Topsy Turvy Grow - upsidedown


Well-Known Member
lol looks like a failed experiment,but i guess time will going to leave it like that ?i think it might just stretch really bad.


Active Member
Haha that shit's crazy. I'm gonna keep an eye on this to see how it goes. Good luck. Who knows you might be starting the new trend haha:hump:


New Member
Did u see the video after 24 hours? =D Link is there... its doing very well. Its going to stretch, but fail... =D Stay tuned


Well-Known Member
Awesome I'm so glad that someone decided to try this out. I have been wondering how mj would grow in one of those from the first time I saw them. + rep


Active Member
How has it failed? It's just bent toward the light-a simple and obvious phototrophic respone. It's only going to grow down if he puts the light below it.


New Member
Its soil in the bag. Just like a regular plant and grow except its upside down. Im very interested to se this thing go. I cannot imagine it would produce less...


Well-Known Member
The commercial says that it produces fruits and veggies in less time. When my brother bought one of these for his tomatoe I was woundering how it would work on my pot plants. I guess we will find out huh!

Well-Known Member
I am going to be watching this.

I see that retarded commercial all of the time, and have always wondered how it would work.



Well-Known Member
I've heard of growing other fruit bearing plants, such as tomatoes, in the same fashion. It's supposed to help with delivery of H20/nutes to the fruit, or something along that line.

Anyways, this should be interesting. Subscribed.



Well-Known Member
cool, i also bought one to try this and i will also be putting one in for my next lot of grow, right now into flow stage on 5 plants.


Well-Known Member
nice one for trying something new.
I thought about doing this to see if you can get a larger root system in the same size pot because roots will always try to grow down so if you were to have them upright for a week or 2 and then upside down for another week or 2 and so on, you would have roots filling the whole pot not just concentrated at the bottom


Well-Known Member
thank you.. finaly some one to prove the sceptics wrong... i havnt donee anything with those upside down planters.. but it seems very plausible that it will produce faster from the reversal of the pull of gravity... scribed... Pe@ce..