
Well-Known Member
Those skulls are amazing.
I looked them up on ebay all kinds of botchen stone work.
They had dragon skulls,bobcats,wolfs,human. And the prices are much lower then i would have thought.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I swear, I'm donating.It's just coming a little slow.I'm not rich, but I promise I'll contribute what I can.And I don't go into chat because the atmosphere feels unwelcoming.Just saying.:hug:
threads like this are killing our server. i only see one elite member. hmmmmmmm ...................

we do have a chat room. :)


New Member
Yes, I agree with the chat comment Stoney. There are some INANE and rude posters on these forums who inhabit chat. Well chat is an unfiltered version of forum posting since I'm assuming that typing lets you formulate a more "thoughtful" response, where chat is wing ding fly out of your mouth..... chat...bleh.

out. :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's why I like chatting in the forums exactly, cracker.Lets me talk to more than one person at a time without confusion, and I can formulate a more cogent response.:peace:
Yes, I agree with the chat comment Stoney. There are some INANE and rude posters on these forums who inhabit chat. Well chat is an unfiltered version of forum posting since I'm assuming that typing lets you formulate a more "thoughtful" response, where chat is wing ding fly out of your mouth..... chat...bleh.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I went in the chat the other day and got told do not ask any questions in here blah blah blah.
And that was before i had typed a word i just left.
Will try again though.


New Member
It's like getting on the Hooterville Party line!! :lol:

Exactly Stoney....I like to take my time formulating a post. This one took me four hours...

out. :blsmoke: