anyone know of any legal plants that look like mj?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
hemp?....looks just like weed plants...but just grows straight up..kinda like a stock of corn...still looks like weed...but has o%thc


Well-Known Member
Hemp is illegal to grow in the US. Why would you put a patch of illegal plants to try and conceal another patch of illegal plants?


Well-Known Member
Great point Tom +rep for you. Be similar to burning down the barn to get rid of the rats. Now George Washington could grow Hemp but not us:)



Well-Known Member
Did anyone say anything but being in the go fuck yourself..thats why im in country in the world


Well-Known Member
Darkdestruction420, what country are you in? I figured USA but maybe I'm wrong... ryeguy I think you might have some anger issues.... Someone need a hug maybe? :hug:


Well-Known Member
So why is covering up pot plants, with plants that look like pot plants a good idea? It seems to me like it would make more sense to cover them with something that looks nothing like pot.


Well-Known Member
no anger issues...just dont like people that think there all that and a bag of potato chips :D:D


Well-Known Member
Seen a cute pic of an outdoor grow where the evil dope head had turned the killer weed into a well trimmed hedge around the front of his house. Narcs like to never found it. Looked like Holly Bushes etc. They could smell it but couldn't find it. Somebody should try that especially if they Quebeckerpeckers where stuff like that aint against the law eh?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Hemp is illegal to grow in the US. Why would you put a patch of illegal plants to try and conceal another patch of illegal plants?
Cause thats the new thing. All the cool kids are doing it.

Might want to check out grafting? Not sure if that's the right name for what im talking about.

But in the FAG section i believe there is a part about plants that look similar.


Well-Known Member
I second what someone said earlier... the reason you wanna do this is so no one knows youre growing the ol' MJ, but to your neighbors, law enforcement, etc. they'll still think its weed, because thats what it looks like, then when someone is called in for a closer look, they'll prolly notice the difference once up close. Just an opinion.

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
So why is covering up pot plants, with plants that look like pot plants a good idea? It seems to me like it would make more sense to cover them with something that looks nothing like pot.
Yeah thats a good point as well. If its mistaken for pot and pot is illegal people are gunna have a look if they spot it. Then the cats out of the bag.


Well-Known Member
I would defiantly use legal plants to cover up the illegal ones. Neighbors aren't going to mess with a patch of corn if they smell weed , but if they smell weed and see plants that look like weed then your weed will be found. You would be better off building a wall around your weed and spray painting: THERE IS NO WEED BEHIND THIS WALL! on it.