Whaaaaatssss up?!
So. The plants are now 26 days old after sprout. Things are looking good so far. I think these two are right on track. All growth is healthy, which includes a lot of new top growth and some lower growth as well. Since I put them into the new soil, things have looked up.
I've been reading alot about the SCROG method, and I really want to try it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to. I'm afraid I might mess something up if I try it, but I guess there's no better way to learn how to do it than to try it. If I do, I'll be using a combination of LST and SCROG. So, we'll see what I decide to do.
Thai (Pictures 1-3) My Thai plant is looking beautiful. This one has definitely shown way more growth than the Sour Diesel, but I think that is because the SD is still in shock from the transplant. Either way, I love to see the new growth on this one. Plenty of top and lower growth, and starting its 5th node, so I'll be starting to train this one this week sometime.
Sour Diesel (Pictures 4-6) My Sour Diesel plant is on the less attractive end of the scale, but I have confidence that this one will bounce back fully. As you can see in the pictures, I have been doing some clipping and pruning, trying to keep the dead or dying parts of leaves removed. It doesn't look quite as bushy as the Thai plant does, but I think its in shock from losing part of its rootball during transplant.
Picture 7 - Overhead of both in new pots.
So, let me know what you guys think about these two little ones. I would love any info or input on the SCROG idea. Peeaaace out duuudes