180 seeds hit the dirt today


Well-Known Member
yeh im gonna watch this too. i got a lil seed collection stackin up that will one day lead to something like this i think. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
welp. i put out 30 out like that. but i germinated them . ill probably get nothing. and you'll have a forest lol. good luck to you sir


Well-Known Member
Look at it like this: if half of your plants come up=90, and if half of those turn out to be female you'll end up w/ at least 45 usable plants. Now, if out of all those you end up w/ lets say a 1/4 off each one ( a low estimate I know, but better to be surprised w/ more than expected than less than expected) then you'd end up w/ over 11 oz. of bud. Not a bad haul if your expectations weren't too high to begin w/.


Well-Known Member
well I AAm hoping for the best, so we'll see like I said Ill keep everyone Posted with updates as soon as they peek and sprout


Well-Known Member
We're about to go litter a creek valley with ~100 seeds, depending on how stoned & tired we get.

The group figured that if we have to go out to scout for specific spots, then might as well get seeds in the ground before the trees are done budding and the canopy is full.

Low expectations + Hundreds of seeds = Something crops up somewhere


i this will work. i have just trown seeds on on the ground ans some have sprouted. after a good rainfall im sure they will sprout


Active Member
I barely ever germ my seeds. just drop em in peat the right way and water them. If you have a good spot, you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
Do you veg? If not, how are your yields?

I do veg.... my yields are good, :D I have two journal thingies one outdoor and one indoor..... and I had one last year... if you look at my profile and go to threads started you will see them... they have all been updated in the last week or so...


Well-Known Member
you should get some pics up and keep us posted.... also when they do sprout up and get a bit of height to them get some time relese fert and go around the area with it.. it will give you a better end crop and give the plants a little boost


Well-Known Member
I might have a small problem, about 7 inchs of rain throughout the last 3 days, and 50-60% rain the next 2 with high humidity and like low 70's as a temp...AND its still raining as we speak, Is all this rain going to effect the seedlings? Its not on a flood land or anything theres no real spot for it to flood and its kindof on a sloop. Kindof havn me freaked out a little. Any ideas about the amount of rainfall ive gotten?


Active Member
I might have a small problem, about 7 inchs of rain throughout the last 3 days, and 50-60% rain the next 2 with high humidity and like low 70's as a temp...AND its still raining as we speak, Is all this rain going to effect the seedlings? Its not on a flood land or anything theres no real spot for it to flood and its kindof on a sloop. Kindof havn me freaked out a little. Any ideas about the amount of rainfall ive gotten?

how are you not gonna get caught by the cops especally if thye fly over with the chopper that a huge plot?????????:confused:


Well-Known Member
Where I planted is within a 2 mile No Fly zone... (Nuke Power Plant) The only time someone flys over my area is when a plane gets to close then they send out the Fighter Jets :)


Well-Known Member
people from all over the u.s. go to Iowa during deer season, which is when your crop will be in full bloom. just something to think about.
you did it right though by dropping the seeds in the ground, you'll have some healthy plants.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Where I planted is within a 2 mile No Fly zone... (Nuke Power Plant) The only time someone flys over my area is when a plane gets to close then they send out the Fighter Jets :)
This is one of the most simply, yet best statements I have ever read on here. +rep.