Well seeing as Ive gained some support on this subject...
let it be known i'm INDEPENDENt. i don't play that false-paradigm republic/democrat bullshit game or even that liberal/conservative BS. Dems are doing what repubs once did and libs/conservs are terms that are so inter-exchanged they hold no meaning anymore. I'm a "constitutionalist" if anything because.......
**the best tyrants and dictators this world has ever seen know that the best way to conquer a country is to insight confrontation and fighting between the people** ...and look what we have. ppl arguing over "dem this" or "repub that" when both forces are pre-selected by bankers who FUND their campaign from the start, otherwise they'd have no chance (AHEM ron paul). Both parties are only making the gov't more rich and powerful
.let's look @ more facts and i'll leave it up to you obama-supporters to either A. put the pieces together or B. turn blind eyes and deaf ears
-obama ran the most expensive campaign ever in the history of this country. it's all about dollars baby. dollars, charisma and lies. Obama lies with charisma, confidence and some humor so he gets away with it
-majority of obama's foreign and domestic policies are identical to bush's. REMEMBER 2 days after election day when the big news was that obama was closing down guantanamo bay? turns out these torturous interrogation methods were sent OVERSEAS, but of course you didn't hear about that unless you dug for the info
-timothy geithner, former NY federal reserve president, is our treasury secretary. here's a guy who..."forgot" to pay $34,000 in taxes w/the excuse that "turbo tax fucked it up." YOU OR I, the "average citizen", would be facing serious jail time for tax evasion but these guys are apparently above the law.
-in 1775 we waged the american revolutionary war, one of the prime reasons (documented by benjamin franklin) was because the british colonies were issuing currency for the american colonies and collecting interest in taxes from the currency they produce. we REBELLED against this system when we became aware of it's foot-hold threat so we broke free, howeeeevveerrr....
-in 1913, the fed's banking act was passed under woodrow wilson, allowing for the federal reserve (not a federal but a public business) to merge with federal gov't and rape us for taxes. the IRS was born and so was fascism.
-Obama has increased the defense budget by almost 5%...calling for an additional 83 billion to secure afghanistan.
-Say what you will, but a bankrupt government cannot save a bankrupt banking system. And when we pay for printed money. MUCH LESS the fact our dollar hasn't been backed by a gold standard since Nixon was in office. Our dollars are worth only as much as are printed and in circulation. With that said...
OUR DOLLAR CAN ONLY LOSE VALUE and if it DOESN't lose value, it'll only be because of increases in taxes, which we are NOW SEEING. carbon-taxes anyone? soon you'll be taxed to take a shit. how could anybody in their right mind believe a bailout could possibly work? it didn't work in the 30's durin the great depression, didn't work last year and it won't work this time
so while obama keeps joking about how he "inherited this mess" people who KNOW the FACts can see that he's perpetuating the bush regimen and carrying the problem to new heights.
(yes this was in the zeitgeist film but it's the only part of the film with hard, factual info that I appreciated. don't trust one source tho- research others, and you'll my info is FACtual, PROOF).
the facts are laid out infront of you, and for those who say it's been too soon- smell the fuckin coffee. Look @ his cabinet, look @ the facts. no conspiracies here.
I get so frustrated cuz nobody is INQUISItIVE anymore. most people don't even care to follow the issues. they just take what they see at face-value and if it's not the candidate they wanted, they simply support him anyway because "it's our prez, and our country, and ur not patriotic if you don't" ...or sometimes in this case, "because he's black"
I'm sorry but I live by the constitution and the vision our founding fathers had for this country. not the military industrial complex eisenhower so famously warned us of. that's what makes ME patriotic. if u ask me, we desperately need a revolution in this country otherwise the same madness will continue.
Our country has become much more fascist than most people care to admit. Obama is now the chief shareholder of major corporations such as GM and AIG.
i agree w/whomever said "RESPECt isn't handed, it's EARNED"
off topic but....has anybody heard of new currencies being produced by some cities/towns/districts? My buddy told me about this-apparently you can trade your dollars now in some cities for "city cash" or some shit??