first time grow see pics!!


Active Member
this is my first time grow i have all bag seeds they are 23 days old they are under 2 four foot flouresents these are just some of these pics what is that yellow streak



Well-Known Member
They look great to me, but it's time to transplant them into some 3 gallon containers. Bury them a little deeper than they are now and watch the light/heat.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal~ Your roots are growing like mad in there, the more room you give them to grow the better. Here I will take it straight from growers bible (Jorge Cervantes). One sec.


Well-Known Member
Minimun Container Size
Plant age Container size
1-3 weeks root cube
2-6 weeks 4 inch
6-8 weeks 2-gallon
2-3 months 3-gallon
3-8 months 5-gallon
6-18 months 10-gallon


dude you can veg in wha you got for atleast 2 more weeks easy. real easy. i veggd for 31 days in 16 oz dixie cups with no problems. its betetr to do this cuzz your roots will make the most frm the space available


Well-Known Member
dude you can veg in wha you got for atleast 2 more weeks easy. real easy. i veggd for 31 days in 16 oz dixie cups with no problems. its betetr to do this cuzz your roots will make the most frm the space available
LOL that baby is way to high :shock:.
I see you have the book. That's the book I learned from. Set me straight. If you follow that book as much as you can, you will get the best results possible from your plants. After a few Awesome grows you will learns what to tweak and where to experiment.


Well-Known Member
When my plants get the size yours are I have no quams useing fresh FF ocean forest and repoting them into 3 gallon caontainers. If I don't have the space available yet I leave them a few more weeks until a spot opens up.


Active Member
why is the small one so small they are all in the same i dont do anything special for one

these are two of my plants the biggest one and then smallest one



im growing for the first time in my closet, there auto flowering dwarfs. i got 4 auto ak 47 x auto blueberry goin, there under a 1000 watt light wit 2 fans. If any one knows about auto flowering dwarfs let me no i need as much info as possible.


Active Member
im growing for the first time in my closet, there auto flowering dwarfs. i got 4 auto ak 47 x auto blueberry goin, there under a 1000 watt light wit 2 fans. If any one knows about auto flowering dwarfs let me no i need as much info as possible.

just put them under 24 hours of light make sure they have enough food and water then wait


Well-Known Member
the one is just a weak plant, you will have seeds that turn out to be good and seeds that turn out not so good. as far as your stem being crooked I would think it is trying to bend towards your light...