bought some aldis soil to cut corner and it almost killed all my plants and funnily enough my first cheese cut. Oh the irony hahahahaha :joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hey Mam!

well to be honest i cut corners and saved my ass a trip to BnQ n bought some cheap soil from morrisons( i know i know lesson learnt ) hope the shock doesnt kill her :-|

never cut corner on basics, dont u remember in december the shit i was dealing with?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

ok so the repotting went well the 3 chiesel were well rooted and should take off! the cheese when i lifted the pot upside down was showing loads of white roots through the bottom of the pot so i think shes deffo on the up n up:hump: now shes got a big ass 9litre pot to play in tho the pots are all different sizes its like sitting down to xmas dinner with the emergancy chairs. everyones at different hieghts....

lowryders to the right should be showing sex pretty soon, im deffo gonna have to get some more light in there tho.